Re: Server Merge - time to quit the TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Neuromancer

    I like how you intentionally removed this part of my quote:

    "Buzz craps on you in his forums all the time, and you sit there and don't stand up for yourself."
  2. KodiakX

    Regardless of all the assumed reasons most of TE quit PS2 when Buzz did, most were only playing the game at all at that stage because of how fun the nightly events were. I mean ignoring all the players involved and objectively looking at the game state, the devs had just said they were going to stop working on balance (and focus on "OMFG") at one of the worst points in game balance. Combined with the lack of actual development on the game towards goals it needed to deliver on (that a year later they are just finally starting to look like they're going to deliver) playing team death match in an unbalanced environment lost it's luster after a year.

    Even then you've fought against these groups. They basically want to force square pegs into round holes and hope if they bash long enough it will work. I've seen you in VS command chat and you wouldn't last 5 minutes over there trying to work with some of these groups. Watching AOD vehicle groups get repeatedly destroyed over and over to groups of lancers for 60 minutes straight was the last straw I had with TR on Mattherson. Absolutely zero adaptability. You can't fix stupid and good luck trying to lead it.

    The only legitimate criticism I've ever really seen leveled at TE's effect on TR Mattherson is that by reputation alone Buzz drove away many other organized TR outfits away from Mattherson because they didn't want to deal with him. This meant when he did leave, while the players/bodies could certainly be refilled population wise, there was a huge gap in competent groups and leadership.
  3. Cyridius

    You're just being overtly hostile. You do realize there are people on the other side of a computer screen and that they have feelings, right?

    I find it funny that you attack someone while expressing every single value that you say is bad about them.

    Before judging others, I recommend strongly you self-assess your behaviour.
  4. Neuromancer

    Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

    I assumed that all the time you've spent looking at the enclave's forums, that are filled with hate speech and racism, would have made me seem rather tame in comparison.

    I will leave you to go about your day.
  5. Negator

    Totally cool, but id like buzz to tell us how effective he was instead of his forum minions who lack the spine and know how to even come close that the leadership buzz made fun of.
  6. footjam

    The proof is in all the streams. Oh wait, almost all of them from the last few weeks got deleted because they showed their effectiveness :)
  7. GoEErs

    My comments have been edited. I have nothing to say about anything.
  8. KodiakX

    PS: You're basically a step down from Buzz in command chat when you belittle every other commander around ya during alerts.

    Your argument makes no sense a year later. It supposes that TE was completely terrible and failed consistently because TE refuses to show any proof that it was terrible. What? Even then, if they were so terrible, somebody somewhere must have recorded some sort of footage in the first 8 months of the game to show it right?

    Nice to see you two stayed classy.
  9. Negator

    dodged me logic, bro
  10. Paragon Exile

    This is a quality thread.
  11. Neuromancer

    I don't think anyone would say that TE was terrible in all aspects. Buzz runs an outfit with complete control, and does it day in and day out. He's commendable as a leader in that regard. He puts serious effort into being a gamer.

    It was a very well controlled zerg. Buzz is obnoxious, and ticked off a lot of outfits and players, but he did a phenomenal job as a commander for such a large group.

    His website is full of racism and hate, he encourages it, and he had to go out of his way to tell people to not talk like they normally do in TE, during his streams, in order to avoid being banned, because racist hate comments were the norm and even encouraged (by the core members, most were not like that and were uncomfortable to speak up against it).

    He also went out of his way to only try to show the "wins". I don't see groups like DA, TIW, or V (just as random examples of respected outfits) going around prancing like they're perfect, but then editing out anything that failed. They just play the game, and do it rather well. Running a zerg fit efficiently is hard work, but pulling a massive pop advantage at a location, and yelling at everyone to max crash a point isn't exactly something that made TE something special. Organized, yes. Lots of members that joined because it looked like fun, yes. A core group of idiot racists, yes. The random players in TE that joined were not all jerks, and had a hard time putting up with the nonsense, but the core members are not people you want in a game.

    Actually, a lot of TE stayed in PS2 after buzz disbanded and joined other outfits or factions. They faded out, and mostly didn't talk about their past. They learned what they could, and went on their merry ways. The remnants of TE are either sick of the crap, or banned for using hacks or don't care anymore and moved on. It might re-form, with random new players, and be a zerg again, or not. The point is, they were never actually more than an organized zergfit. Cool things happened. Fails happened. But buzz will only talk about the times they didn't get crushed by randoms. All of the reality of when they got destroyed is not discussed. All of the times TE had to run while even having a pop advantage, aren't really shown in the videos. It's like a fairy tale.

    I do hope he comes back though. It will destroy the TR permanently, so it will be a political victory for the other two factions. I would feel bad for the other TR, but it would be a victory for VS and NC.

    /To anyone that doesn't believe me, join up with them. They take anyone. You'll only need a day or two to understand what TE is all about. Make a fake account, if you like. They encouraged making fake accounts to infiltrate other outfits, so I see that as karma.
  12. footjam

    Actually, it goes back to about the time you all gave up but the thread is long deleted. It was meant more for Negator. I was using someone else's words after their streams exhibiting their awesomeness were deleted because they told the unbiased truth. Keep in mind, we where told to "go check the streams" by the same person that deleted them.

