Is NC doomed as a faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonynonymous, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Fenrisk

    So on paper more people think NC is the best faction to start with or they like the whole Go MURICA, Go FREEDOM, Go capitalism ! theme but the player retention for people like that is rather low. (they quit after dying twice) ;)
  2. DHT#

    DPS > all. And both VS and TR beat NC at that, with more accurate guns to boot.

    NC players are more accurate because they have to be. There's a huge difference in my survivability when I play TR or VS against NC.
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  3. Fenrisk

    Let's fix this post.

    DPS > all. And both VS and NC beat TR at that, with more accurate guns to boot thanks to NC's lack of horizontal recoil or in the Vanu's case no bullet drop.

    TR players are more Dakka because they have to be. There's a huge difference in my Awesomeness when I play NC or VS against TR.
  4. z1967

    Not less, just slightly better. You are still more likely to die by ADK related accidents than to your enemy so do be careful out there.
  5. Lamat

    The infantry combat in this game favors close range, that's why it's easier to do better with SMGs & shotguns. Most times in longer ranges, the enemy can get away to cover before death. I think they need to make ADS better with less COF (for all factions).
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  6. Verviedi

    What I encouter on Emerald NC:
    •Engineers run right past damaged friendly vehicles.
    •Medics often run right over my dead body.
    •Noone wants to leave the spawn room even if we outpop the enemy.
    •As soon as GOKU shows up everyone leaves.
    •Command chat is a total mess.
    •Infiltrators or heavies will jump into your tank, and when you tell them to switch to engineer they do nothing.
    •When i kick some random HA out of my Vanguard I get rocketed.

    Wisdomcube is right.
  7. maudibe

    I disagree, I play Vanu and for a long time. It ebbs and flows and it is a known fact that population wins battles. Of course individuals can make a huge difference and I'll cite a few examples : when someone is intelligent enough to bring a sunderer with AMS or....bring 2 or 3 and park them so they surround the base. Failure to do this and just run off to the next base makes for a very short lived fight. This still happens alot. Failure to bring planes and tanks. A larger pop will lose to a smaller pop as long as it is 60/40 or more imbalance if the larger pop has no vehicle support. That is why demolishing the vehicle launch terminals can make or break a battle, or conversely launching a bunch of tanks by the defenders immediately can win against a larger force.
    How about the lack of insight in driving in a direction untill you capture all bases from one side to the other and cutting off any battle potential between the other 2 factions (ive seen that done quite a bit). You continent pop would have to upwards of 60 percent to be able to pull that off, but....hey who cares the players dont have to think tactically, just rush off to the next battle and then go to bed.

    NC has great weapons and their Max is unbeatable in CQC like a biolab or small roomed building situation. So of course it will be about tactics and whether NC players are organized. Like organized enough to do a GAL drop on the A point and send a couple of Maxs, with a couple of Engis and couple of Medics and a cloaker to set a motion detector. That combo with the Gal shooting bull dogs on everything around it can do some serious damage to a defending base faction. takes tactical thought AND....organizatoin. Ive seen NC do just that many times and faced Recursion with their onslaught of BR 100's.
    Dont think your alone with players that dont seem to understand the game.
    I watched a VANU 60/40 overpop lose to the TR because it seemed they did not understand that getting and holding the A point would flip the base. I kept going to the A point and was facing larger population there, will they were appearantly were battling tanks and trying to get the generator, when the Tanks could not get to or shoot at the A point area, So we got pushed out and there ya go.
    Thats where the TR were smarter players. So....its about the players and not the faction. I would love to have some of the NC weapons.
    I find that there is no good Nooby videos on youtube on the tactical aspects of the game and only on loadout choices and weapons choices and then the guys showing their mad skills at finding great farming spots to shoot from or using vehicles to farm with. But they dont display how to read the map to find the generators, the purpose of destroying gens, of capping the points, etc. How to lay out tank mines or proxy mines to help control the situation, or send in cloakers to hack turrets, etc.
    I rolled up in my Sundy and another guy, in his and parked below 2 tower gate gaurd structures (with the shield in between) and I immediately used my Bull Dog and demolished the anti vehicle turret above me, tried to take the one above the other guy but it was a bit too far to hit accurately and gave up. An HA came above me and took out my Sundy and so I had to respawn at the other one. The other one lasted 10 minutes and someone jumped in the Anti veh turret and killed his Sundy, see what happens when you dont take precautions? I predicted that but...We were underpopped and going to lose anyway.
    In the long run its either fun or its not. If its not, find some way to make it fun or move on to something that is.\
    We are all just challenging ourselves to see if we can do it better. There is no winning and losing there is only endless war.
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  8. Rift23

