April 29th Maintenance Update

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. RadarX

    We are still looking into technical issues which are preventing us from bringing up the PlanetSide 2 servers. We do not have an ETA at this time but this is an issue affecting more than one SOE game and is the top priority for us.

    We will continue to work through the night and provide more information as we can. If the servers are not up tomorrow morning, we will provide another update at this time.
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  2. LilBoyBlue

    Aight Devs...thanks for the update. I am going to call Gavin to make sure he is at work though.
  3. Geist817

    i know heres a fun game! can anyone name other mmos that have gone down for more than 24 hours? and if so how long? and are they still running?
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  4. PIanetside

    aww, ok, i understand, definitely will check back often .. LOL since planetside 2 is so awesome :D
  5. NCDaniel

    Shucks. I guess it's back to Skyrim for me.
  6. Arch

    Cheers for the update RadarX, just remembered that for some customers it is already tomorrow morning (6am in the UK)
  7. squarebug

    double exp weekend or bust
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  8. Jaybo H

    Time for some Diablo. Witch Doctors ftw.
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  9. BarnacIe

    You do realize you guys had the same problems with EQ all that time ago.

    It's 2014..............

    Some things never change.
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  10. DankBudha

    So is DCUO the only SOE title to be back up and (fully??) functional right now? If so, what makes that server different than the rest in regards to how this update applied to each server? Seems like a nightmare...and, a long night for some SOE employees. Thanks to those who will be working the graveyard shift to quell the needs of some nerds. Through their nerd-rage, they actually will appreciate it.....just hard to tell in the PS 'community' sometimes.
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  11. Phinigma

    Thanks for the update man, I know your time is valuable and we appreciate it. Please keep us updated to the best of your ability.

    Now, what can I do to fill the void that PS2 has left.

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  12. DaMann22

    I dont know about you guys but I felt like a crack addict not getting my fix today. I play my playstation 4 (inFamous), ps vita (Dragons Crown), pc (DayZ, and simcity, along with watching H1Z1 stream) and I still kept coming back here trying to see if PS2 is up.
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  13. Munr

    Or they can start charging $15/month for access altogether. Would that be acceptable? Didn't think so.

    You're right. Computers are made of the same stuff as they were ten years ago. And humans? Well they've been the same for quite some time.

    Sh*t happens guys, buck up. :cool:
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  14. monchee

    How can things of this magnitude consistently go unanticipated? It makes your whole operation seem like a house of cards, or a giant cadaver in need of re-animation
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  15. Implementor

    its new record for SOE ? 24h soon , keep up "good work" XD
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  16. RadarX

    Being honest? Because things of this magnitude have never been done before. You might remember we moved the dates twice to ensure we had plenty of testing time because this is something huge for us. Unfortunately there were a few additional issues we had to tackle today.
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  17. Notheory

    And they want us to give them money for this service?
  18. NCDaniel

    Take your time.
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  19. Chebus

    Lets all take a moment of silence to pay homage to the sleep that the admins and systems engineers will not be getting tonight. The entire community (whether they say it or not) appreciates the work you are putting into fixing this, because without you they would not be playing this game at all. Thank you.
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  20. monchee

    Cried wolf one too many damn times. No. Something about what they are doing in there is way off, you can't continue to explain away using tech updates as an excuse. How can they not have an ETA? They don't know what the problem is? Professional?
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