Rocket Launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, May 27, 2014.

  1. Fenrisk

    Silly thing is the devs intentionally designed the rocket launchers to one shot infantry. It was and is working as intended. The in game stat's show that as a infantry killing weapon it isn't very good. The vast majority of players die more to friendly fire and suicides then rockets. So the argument that rockets are too effective at killing infantry is false.

    Yet Higby now hints that he thinks rockets shouldn't one shot infantry. I have to ask him how can he justify nerfing rockets against infantry when rockets are under performing in that role by a massive amount and rockets have always been intended as anti-tank and anti-personal weapons.

    You have tanks and libs using anti-tank weapons on infantry all the time and 1 shotting them but all of a sudden a heavys rocket launcher isn't suppose to do the same? and Lib anti-tank weapons FARM infantry in waves. You have far more effective anti-tank weapons being using to farm infantry yet a HA rocket players meet once in a blue moon deserves the nerf? Really?

    It's like the devs don't even play their own game or look at the big picture.
  2. PurpleOtter

    I don't know exactly, maybe 1in15 to 1in20 maybe. And almost always because I was doing something stupid like standing still.
  3. m44v

    What's the issue anyway? afraid of having to kill vehicles for get the auraxium?
  4. Mustarde

    Ok Forumside. This is getting out of hand.

    I created this video and thread to raise discussion about an issue I saw regarding rocket launchers, the so-called "Rocket Primary".

    I raised awareness, for sure, even getting a raise out of Matt Higby, who has been tweeting and pondering the meaning of rockets, life and physics.

    "Pondering dumbfire rocket launchers a bunch this afternoon. I wonder if much higher velocity rockets w/ no infantry 1hk would be fun..."

    But enough is enough. My thread alone was 18 pages, several thousand views and filled with good discussion. A duplicate thread popped up later in the week that went 19 pages. I listened to everyone's ideas, responses and feedback, and let my thread die a proper and peaceful death. I was more than happy to move on, knowing that I had made my opinion known, had a chance to discuss it with other players and generate some new ideas about game balance. But then day after day, people keep making new threads to discuss the same thing! I responded to a few but quickly gave up, because I am not on a crusade, and I am not trying to force my ideas of planetside onto the devs, the community or the game itself.

    At this point, I DONT CARE what you think about rocket primary!!! Keep it to yourself, and stop making new threads every 12 hours about the same subject. You guys are killing me here, and I'm the one who started this whole mess in the first place :eek:

    Now yes, I realize with a dev tweeting, people will want to talk about it. Fine, lets keep those 20 page threads going. But once we've all said our piece, let's just give it a rest and see what the development team comes up with, if anything at all.

    So... shotguns next? Pounders? Or should I take a swipe at falcons :) Just dial 1800-NERF-BAT and leave me a message and I'll whip up the next youtube video and we can do this all over again :)
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  5. Hoki

    Nighthawk sniping with slug ammo
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  6. Thardus

    Actually, no, I'm afraid of finding myself completely helpless whenever I plan on shooting at a MAX with my Rocket Launcher, and encounter something else instead. Rockets being unable to one hit kill infantry GREATLY discourages their use in any sort of indoor situation.
  7. FateJH

    For emphasis.
  8. Thardus

    I miss my No Bullet Drop slugs. Now I've got the bullet drop, AND the Vanu's lower velocity. My slug shotgun feels like a softball pitching machine. :(
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  9. m44v

    Nobody suggested anything about reducing the damage against MAXes or vehicles, only against infantry.
  10. gigastar

    How about res grenades? They could do with a good smacking.
  11. Iridar51

    Whoa, what a massive ego you must have to take it all on your account. You may have opened the valve, but the overflowing water had to be there before. Do you honestly believe that it's a snowball action and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon simply because a lof other people do it?
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  12. Iridar51

    Slug velocity is normalized across factions. VS slugs are exactly the same as everyone else's now.
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  13. Thardus

    I guess I didn't explain myself well enough. I see a MAX suit coming towards me. Let's make it a ScatMAX, so it's extra scary. I duck back around the doorway to buy myself some time to pull out my Rocket Launcher. Now, I jump back to where I can see through the door, or perhaps just wait for the MAX suit to come through, if I didn't think he saw me. However, suppose someone else comes through the door, or I find someone else looking at me in the room. Anything else. I'd be dead if the Rocket Launcher was unable to kill them. I'm okay with dying in exchange for having taken out a huge chunk of a MAX's health, but the same for a Light Assault, or a Medic? That I'm not so pleased about. With the way it is now, I have a fighting chance, but if the Rocket Launchers lost their ability to one shot infantry with a direct hit, pulling one out would spell certain doom for anyone who ran into an enemy.
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  14. Thardus

    Are they? I thought they were still slower. Just going on hearsay though.

    ...still like trying to lob softballs though...
  15. Gammit

    Hell no
  16. gigastar

    Hm, 8 mins for a voice of dissent to appear. Longer than expected.

    But im sick of rooms full of medics dropping them with impunity and outlasting just about any other infantry assault through sheer atrittion.

    Its bloody obvious enough how powerful it is if youve been in, or even just watched a competitive scrim.
  17. m44v

    That's a really poor argument. You basically don't want the infantry damage reduction because you don't want to think things through when equipping a RL, if an opponent catches you with the wrong weapon then is only fair to die.
  18. Mustarde

    Well, I made the video and started the thread. Prior to that, I dont think I saw a single post about rocket primaries, and if there were any, they vanished without much discussion.

    But no, I know many players who I speak with regularly who have long hated rocket primary. What I did was serve as a catalyst. But now I'm frankly tired of seeing reddit and the main boards clogged with redundant threads with the same people saying the same things, making identical arguments and calling each other names over and over. I don't think it's ego at all. Alternatively, the moderators could simply lump every rocket thread so we don't have to see 8 of them at a time on the board.
  19. Whatupwidat

    Ah, so this is the guy that made the video that showed only the kills and not the times he got his *** handed to him for only using a rocket launcher?

    *slow hand clap*

    Congratulations sir, your bias and manipulation of a minor gameplay trait may have negatively impacted the game. Would you like to comment on the matter, or just keep giving the self-congratulatory fanwank?
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  20. Prudentia

    *1800-NERF-BAT* hello yes? ah perfect, i would like from you following:
    take a Lasher and go into fights and then record deaths that would have never happened with other weapons. like standing 1m behind him, constantly hitting him, but he still kills you. or showing the atrocious accuracy of the gun by missing completly while only a few meters apart. yes this sunday would be nice, is that doable?

    you wouldn't even need to try that hard :(
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