European servers are getting merged

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Noppa

    Not rly.. there is hardly players to fill even 1 continent, cant even remember when last time i had to wait in queue to continent in Woodman, that doesn't happen even now when continent lock is on and and server has a round 1600 players, Miller has few hundred more players max than on Woodman has so i doubt it is any better there.. and yeah it ain't enough if 1 continent is full, there needs to be at least 2 full / almost full!
  2. Tiedemann

    Hoping for Ceres, since I want to have chars on different servers. I worry more about the latency/lag/fps since we might be forced into big fights all the time though.
  3. Ribero

    Yeah, same.

    I hope they'll unlock 3 Continents and have 1 locked, or maybe introduce Continent Locking Phase 2 (Whatever that is) shortly after the merger, if that means more places to fight and slightly fewer bottlenecks.
  4. Akashar

    As long as server smash is placed during EU primetime...^^ Like every update in facts!
  5. Longasc

    1. Server Smash will be during US Primetime.
    2. Selected outfits you never heard about will duke it out
    3. Miller will fight Woodman to determine which other server merges with another server
    4. The winning server gets to make name suggestions which will be rejected in favor of picking 1 server name from a list of 1 predetermined by SOE.
    5. Who actually won will not be clear at all
    6. If you think I am making up things and this is not funny, you have not watched the last server smash! :)
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  6. Pacster

    Won't happen in case of Cobalt and least on VS side they only got TRID and KOTV. ;-)
  7. Whatupwidat

    As someone who's played NC on Miller since beta I dispute your assertion.
  8. Kerempooh

    Coming from Woodman I'd say we need a server with strong NC.. (the one which wins lotsa alerts, not necessarily population-wise)

    VS used to be totally dominant on Woodman but since a lot of KOTV officers decided to take it easy it's basically a dead race between TR and VS with NC managing to steal an alert or two when no one's looking. So, a nice strong NC population, please. :)

    (p.s. no conflict of interest there - My main is KOTV but I've got my alts in other factions. No insult intended to my NC buddies, but really you are the sorriest lot)
  9. Simferion

    Ceres should be a good bet. We could fight along the MACS. Even if that will mean I'm going 4th factioning :(
  10. Pacster

    Which would again speak for Cobalt and Woodman....cause Cobalt got a lot of NC(not many good ones, but a lot of NC).
  11. Bindlestiff

    There is now ;)
  12. Sworaven

    That's your full right. Just sharing what I experienced from fighting against and with the NC on Miller.
  13. Pikachu

    Bah we usually have like 38%. During alerts and prime time it evens out pretty good. Also cobalt nc performs badly. You purple guys always win on hossin.
  14. Tyrant103

    I wish this was fake.

    Hopefully they fix the higby nanite connection first. Their servers suck so bad.

    (And no, I do not need to buy better "internet". I should be getting a ping of 50 as said in the character creation setup.)

    Large font because everyone focuses on the high pop and not the ALREADY PRESENT SH*T CONNECTION.
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  15. Pacster

    Yeah, that's because during prime time we do not even waste time to go to the continent with the alert cause we know that we got little chance due to being the smallest faction. As a result we have the largest number of players on hossin while hardly 15% on whatever continent the other two factions are fighting for the alert goal.
  16. Nitrobudyn

    Yeah... ghostcapping Hossin while other fractions are busy trying to win the alert. Great success :rolleyes:
  17. whitupiggu

    Really? The mattherson vs waterson one was pretty unprofessional.
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  18. Eltirion87

    Miller server needs VS and NC ppl more than TR . But before any merge fix the god damn lagg . In general miller needs ppl like any other ps2 server so merge is a good idea .
  19. DramaticExit

    That would be awful. I'm just imagining the terran zerg...
  20. Regpuppy

    Phase two would likely be Adversarial alerts and Population Regulation, from the roadmap. Which would give you at least one thing you'd want. Dynamic lock limit based on population.