Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zica96, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. Zica96

    Why aren't you giving any reward or something to f2p players?? Your'e giving members 2 days membership but to us, nothing? Ohhh right you dont give a **** about us but praise the paying players, really SOE??!!
  2. Captain Kid

    Are you talking about the down time?

    Wouldn't mind getting something. I did waste part of a boost.
  3. JesusVoxel

    You could have put at least a 5$ to this game at any time for 500SC and then you would get 200certs as a compensation of the downtime. 5$ for a good game ain't that much.
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  4. DrPapaPenguin

    We had double XP weekend for July 4th, we have the new player Quiz for free weapons, we have a code for free XP and Resource boost. We had double XP weekends before, we had XP boosts as rewards for special events. Please quit whining.
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  5. Captain Kid

    what code?
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  6. DevDevBooday

    People enjoying the game for free complaining that they arent being given more stuff for free?

    Not a strong argument.

    SOE giving stuff to players that pay them money? Funny that.
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  7. Huxer

    To be fair, why would they make an incentive for people who don't support their game other than being a body on the field of combat, taking up bandwidth and server space that is paid for by the paying members. Honestly I don't understand where this entitlement comes from. Sometimes they do have special xp events but in general it's for a big holiday or if they somehow screwed up. I apologize for not being sympathetic but the post just seems greedy to me.
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  8. DrPapaPenguin

    MLGREPORT in Depot.

    1 hour XP and resource boosts, and a decal I think.
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  9. Captain Kid

    You do realize there are other ways to poor money in this game besides a subscription right?
  10. DevDevBooday

    Yeah there is, like me, Ive put 100 or so dollars in and I havent ever bought membership.

    But I cant complain because i havent bought membership. I know what the benefits are, if I really wanted them, I would buy membership.

    I dont have some form of self entitlement because at some point I have bought an in game item.
    Membership bonuses are for members.
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  11. Captain Kid

    I can understand that. But what about people who activated a boost?
    (I'm being theoretical here because I don't really care about this particular downtime)
  12. MaxDamage

    Dude you get two extra days free which you can take whenever you like.
  13. Pacster

    Sounds fair, but it ain't THAT easy. The one and only incentive to play and pay for this game are the huge battles....and that is for what you need those "bodys on the field" in large numbers. On top of it any f2p-player that leaves(because of being pissed) will NEVER become a paying member...while a current f2p player may be a paying member next week if he is given a good reason(like a triple SC offer) for it. So it actually might not be a very smart decision to show people over something like 200 certs that they are just 2nd class players...but that's a marketing decision of SOE. Up to them how they deal with such a situation...
  14. DevDevBooday

    Compensation is different from a rewards and bonuses.

    Taking a ticket out for that would get you a refund im sure,
  15. dasichri

    What reason do they have to give anything to anyone unless you either a) had a boost running or b) had a membership?

    If you had a boost running then sure, it's unfortunate those people didn't get anything.

    But anyone who put what was it, 500 sc in at any time? Got 200 certs.

    So again, why should you get something?
  16. DatVanuMan

    Meh. I'm nearing 1,000 certs on my alts (Might save up for class upgrades or those new pistols). So, why would you need more stuff? It's free, man, thank God for that:)
  17. Captain Kid

    200 certs? I probably missed something..
  18. Huxer

    You can't honestly believe this or you are just very naive. First off, anyone who is posting on the forums likes the game at least enough to be involved in the community. Do you think if these guys don't get regular double xp weekends they are going to take it as a slight and never buy anything as you suggest or that they will either not care or decide that they want that and buy in? Right, so I call bullcrap on your claims that free to play players will get indignant and leave the game they enjoy thereby ruining the experience for the paying members. The game is free to play ... that's your grand incentive right there. Beyond that, you should support projects you enjoy. If you are not I figure either 1. you are not ready to commit to supporting the game as you don't feel you've gotten the value worth up front or 2. You can't afford it. Both of these are fine but I wouldn't start expecting perks based off this rational.
  19. Nitrobudyn

    If you'd paid Your internet provider for a fast transfer for a month, and for 2 days You'd be unable to connect to the internet, than it is understandable that You'd want something to compensate for it. But if a free wi-fi hotspot were disabled for 2 days - would You ask for compensation as well?
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  20. Pootisman

    tell me more.
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