Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. TheMish

    He did more than that. Although overwhelming force does work pretty well too.
  2. Syggelekokle

    Did you mean POTP because one of these things is not like the other..

  3. DQCraze

    Hello, we do. VS always has pop so when they start losing a base they drop 5 platoons on it. We dont have the numbers to match. Do even know what server you play on?
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    A year ago this was happening to us, and we didn't have the numbers to match. Suck it up cupcake.
  5. Ronin Oni

    When there's an alert, all 3 factions could max that 1 continent.

    TR often doesn't, and goes to another continent. To ghost cap.

    I seen it. I couldn't believe it. I stayed and lost terribly but got what bonus XP I could.

    Ghost capping is just about the absolute worst thing to do with my time. Boring AND **** XP
  6. LodeTria

    I'm sure if you gave NC & TR a way to easily target armour from 700 meters out we'd wreck all your magriders pretty easily.
  7. Jalek

    I recall a lot of complaints about them dropping 12-15 galaxies on a base, then redeploying to hit the next one minutes later.
    It was more than a zerg with the amount of coordination involved, but the only counter would've been to gather matching numbers, and nobody seems to do that.
  8. Mad Hatter

    Currently the biggest outfit on NC/Emerald is led by someone who has already once been banned for hacking , and runs a small community/forum based on hacks, cheats, etc. He brags about exploiting openly and has been on a relentless spam campaign to pump their numbers. Constantly joining every open squad/platoon and spamming every unoutfitted member. I'm sure many of you have seen this and know of whom I speak.

    Some good points have been raised in this thread, but are mostly made irrelevant when we have this sort of scum representing our faction.

    For this and other reasons, NC is the weakest it's ever been. As someone who has only ever played this faction/server, I can admit to being a little sad by this.
  9. Paragon Exile

    Join the Vanu, let the science flow through you!
  10. LightningWolfTigrBer

    Wow, that bad huh? I've seen some pretty blatant hackers, but I've never heard of one leading an outfit. Stuff like that doesn't bode well for the future of the game..
  11. TheShrapnelKing

    A few notes I'd like to make:

    1. The 'git gud" advice coming, as usual, from the Vanu Elitists is both good advice, and terrible at the same time. Good, because NC and TR lack almost any good outfits, and bad because the expectation that simply throwing your average player into constant outnumbered fights will turn them into badasses is a fallacy only an elitist, such as one finds in the VS, could think was actually true.

    Let me spell it out plain: the vast majority of players in Planetside cannot reliably kill more than 1 enemy before they die. A majority still can't even kill one. If you think that throwing them into Alamos like DA likes to participate in is going to help, you're wrong. They'll rage quit.

    2. The entrenched Vanu Elite makes it difficult to even start a good outfit, let alone create one. The VS has poached most of the best players on the server.

    3. And make no mistake, almost all the best players on Emerald either main VS or have VS alts they play very frequently. This is the fundamental problem, there is no competition to counter the best of the VS forces, there simply isn't. Even if we assume the VS, TR ad NC all have the same sorts of lower-tier outfits, there are no NC or TR equivalents to something like AC, DA or ZAPS. They don't exist.

    4. I just knew this would happen when the servers merged. I naively thought "You know, maybe us quiet kindly Waterson people can get along with the MAttherson people". NOPE. NC command chat is worse than Youtube comments, the TR have been lobotomized and there weren't that many Waterson VS so the Emerald VS are virtually indistinguishable from the Mattherson VS (ie a bunch of elitist pricks who never pass up on an opportunity to make me hate them even more). There is no quiet laid back fighting now, that sickening try-hard competitive elitism from Mattherson has just oozed and perverted everything, even me. I couldn't stay my old self, I've turned into one of them because of the VS - the VS have made me into a still mostly silent but very much annoyed and pissed-off combatant. I ******* HATE the VS. I don't run away from the VS to fight TR, oh no - that old animosity I had for the TR? Gone. The Waterson days are long gone, these Vanu ****ers deserve my wrath now. You can go on with whatever you're doing TR. I mostly kill VS now. I take extreme pleasure in gunning you bastards down by the hundreds every play session, I want mooooore. GIVE me more VS, I need PURPLE. ******* DIE. I SAID ******* DIE! FEED MY GODSAW YOU SPANDEX PRICKS.

    If the VS disappeared tomorrow, I woudl not mourn the fact that the game would only be a two-way instead of a three-way fight. THAT is how bad this is, that I'd rather give up the 3-way fight mechanic than have the VS continue to exist.
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  12. Paragon Exile

    Why not try and slap the spandex on for a few days and revel in the limitless reserves of tryharding the Vanu can provide?
  13. TheShrapnelKing

    No. **** you guys. I don't believe in the whole "if you can't beat em join em" crap. You don't deserve any contribution from me. I literally don't care anymore if the NC never wins another alert - as long as I can keep killing lots of Vanu I'll be happy, because you all deserve to die.
  14. Paragon Exile

    Hey man, mowing down space rednecks is my vitamins, bring it on.
  15. Negator

  16. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm sure there's plenty of ******** NC for you, there never seem to be a shortage. I"ve watched VS players gameplay - I'm never quite sure if they're having such an easy time because the NC are so much more easy to kill than the VS, or if they're all simply pr0. I'm inclined to think the former.

    I, however, am not so inclined to getting mowed down, so good luck with that.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Just join the VS.. you know you are going to eventually.. or they will drive you to uninstall. :p
  18. TheShrapnelKing

    Bailing to Connery for good or uninstalling are the only options. I hate them too much to even contemplate assisting them.
  19. LIKE A BOSS!

    This is the kind of things that help me wake up and play PS2. When just my presence makes people rage.
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  20. TheShrapnelKing