[Suggestion] Lancers need a nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yosarian, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Yosarian

    Hardcore, you wanted a constructive post here it is.

    1. They can fire out of infantry render range, which means they can hit me but I can't hit them.

    2. They do WAY too much damage, they 2 hit my prowler and that's utter crap, no other ESL can do this, and in lancer squads? Forget it, game over.
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  2. Demigan

    Eh? 2-hit? I've never had that happen to me. Lancers are good, but I've never viewed them as OP so far. I'm mostly NC by the way so I'm at the sticky end of Lancers.
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  3. DHT#

    They just need to change the damage so that it drops off to almost nothing after about 200m.
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  4. Legion494

    2 hit? You do know that a fully charged shot only does 750 damage, thats less then faction dumbfires and a Prowler has 4000 hitpoints, Yes it has a extremely fast velocity and almost unlimited range but it does jack all damage, Although lancer squads can mess stuff up but its the same with every weapon, hell you can have a squad of infis with the lowest dps pistol in the game and they can wreak a person in a second. You only notice the power of lancer squads because they encourage teamwork to use efficiently like most 'special' (defining weapons eg. lasher, lancer, light PPA, hell even the beamer) VS weapons. Ive seen squads of striker and phoenix users own tank columns but you dont see it much because most of TR and NC weapons are more based around solo play rather than team play
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  5. McgeeLacroix

    Teamwork OP! Please Nerf!!
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  6. Legion494

    Sounds about right
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  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    lancers probably ruin this guy's prowler HE farm and k/d

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  8. sindz

    Here we go again. Another ******** thread with blatantly lies in a desperate attempt to get a weapon nerfed.

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  9. DatVanuMan

    Lancer: Needs a damage buff. Plus 100 on each stage.
    Striker: This crap is USELESS. Bring A BIT of its past performance back.
    Phoenix: Plenty of resistance ignoring, but that's useless when it can't hit anything. Make guiding it easier, and it should deal 1,100 damage.
    BAM, your Striker is actually capable of doing something:)
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  10. RuthlessMoose

    Let's have a look at the Empire Specific Rocket Launchers

    T2 Striker
    Rate of Fire: 400 RPM
    Velocity: 120m/s
    Firemodes: Lock-on to both AIr and Ground, Rapid fire
    Damage: 335

    NC15 Pheonix
    Rate of Fire: 200 RPM
    Velocity: 42m/s
    Firemodes: Guided
    Damage: 750

    Lancer VS22
    Rate of Fire: 200 RPM
    Velocity: 600/700/800 m/s (Dependant on charge level)
    Firemodes: Charged
    Damage: 150/375/750 (Dependant on charge level)

    In terms of reliable damage output, the T2 Striker seems to have the greatest capabilities. 335x5 (Due to 5 shots per mag) = 1675
    The damage output is far higher than any other rocket launcher. It's flaws are that you have to hang around, whilst keeping your target in view and thus potentially exposing your self to other incoming fire. Used in a group however it is devestating.

    NC15 Pheonix is perhaps the most fun rocket launcher to use, yet the one most likely to get you killed. It's range is limited however (I believe it is something like 280m, I might be wrong) and is fires an extremely slow rocket glowing blue saying "Watch out, get out of the way." A damage of 750m is lower than other rocket launchers, but I think it's a fair trade off for being able to fire completely behind cover and able to strike enemies. Best used when using multiple pheonix's together to focus on one target.

    Lancer VS22 on paper looks superior. A huge increase of velocity compared to other rocket launchers almost makes it a sniper rocket. However on lower charges its damage is mediocre, if not dreadful in comparison to other rocket lauchers, and the user has to be exposed to fire whilst using it. I do think that it is a fair trade off for being able to hit targets almost immediately, not giving opponents the chance to get out of the way and avoid damage. If a player is successful in getting a high charge it pays off, being able to hit enemies quickly whilst delivering a decent amount of damage. Again, this weapon is more devastating in groups.

    Overall all of the launchers have 1 thing in common, they are not as effective when used by them selves and require other squad or team mates for it to deliver its capabilities.

    The weapons were not designed to be significantly better from the rest, but simply to offer variation of game play which can not be achieved from other rocket launchers.
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  11. MrNature72

    I'm sorry but sh*t was capable of, is capable of, and always will be capable of killing you from out of visible range. There's optics designed for at.m

    What these people are using are called ATGM's, save for the Lancer (more of a LAW there, same for dumb fires). They are meant to reach out and touch people. What do you expect? The entire point of long-range AT systems is to be able to safely harm tanks and other armored vehicles without having to put yourself in danger. Kind of like the range of SPAAG's and MANPADS. The range of a dedicated hard-counter is at its finest when it out ranges the thing it's meant to counter.

    Welcome to warfare, son. Sh*t doesn't always play the way you want it, but you gotta ball up and get used to it.

    On another note, the 2-hit lancer thing is mad hardcore bullsh*t. Not even the Phoenix, with basically ignores all resistances with ridiculous multipliers, can do that.
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  12. Frosty The Pyro

    750 is the lancers anti-infantry damge, not its AV damage, just like lock ons 1000 is its AI damage, not its AV. Both do 1500 AV (in reference to ground targets, air targets resistances are all over the place).

    similarly 4000 is a MBTs raw health, and is fairly useless due to armor and resistances (as a note when i mentioned AV damage above that is post resistances pre armor). IIRC a prowler has 11,111 effecive hp (post armor) to the front, and ~5700 from the rear. (so yeah lancers will NOT 2 shot a tank)

    in trueth the lancer is the best HA launcher for solo play (in respects to anti vehicle use), I can go over the reasons for that if you would like. Mind you no rocket launcher is particularly good solo.

