[Suggestion] NC05 Jackhammer Improvements

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Hibiki54, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Hibiki54

    I believe the Jackhammer needs some improvements. I would like to see any 2 of the following happen to the Jackhammer:

    • Increase magazine and ammo pool (9 to 15 stock, 18 with extended mags)
    • Increase in muzzle velocity (400 to 450m/s)
    • Increase in rate of fire (225 to 250 RPM)
    • Decrease in pellet spread (2.5 to 2.25)
    • Change fire modes from semi-auto/burst to automatic/burst (weapon displays this as actual modes)
    • Increase pellet count (6 to 7 or 8 pellets)
    • Increase range of maximum damage (112 @ 10m to 112 @ 15m)
    • Increase minimum damage and minimum damage range (70 @ 30m to 85-90 @ 40m)
    Any two of these would be great. What do you think?
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  2. Moz

    You want to make the Jackhammer better? :eek:

    I see fire and flame on the horizon.....

    I would happily take some slugs though..... ;)
  3. oumajgadxoxo

    I have some other ideas. You will like them.
    Lets make GodSAW 400 dmg, no bullet drop, and 750 rpm weapon, so it will be on same level as Jackhammer.
    On top of that HEAT and AP rounds from Vanguard should one shot every vehicle except other MBTs and Sundys.
    Oh, and also make NC MAXes one shot all infrantry... oh wait...
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  4. Gemenai

    How about
    Only improvements?
    Why do you think this weapons needs improvements?
    How do you justify them?
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  5. Sworaven

    I think you should be locked up.
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  6. Goretzu

    Give it slugs! :eek:
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  7. Hibiki54

    I don't believe the SAW should be 750 rpm. That's unreasonable. 652 or 698 would be reasonable.
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  8. Saviorself

    Buff the Jackhammer?

    You must be stoned bro.
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  9. DevDevBooday

    652 or 698rpm at 200 damage?

    So you think a DPS of 2326 is reasonable?
    You realise its current RPM is 500

    As well as buffs for the Jackhammer which can already kill anyone in a single triple burst up to 15 metres?

    Dont you think thats just a tiny bit insanely biased?
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  10. GrandpaFlipfox

    The Canister couldn't even get a clean buff do you really think the Jackhammer will ever be made into anything more than an RNG cannon? Learn to accept that NC's ES shotguns don't get buffed and you'll have a happier Planetside 2 experience.

    Also pick up a Cyclone, it's better than the Jackhammer in every possible way.
  11. Bhudda V1

    honestly i would just be happy with a bigger mag and if at all possible to get another pellet.
  12. Gleerok





    can you at least justify?
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  13. Tyrant103

    First impressions.

    But on the other hand, your genuine innocence and confidence on this subject made me LOL.
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  14. minhalexus

    I would like it if Jackhammer was available to the LA.

    At the moment, I don't see much point in buying the Jackhammer over the Baron.
    Yes the Baron is statically worse, but it being available to 4 classes makes up for more.
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  15. Maelthra

    The Lasher is gonna need a few grand slam home run hits with the buff bat before we even begin to think about improvements to the Jackhammer.
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  16. Posse

    My suggestions on how to improve the jackhammer:

    -Remove that **** from the game.

    You're a bad troll btw, too obvious
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  17. Flyaxl

    trialed it, just an awesome shotgun!
  18. Govedo13

    My reaction to your suggestion:
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  19. GlueHead

    The only thing I do not like about the Jackhammer is the ammo capacity, but no need to imprive that - just use ammo belt.
  20. Hibiki54

    Obviously this guy hasn't looked at my sig, yet.

    And yes, I am biased. Just like all VS primary players that ran pre-nerf ZOE for months and are now running PPA. And just like all TR players that cry about being outgunned by the other factions yet they come from the faction which abused Harassers to the point of nerfing them into the ground and have the best AV weapons to use against infantry (pounders/fractures).

    So yes, I am biased. But I don't really complain about the other factions and how they have fun. Is it annoying? Sure. But I just want myself and the rest of my faction to get some love.

    And for those of you who cannot read, I suggested any TWO of the bullet points. I did not suggest all.

    My reasoning? Look at the sustainability of the other two faction heavy guns. Sure, the Jackhammer is great at close quarters; it's a shotgun. That's a given. But with the recent introduction of the NS Baron, that pretty much gave everyone access to Jackhammer Jr. What was once an NC only trait (2.5 spread shotguns), everyone has access to acquire. However, the Jackhammer is still superior over the Baron with it's magazine and triple burst. But compared to the other heavy guns it cannot sustain that fire, so it should have the ability to either negate that disadvantage with superior firepower per hit or be able to sustain for a few more seconds.

    1. An increased magazine size and ammo pool means you can stay on the trigger longer, especially at the 15-25m range.
    2. An increased velocity combined with the 2.5 spread modifier means that the pellets travel faster and remain in a tight group longer than current.
    3. A faster rate of fire from 225 to 250 puts it back to pre-nerf.
    4. A spread of 2.25 would make it the most unique shotgun among all factions; Mattocks and the Jackhammer would be in classes of their own.
    5. The Jackhammer tool-tip advertises it as an Automatic weapon. It should not be semi-auto.
    6. 1 extra pellet would only bring it's damage from 672 to 784. It's still a 2 shot kill and possibly a 3 shot if you wear nanoweave or use a heavy shield. This just would allow it to have more damage down range.
    7. Increasing it's max damage before drop off from 10 to 15 would just give it a bigger punch at range, which would make perfect sense for a heavy shotgun.
    8. Increasing it's minimum damage would bring it back to pre-nerf status and increasing the range of it's minimum damage after drop off would give it more sustained power at certain ranges.
    If I had my choice of any 2 of these 8, I would choose #1 and #2 (refer to OP). While I'm not Jackhammer Jesus (Munroe), I have enough time with the Jackhammer to know what is good and what is really holding it back. And right now, those two that I chose are holding it back from being a great faction specific weapon.
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