Rocket Launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, May 27, 2014.

  1. Fortress

    But I'm sure you'll discount it because it's obviously edited, which somehow makes it less appropriate evidence than the usual baseless anecdotes and hypothetical killboard analysis.
  2. Fortress

    That's a good point, everyone who gets killed by a lib needs to not stand still and l2p.


    Forumside Gameplay Experts.
  3. Fenrisk

    Libs and ESF's are top in score/hour and kills a hour. The stats do back that up. If they collected data on the average deaths a hour of a lib pilot/gunner and their average kill streak I'm sure them stats would be out of balance with everything else in this game.

    All Mustarde brought to the table as evidence was a edited video and his own personal belief that rockets are not suppose to be anti-infantry weapons. If we are going to start down this road then ALL weapons which are effective against tanks/Armour should be nerfed to be ineffective against infantry. Starting with the most effective ones.

    Nerfs would come in this order if all effective anti-tank weapons were nerfed due to how many kills/hour they get. ESF -> Lib-> MBT -> etc. Dead last would be the heavy's rocket launcher. It's only logical to nerf the most effective anti-armour weapons so their infantry kills/hour level out to be on average even with or less then the average kill's a hour of the rocket launcher before any rocket launcher nerfs can be justified.
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    Off course I will. As others have stated before, you can make ANY weapon look OP with an edited video.
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  5. SavageBacon

    I also didn't die much to game release Zephyrs, HE, Vulcans and the like but that didn't mean they were fine as-is.

    What i dislike is the how the AV weapon has AI suppressive capabilities such that it can really stifle larger fights. Make dumb fires more like other explosive ordinance where they need to be resupplied at a terminal/sundy and you'd likely see less complaints.
  6. JonnyHatesEmo

    Totally agree. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.
  7. Fortress

    Then why would I bother showing you a killstreak? Or anything at all? You place such an impossibly high standard of evidence on any argument that isn't your own, and then you wonder why we treat you like children upset that they might lose their toys.
  8. UberBonisseur

    Hey musty, I was wondering, how can I apply your method of creating 15+ page threads to issues that really matter, like the Deploy-hopping meta, Sundy sniping, Spawnroom heroes, Lack of logistics, Matt Higby...
  9. NCDaniel

    About 67.4% of the time.
  10. FABIIK

    Why do you call it our toy ?
    My point: Running around with a RL as a primary will get you get you killed.
    Why would I do this ?!?!

    As I've said earlier, I would even further reduce the splash damage to increase its anti-armor specificity.( think shaped head warhead )

    But still, a rocket MUST be a one hit kill. This is just obvious to me.

    What's next ? AP shells from MBTs won't one hit kill either just because they're AP ?
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  11. gigastar

    Sorry i think i would rather saw off my right hand than take tactical advice from someone whos in Sturmgrenadier.

    Youre plainly not going to budge from your flawed logic, nor am i prepared to risk another warning from the mods, so welcome to the ignore list.
  12. Aegie

    Yes, a bit daft that they would remove the no-drop and not equalize the velocity. I agreed with this quite some months ago and frankly I am shocked that they would not have addressed this by now because it must be a really simple fix (find value, change value).
  13. Fortress

    Oh, you're one of those people.

    It's pretty bad when even the creative director, infamous for tolerating a wide variety of stupid opinions, holds your argument in contempt.
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  14. FABIIK

    You're pretty aggressive and disrespectful, mister.
    As for your own argument it's pretty hollow itself.
    Rockets shouldn't one hit kill because... because what ???
  15. LordDethir

    Wonder how many calls he got xD
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  16. IamDH

    He told me that i needed to find a seasoned veteran

    Get it? Get it? hehehhehehehhe
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  17. Whatupwidat

    How dare you sir, Sake is not snark. It's delicious warm wine.
  18. Maljas23

    This is so ironic. You call anyone who disagrees with you a child when it is your side that's doing the crying atm.
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  19. IamDH

    High standard? Not a single point aimed at rocket launchers was provided in the OP except a video that pretty much anyone could remake with any weapon

    I called this nerf a long time ago. Everyone looks for the most effective weapon at the time and just nerfs it. I feel that planetside gets more nerfs than actual development to important gameplay features like RR or Cont locking just because you died to a rocket ingame once or twice and refuse to learn.
  20. Mustarde

    Let's replace rocket primary with Liberator. Does that mean libs are actually fine because only 1/100 of my last deaths were from libs? The OP is asking an interesting question and he seems pretty unbiased about the whole subject, but his question is a very narrow part of the balance discussion.