    While not a bad analysis I have seen, you are also skipping over the whole resistances thing. After all is said and done a pheonix hits for ~2000, the striker for ~500, and the lancer for 1500, and full charge lancer use has the highest dps of the three I beleive, though striker and pheonix dps are both range dependent, I dont know the threshold on the striker, but the lancer starts out dpsing the pheonix at ~40 to 50m IIRC, and has around 2x dps by the time you hit pheonix max range. The phoenix, like the dumbfires, also deal reduced damage to sunderers whereas the lancer maintains its full multiplier. The pheonix aslo has slightly reduced damage vs air, but only slightly, it still hits air like a goram TRUCK. The lancer and striker deal less damage vs air, though they can hit air much much more consistantly than the phoenix macking them better AA than the pheonix. (but again, when the phoenix does hit, like a truck)
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  13. Thurwell

    It is annoying that the lancer can hit things outside of render range. Most AV weapons can do this but the lancer can do it from farther away. But if they're going to nerf the range they should up the crummy damage to compensate.
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  14. Maelthra

    For the record, it actually takes 4 fully charged Lancer shots to kill a Prowler from the rear. It actually also takes the default S1 launcher 4 hits (3 puts the Prowler on fire).
  15. Foxirus

    The shot is not unlimited, after about 600m, The shot vanishes.

    On another note, let me mention that range is the ONLY thing the lancer has going for it. You have to stand out in the open to charge it, then you have to reload it after only two charge shots. I could understand if the Lancer had a bottomeless clip with no reload, Only charge times, But it doesn't.

    By every other form, The lancer is inferior to the other two faction launchers. Range is ALL it has.

    Is that all you can come up with to dictate a nerf to the lancer?

    1. Range is all the lancer has. Every other aspect of it is inferior to the other two faction launchers. It has to CHARGE before it can fire, Then reload after two charges. That is alot of time wasted that I can't do DPS.

    2. Are you ignorant? The lancer can't kill anything but a flash (requires one full charge shot) in two shots no matter where you hit. A tank is a minimum of 4 TO THE REAR.
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  16. Frosty The Pyro

    its range is a lot more than 600, The only times I have fired at a target and missed due to projectile limits was a gal at render distance, so i would estimate that limit closer to 900m. but it is definatly more than 600, the G2A lock ons have a limit of 500m and I tag aircraft way outside that range with my lancer.

    also the lancer out dps the other faction launchers by a large margin. lancer pulls 273 dps, pheonix is around 157 (it raises as you get closer, IIRC it matches lancer dps at ~50m). And the striker is in a similar boat though i dont have the exact numbers on it, but between the lock on time, the fire time of 5 rockets, the guidance time, and reload, it has a pretty long cycle.

    strikers damage type is also particularly good against sunderers, it will outperform a decimeter vs sundies.

    mind you the guy you are quoting is wrong, but that doesnt mean you are not equally wrong.
  17. LordMatt XLVIII

    Lancers and their max counterpart are ridiculous. Unlike the striker, which at least has a range cutoff, a lancer squad can **** on anything in eyesight. As a standalone weapon it's fairly balanced, but in team play it becomes FAR too OP, more so than the striker or phoenix.

    Striker: requires least expertise to utilize to utmost effect, very little tactical flexibility. has a ~300m cutoff range.

    Phoenix: requires a good degree of skill to use effectively, enormous tactical potential. has a ~300m cutoff range.

    Lancer: Requiresmoderate skill to use effectively, easier to coordinate due to it's simple point and shoot nature. has no specific cutoff range.

    Something should be done to give lancers a cutoff range resembling that of the other factions, and possibly a lowering of the uncharged bolt's fire rate, maybe even in exchange for a tad more damage.
  18. LordMatt XLVIII

    The problem is that the other two factions don't have that capability. This game is supposed to have incongruent BALANCE, the lancer should be brought into similar capacity of the striker and phoenix, and be given the same ~300m cutoff range the other two launchers suffer from.
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  19. MrNature72

    It's called assymetrical balance. The Vanu have a super-long range laser, something that lets them reach out and touch someone. However, it is the weakest damage wise in comparison to the other two.

    The NC have the Phoenix, a telivision-guided WMD of a missile. It has huge multipliers against armor and most vehicles have almost no resistance against it. However, it requires manual finesse to actually land a hit, and is extremely dangerous to use, as you're just a target.

    The TR get a spam-mobile. Rockets, rockets everywhere. In numbers, this can lead to disorientation, and knocking pretty much anything off the map.

    Balance, yes. It is balanced. The Vanu hold the range advantage, but not the rate or raw power advantage. I see your point: it's devestating. But so is the Phoenix. Spawn-room heroes can use the Phoenix to do more damage while stuck in spawn than ANY other faction. And the TR? Well, they get a loooooot of rockets.
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  20. Frosty The Pyro

    resistance and multiplier are the same thing, not seperate things. end result is the pheonix hits like a decimator.
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