    NC are highest pop on Emerald now, so I guess nobody told them they were doomed.
  9. SpcFarlen

    Even a heard of wildebeest will run off a cliff to their death at the face of a single lion. Numbers are not indicative of anything really.
  10. RobotNinja

    I also just came back from a six month break and for two years I listened to people say the NC were dead and/or dying. I've heard people claiming that PS2 was dying since it was released. By the time PS2 actually does die, it's going to come as a surprise to everyone because it was supposedly dead years ago.
  11. Silus

    Yes yes NC has awesome CQC weapons and nightmarish MAXes in Biolabs and the hardest hitting tanks blah blah blah rhetoric.

    But all that doesn't do diddly when the TR have a consistant 35-45% server pop for weeks. Was on the other day, the TR had capped Hossin and were steamrolling Esamir and beginning to push through Amerish.
  12. Bape

    VS aren't even good they just bring in numbers and magriders how is that considered tactical? When you beat VS they come back with double the infantry + galaxy + lib+ magriders+ sundy with bulldog if you call that something to brag about go ahead.

    I play all 3 faction and it seems NC pulls less tanks/lib/galaxy compared to VS and I mean seriously it not even a competition.
  13. Fenrisk

    The game doesn't compensate for Horizontal recoil as many guns pull to just one direction and even the ones that pull side to side can easily prevent you hitting your target as players are not that wide. Vertical recoil is by far easier to control as players are MUCH longer then they are wide. NC has some of the lowest horizontal recoil automatic weapons in the game. The ONLY TR weapon that even comes close to match the many NC weapons with low horizontal recoil is the Sarb.

    If you played both sides you would know that TR automatics/semi-auto weapons have the lowest accuracy of all factions at range. We have no automatic that even matches the GOD-Saw in terms of accuracy and attachments that reduce it. The TMG-50 being just a nerfed version of the SAW.

    Accuracy is as follows. VS -> NC -> TR

    In terms of DPS it comes down to 0.01 fractions of a second TTK between TR and NC weapons and ours lack the alpha damage. Not to mention that at close range shotguns are King and NC has one of the best. It's much better then the T1 Cake mixer we get :p
  14. toastybanban

    Woodman NC has quite a few good players, but little to no organization. I'm not saying this applies to all Woodman NC outfits, but FHM does much better with their fewer players than I ever see from ORBS, REBR, SOHO etc. We need better leaders, and more good players.
  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    "Diversity in infantry weapons" Where is our 0.75 ADS LMG and Carbine?
    "Sniper with no bullet drop" NC doesn't have one. Unlike the VS Phaseshift
    "Access to 200dmg model" Every weapon with 200 damage per hit has equal or lesser DPS than equivalent weapons on other factions.
    "Best ESF nosegun" Can't even tell which one you are referring to, they are both mediocre - and mounted on the easiest to hit yet same HP as other ESFs.
    "best MBT" Lowest SPH, lowest KPH, lowest average lifespan
    "best gunner AV" And worst gunner AI
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  16. IrishPride

    OP no Faction is doomed. You just respawn back in the spawn area to get killed again, maybe it's more like purgatory :p
  17. TheBand1t

    The Bandit is our .75 ADS Carbine broseph

    Noseguns are best in class
  18. [NNG]WillTerry

    Come to emerald. Reavers a plenty. Kind of disorganized on the ground for the NC from what I can see but in the air, many chuckles.
  19. vanu123

    Connery NC? Yea v0c and 00 kinda carry them. Tbh they just shove more bodies into a point just because of the overpop.
    I am VS connery.
  20. Noktaj

    They are drugged by so-called freedom.
    TRs fight for the hive mind and for keepin those lazy peons working.
    VS fight to bring you enlightment.
    NCs fight for the corporate pigs. No wonder why NC medics keeps shooting teammates in the back just to revive them... So they can get those bonus checks.
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