    Improper logical fallacies aside, you saw things your way and I saw them mine. Being a class act yourself, I am sure there is no need for bigotry, name calling or bullying.
  13. footjam

    Actually, I found the original thread:
  14. Neuromancer

    It's not even worth quoting buzz himself.

    I posted screenshots of him saying he was accepting the fact that certain TE members used hacks in PS2 and BF, in this very forum, and he wouldn't kick them because he didn't care, and the post got deleted.

    I still have the screen shots, from the TE forums, but whatever. A few got banned. A few didn't. Buzz will never admit publicly that his turd doesn't stink, no matter how many threads, videos, or bans he and the core of TE tries to get deleted from record. Let's all just agree that it's a fail zergfit. It was fun to watch some of the videos, but they never really had a real player base. Just an invite anyone and yell racist insults at them, sort of outfit.

    He's 38, lives with his mom, and has nothing else to do but remove any videos of his fails or posts about allowing hackers in his "klan".

    And as much as he yells, his short career in the military never even included any combat time. He's just a middle-age loser that still hasn't accomplished anything real, and calls other military members "baby killers" while spreading anti jewish and anti black hatred on his forums. I don't know if he means it, or if he's trolling his own members, but that's what's there.
  15. IberianHusky

    From QQ thread to Enclave hate! GJ, Forumside!
  16. Schwak

    It's actually funny to read someones opinion that has no idea what they are talking about. Out of the 300 or so people that played PS2 with TE there were only 10-20 that played outside of OPs. The second Buzz said he was pulling the outfit everyone besides the 10-20 left. ZOE was incredibly over powered and Buzz as well as a number of top players tried to make their voices heard at SOE while it was still on the test server. They completely ignored him and as a result we suffered a dwindling TR and NC population over the next 6 months because people don't want to play a game run by people that have no idea what they are doing. PS2 was always TE's future providing that the game would actually make outfit play useful. As of now and since they left it was just /suicide or hit redeploy and spawn at this base and re-secure. Galaxies and sundies were made for moving mass amounts of infantry and that seams to have been forgotten. As I said before BF4 was never supposed to be a permanent game. It was a temporary thing until a game was chosen that could support the numbers of the enclave. WoW was chosen and since then they have dominated the server they play on like they are killing bots.
    I can tell your bitter attitude is getting the best of you trying to make TE look bad so I think it would be best you just ignore what I've just written and act like you never saw it.
  17. KodiakX

    All around thumbs up, probably the most accurate overview of TE that I've ever read. While you and I view the control structure and tactics a bit differently (specifically how effective they were), the nature of the group is entirely accurate and you file me down as one of the ones who left due to the reasons you list.
  18. xWarMachine

    Who are the vindicators?

    Wait a minute... Someone from that outfit just posted on the TE forums begging us to come back lol...

    It's funny that one could produce 100+ videos showing TE stomping everything around, yet I have never seen any video of TE losing. You would think with all the haters out there people would be dying to have a video like that... yet not one ever......

    How often do you lerk TE forums?...

    Are you a former member that got your feels hurt.... poor boy.

    Note to all:
    When discussing Emerald TR in a thread it's inevitably going to be turned into a BCP/TE bashing party.
  19. DK22

    Nanite Security Angency. (NSA) may be watching.......... well, maybe just laughing.
  20. Saintlycow

    Baaaaack to the original topic.

    I feel bad for the TR, if they are underpopped that is.

    Story Time

    I've played since Beta, and my first character was a VS on Waterson. I joined an outfit called SENT during the late stages of the Beta. It was made up of new recruits, as well as a core of players who played PS1. Back when the game launched, we had total biscuit on the server, and he played for the TR. TR had major overpop at the beginning, and him being on the server was probably a factor into this. Hell, we still have [BRIT] running around, even though he's long gone. They're not the giant outfit from the old days, but it shows that someone can have an influence on the game long after they've left.

    In anycase, i'm not sure how long the overpop stayed, but eventually it drove me off the server. From what I remeber it lasted until January, after which I moved to Mattherson NC. ( When I joined up with the NC the server was fairly even. Buzz still played at that point). To me, it seemed like this fighting drove many people away as well. At one point [SENT] used to be able to field a platoon, in february it was half a squad. I'd hear over teamspeak that people were simply getting tired of fighting against massive odds. Sure, doing heroic last stands is fun every once and a while, but for entire months!? Playing the game became less fun and more of a chore. Open map. look for a fight where we arent overpopped 2 to 1. Go there. Get rocket podded by 40 mosquitoes. Rinse and Repeat.

    Moral of story. People play games to relax and have fun. If they get stressed out and don't have fun, they won't play.
    Even population and balanced factions promote fun and relaxation. We should make sure that pops are even, as IMO the factions are pretty well balanced