Rocket Launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, May 27, 2014.

  1. Darkscape

    the one hit kill launchers are OP and need to be nerfed. it takes no skill to use them.
  2. TheBlindFreak

    Why not just buff flak armor so that max rank leaves you with half health or something?
  3. IamDH

    Under what basis have you come up with this conclusion? Ok, lets analyze the rocket launcher a little closely

    At long range (i dont think you can disagree with this) it takes skill because of the drop and any slight movement of the target will make you miss. The rocket is hilariously slow so i think its also possible to dodge a rocket if you react fast enough (at long range)

    Now that we got that out of the way, lets discuss short range.

    At point blank, a shotgun would be much better for this purpose due to the OHK and the ability to shoot multiple times and avoid the long reload of the RL

    At a few meters out you put yourself at risk for oncoming enemy fire because you have to stand out in the open, ADS your target then aim slightly above him. Whilst this might not sound like much, take in consideration that you will be still, most guns drop you in a very short time, the enemy is most likely moving which will make you miss, you are temporarily tunnel-visioned which is a pretty big downside in a game of this scale.

    I find it extremely hard to believe that the average player can get a rocket launcher shot on target
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  4. Arkenbrien

    Not very often at all. I die more often from hit detection fault on my side than RLs. When I do die from RLs, it's usually in a spawn camping situation.
  5. Maljas23

    I've said this before as well, but it seems no on is interested in having this compromise. It would be doing exactly what the people against 1OSK RLs want, but with in-game limitation and not artificial ones. However, for some unknown reason, people are against this too.

    This whining is literally at the level of "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY".

    Then there's people like this guy ^^^^, that believe they have the most royal authority on the forums. Rather than posting actual related content to the topic at hand, they make gibberish post implying their own self-contained superiority. Don't think there is anything that can be done about this.
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  6. TheBlindFreak

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  7. IamDH

    Possibly the worst comeback you can use, especially on this forum. Just admit you can't counter any of my points instead of reverting to "lol im a beter player ur arugmnt is invaled". Under this very same logic, i suppose you are never wrong and we should all listen to you oh great one
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  8. Darkscape

    This post is against the Terms of Service.
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  9. IamDH

    Barely ever. Can't remember last time i died by one
  10. LibertyRevolution

    I kill more friendlies with my rocket lanucher than I do enemy.
    I also get killed more by friendlies with their rocket launchers than from enemy.

    The only time I go rocket primary hero is when I am gunning for a max..
    If I come across a squishy first why it is out.. sorry bro, you get to eat a rocket..
  11. TheBlindFreak

    Perhaps, but so is nonconstructive posts :p
  12. Zinfandelta

    I, I, I, aye yai yai yai!!!. Holy self-promotion, batman!, get a lid on this guys ego before it blows up the game!! Coming from someone who is just cruising the forums for info about this game, you either have one heck of a Youtube channel advertising campaign going on or you really need to come to grips with the world, the universe an everything. Its not all about you bud! It did make me smile however, and perhaps that was your intent? :)
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  13. Codex561

    First of all I want to clarify I very rarely play HA and even less use rockets so I am not defending my own playstyle here.

    That out of the way, why are they hated? From what I can observe they are so since they one shot kill infantry at infinite range (render range). But are they the ONLY thing that one shots people like that? Tank shells do the same. Even within infantry there are PAS which one shot kill.

    To continue my case, PAS shotguns have no actual counter but rockets can be denied with flak armor. PAS shotguns are even better than rocket launchers since rocket launchers sacrifice the 1 shot kill guarantee and refire time for range.
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  14. DxAdder

    I see we are not even close to done with this.

    So why did the nerf the Viper ? It was OHK weapon, I can't even remember being killed be one and yet it got nerfed.

    The RL is just a OHK Shotgun that every HA has at his disposal, we all know it so let not try and pretend its not there.

    HA's like everyone else has no problem nerfing something that can kill them that NOT there's.

    But please stop trying to defend this crutch... it's just sad to watch.
  15. Hatesphere

    Personally I would be fine with the flak buff against rockets, its a wonderful way to make the choice between NW and flak have more meaning, and give a counter.
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  16. Dudinatorman

    Now let's replace Liberator with sniper rifles...
    This cycle can go on for ages because someone was using something someone else wasn't but because it's different it's bad? When ever I get **** bombed by a liberator different actions must be taken rather than spawning from a sundy that I just got **** bombed near.
  17. gigastar

    I call them Rocketeers now. It rolls off the tounge better.

    And basically, RL's have become the new UBGL. Granted theres still a mile of difference between the two, but the main thing for the former UBGL tryhards is that its a weapon that can OHK almost anything theyre likely to encounter inside a base, and can be peek-a-spammed similar to the UBGL.

    Now theres no reason to sue the UBGL anymore, theyve all gone on to dumbfires to get thier cheap kills.
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  18. Mustarde

    I could get behind that. But it'd be nice if lower levels stopped the OHK.
  19. MrJengles

    What about the opponent's view point though? He catches a Heavy with the wrong weapon out, yet there's a significant chance he'll lose the fight faster than if you'd had an LMG out.

    HAs are always going to panic fire RLs. However, I take the view that they should always be at a very clear disadvantage in that situation, not have decent chance at escaping scot-free, and really should be swapping to their sidearm or primary. That's what the sidearm is for right? In which case, they generally only win if they're good at using pistols.

    That, and people should be encouraged to be mindful of not getting caught with the wrong weapon. And make use of cover. And stand behind allies so they are protected. All things to consider with a RL.

    Whether the constraint is enforced by making the RL too hard to use in CQC due to forced ADS and delay times or removing the OHK is another topic. The first got kicked down pretty fast because MAXes need a good counter. Removing OHK on infantry was a more focused proposition.
  20. Govedo13

    5 times out of 100 deaths but this includes also deaths in vehicles, so realistically may be 1-2 %. Much OP.