PPA on Harassers Massively Overpowered in Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by come1l, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Snicklefritzll

    You advertising your player named "GayVanuSoldier" is entirely undermining your thread.

    I see no reason to take this post seriously in regards to that name plus your claims that this gun was found to be overpowered, since one player went on a killing streak with it...

    Sounds like someone has a bruised ego when it comes to the enlightenment of Vanu...
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  2. oberchingus

    And Bulldog!!! Don't forget the Bulldogonians!!!!!
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  3. dstock

    Keep it down over there!

    We both know that for true Harasslers, there is only one real weapon. It's name is Bulldog.

    TBH, I'm kinda upset with how much I hate Hossin. Already. Is there anywhere you can drive in 'open space'? It feels like 1/2 SE Indar (bases & lanes) + 1/2 Amerish (everywhere between bases is basically no-go for ground). I've pulled 3 Harassers so far, and not made it more than one base from the gate. That, and the fog has too much gamma for some reason, don't enjoy the lighting so far. Gonna keep trucking :(
  4. TriumphantJelly

    Jesus H. f*ck*ng Christ on a rocket powered bicylce, you suck.

    PPA does NOT
    Need a nerf!

    Just buff the other 2 and

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  5. oberchingus

    Fine. Bulldogs are useless. No one use them. :oops:

    I like the some of the jumping I've been doing on hossin. In fact, two nights ago, I made a video of me jumping a draw bridge on hossin. I'd link to it but can't from this workstation.
  6. Adinatore

    How about no. The shuum shuum laser is fine. Why not do something productive instead and make a post about buffing the canister/marauder?
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  7. PKfire

    How about we bring the other ESAI secondaries up instead of nerfing the only good one.
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  8. Epic High Five

    I don't remember seeing posts about the Vanguard Shield before a few months ago. Was it "overpowered" before beta?

    The process has been set in motion, now nothing is safe!
  9. MajiinBuu

    I haven't seen ANY fog, absolutely none at all.
    Of course I play on very low, so no special lighting effects, no blooms, smoke is laughable.
  10. Easir

    I believe I must state the obvious.

    L2P, Stop crying on the forums because you got killed twice by a dedicated AI gun.

    Anyways, PPA does not need to be nerfed. Intelligent players across all factions agree that the PPA is fine where it is, however the other ES AI weapons just need to be buffed to match it.

    VS has gotten shafted too many times, especially with these magrider nerfs turret stabilization buffs.
    Don't let the VS get shafted again.
  11. Sagabyte

    Can confirm, pulled 2 harassers and died to tank mines of the same guy. He lol'd at me while I raged for 3 seconds
  12. vanu123

    Just because it does its job DOESN'T MAKE IT OP! If I post up a huge scoreboard killstreak with the beamer or duster does that make it OP? No.
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  13. \m/SLAYER\m/

    its because players left their spawn rooms to walk around, enjoy the scenery, but ugly aliens don't respect it
  14. Revanmug

    Which is not only the most effective way of killing people but the safest as well.

    You never farm infantry for long at very close range with a harasser. If you don't get swarm by infantry, their own vehicle will enjoy spotting you.
  15. Shadoiex

    Sneak up behind them and plop down C4 on their bumper


    Laugh and profit

    I do this to PPA harassers all the time :)
  16. Calisai

    This is actually an apt statement. In the parts of Hossin i've seen. Maneuverability beats speed and/or armor. So a Scrapper Harasser, Flash & Magrider are all at an advantage. Which is completely different than the Wastelands of Northern Indar or Esamir, or the chokepoints and mountains of Amerish.

    So... Is this a major issue? A weapon system that is really good on a certain continent, but not so good on others?

    Btw, Mines have been reported to be sinking into the "water" and not being visible... even for the EOD implant.

    Yea, the short sustained burst of the Fury on a Scrapper Harrasser is going to be equally effective among the trees as the PPA is. It's just not many people have figured that one out yet. They are so used to using other HE farming tools and haven't adapted yet.

    Hossin has lots and lots of small cover for infantry to hide behind. Maneuverable AI weapons are going to be powerful because the other most powerful things in that swamp are going to be infantry. Those two things are going to battle it out while the other vehicles get caught up in the chokepoints and are mined and AV'd to death.

    That said, the clip size of the PPA could probably handle a nerf... it's very large... it could be cut down to 25 and still be pretty damn effective.
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  17. Calisai

    The shield always was... but the Mag was way better at release and could stay at a distance (long range sniper) and the Prowler could farm massive numbers of infantry so they were happily getting certs that way and AV didn't matter as much. Once the Mag and Prowler got their OP status knocked down, and SOE decided that all MBTs need to fight at closer ranges... the Shield's advantages were glaring.
  18. Ronin Oni

    IMO they should sink and they should be all but invisible unless your're practically standing on it maybe...

    EOD not seeing it (anyone confirm?) or the not being able to shoot them (also able to confirm?) are issues though, which I'm pretty sure they know of (something about water blocking destruction of deployables is in their list of things to hotfix)

    Why anyone wouldn't expect land mines to SINK in WATER is beyond me though.

    I mean, do they have water where you live? How can you not expect stuff to sink in water??
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  19. Jaedrik

    No--no, as a TR, I say that PPA isn't overpowered, it's simply the only viable and moderately good Anti-Infantry weapon left in the game that has any splash.
  20. Calisai

    Honestly, I agree... it doesn't bother me much. Mines are Mines. If it becomes a problem, I'll think about mineguard... or just suck it up. I was just pointing it out since others are saying mines are ineffective. They are actually more effective on Hossin than anywhere else. It's pretty easy to see a mine in the Wastes of Indar... but on the dark floor of the swamp... not so much... especially if they sink in the water.

    Certain weapons will work better in certain locations. On hossin, Infantry and AI is going to be a powerful clash. Good drivers who can zip through the trees using them as cover and still get angles on infantry are going to be powerful. 3-4 infantry with AV will be able to go tree to tree and using that cover will be able to take out many MBTs & Sunderers. The trees will provide cover from air (not total, but good enough) and will require ESFs and Libs to come down into AA range to get kills.

    All this is going to require some time to get used to and to adjust playstyles to.