Medics, heal after reviving!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    Dear medics, if you do not have max rank revive tool please heal the wounded soldiers you revive before reviving others especially when friendlies constantly die. I am sure that I am not alone whom this pisses off when a medic revives me then runs away to others without healing me.

    I will ask you to heal me a couple of times and give you a minute. If you fail to heal me I will proceed to kill you.

    Thank you.
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  2. Paragon Exile

    You know, medics are probably the busiest class in the game, they have so many responsibilities on their hands it's unreal. If they don't top you off, it's because they had to do something else that was more important.

    Cut them some slack.
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  3. DFDelta

    If you'd TK him for not healing you to 100% while there are bodies around that still need rezzing I'd TK you so hard your monitor explodes.

    revives > healing people to 100%
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  4. Mekeji

    I was guilty of this a lot when I was ranking it up. I am still one rank below max but I have just gotten used to popping my heal field while reviving. Since it is ranked up I am able to pop it often and keep it on for a while.

    However something I don't feel bad about were the players who ran off the second they were revived. They didn't even give me a chance to heal them up.

    Also don't **** with the white mage. You should never TK medics. Well you shouldn't TK but especially not medics. They are the back bone of a successful attack.
  5. ShadowViper

    My favourite thing as a medic is listening to entitled ***** act like i've got nothing better do, so I should drop everything to be at you beck and call.

    TL ; DR

    You're going to have to respawn now
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  6. Morti

    Killing a friendly medic for not healing your entitled ***? Better hope I don't spot you doing that, always ready to hand out instant karma to people like that.
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  7. AshHill07

    Dear Everyone Else, If you want me to heal you after I revive you then don't **** off whilst I'm trying to! Don't expect me to run after you because I'm not going to!

    Also, if you decided to TK me expect a shotgun round in the back once my mate gets me back up.
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  8. -Synapse-

    If someone on my team were to TK a medic for a reason like that, I'd gladly start a mini civil war right there and then.
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  9. Mxiter

    just because healing is slow and less rewarding than rezzing...
    the most interesting solution is to get the last medic tool level.
  10. Kevin49704

    As someone has already stated rezzing is more important than topping people off, when the medics get a chance I'm sure they will heal you.
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  11. Verviedi

    If an entitled dick TKed me or any of my outfit while we were being medics, you would get a clip of H-V45 in your back.
  12. Ken Photon

    To the OP, as long as you don't run off. Because sadly, I have the tendency of running around like a headless chicken trying to follow your a** when you do that, which is very annoying.

    Oh, and if you TK me, I'll just send a /yell telling peeps your current location so that I along with most of Planet side can jump your a**.

    Thank you.

    P.S.: Am I the only one that has trouble finding people who call for a medic? I mean, I hear "I need a medic," and unless they're like right in front of me, I can't find them at all... It doesn't help that they're running around though.
  13. doombro

    Get a level 6 medical applicator, or don't play medic very often.
  14. Tyrant103

    Lucky you, Most medics never revive me and just run past.
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  15. Taemien

    This. Or in my opinion.. don't rez without a level 6 applicator.
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  16. z1967

    I figured it was standard procedure to use the AOE heal when reviving...
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  17. Aeravic

    I believe this problem was increased by the recent right-click to revive patch. Before, you only had to use left click to revive and if you held the beam, it would automatically heal the revived person. Now, they have to switch to left click to heal. I believe this additional step causes many medics not to heal after a revive.
  18. Inex

    Most of the time, I'm kind of annoyed when people don't sprint away after getting revived. It's entirely likely your corpse is in the line of fire: You need to sprint to the nearest cover the moment you get control.

    On a related note, your corpse is in the line of fire. I ran away the instant the revive finished, so don't expect any further heals from me unless we meet up later while I'm not reviving other people.
  19. Konstantinn

    There's still medics around without maxed rez tool? I haven't run into any in months. When I do get revived with half hp I know it's from rez grenade. With rez grenade I don't expect heals, because:
    1) They probably threw it to rez more than one person and I'm not some special delicate flower that needs immediate attention.
    2) They probably threw it because it was too dangerous to walk over there and rez with revive tool, implying it was also too dangerous to walk over there and heal afterwards.
    3) They probably threw it because they only had time to throw it before they had to fight for their life.

    On the extremely rare occasion that they revived me with rez tool and I wasn't at full health (like i said hasn't happened in months), that means they are a new player and they don't know any better. Which leads to something else I also long ago discovered, correcting every person on the internet is not a realistic goal. Also like previous poster said, I'm more worried about immediately moving and hiding than about getting other half of my health right after rez. I can still fight at half health, not so much when I'm dead.

    Hope that settles it for OP.

    PS: pls use healing implant. It's like one of 2-3 only useful implants in game.
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  20. DrPapaPenguin

    And that's where regeneration implant is worth its weight in gold.

    To the OP - corpses have a 30 second lifetime before they despawn, so you can wait. Be thankful someone actually bothered to revive.
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