Favorite Stalker Cloak Weapon

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ShotgunGuru, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. ShotgunGuru

    What is your favorite stalker cloak weapon? Mine are:
    • LA3 Rebel - Fun to use when ADS and can take down people easily with headshots, kinda like a hand-held battle rifle
    • TX1 Repeater - Feels like an SMG in CQC and is really satisfying to get kills with
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  2. Kilimarr

    Rebel and Desperado :)
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  3. Umrtvovacz

    Desperado as a general weapon for Stalker Cloak, Hunter Crossbow for long range or close range shot-knife combos.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    TX1 Repeater. It is a pocket SMG..
  5. Struct

    NS44, or Beamer if stealth is imperative. I'd love for a 2x burst mode on the latter. Wouldn't really even be a buff, just mostly an ease of use thing.
  6. Pugjax

    Heartseeker Crossbow... when you get good with it you can two shot anyone
  7. Dietre

    I like the Cbow but its follow up shot just isn't fast enough. Cbow/knife is fun
    since I got the underboss for 1 cent, I use that for vanu
    the emperor is BOSS if your decent for headshots. its powerful and has good damage at range over other pistols

    my beef with the stalker is that its to much of penality for its worth. I enjoy it but only when im having more fun trolling then worrying about kills. So mostly cbow/knife I suppose while camping hacked terminals or turrets etc.

    Since the cloaker by default has less health pool, restricting to sole secondary is a death sentence. would have been nice to maybe restrict it to scout semi rifles. I understand the OP of using auto rifles and smg while having the advantage of perm cloak while stationary but a scout rifle requires a good amount of skill to land kill shots in close range without getting peppered by a carbine or smg etc.
  8. Wayfar

    Pistols?! Are you crazy? That is SUICIDE!! Wait... Oh you aren't a Vanu follower huh? Haha. Guessing most vanu will pick the bow.
  9. ShinBreaker

    Most funniest stalkercloak gif up to date.
    I'm vanu, so I have no options, besides the xbow >.>
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  10. Eaderout

    Ive been running those two and found the crossbow is nice for the two shot kills, the Desperado just has some punch. I also run the... crap cant remember the name. It has 14 per mag, rapid fire pistol works sell but I run out of ammo quick.

    I am learning how to play this type of INF, I find it odd there are not more people running with Therm sights to counter.
  11. Ripshaft

    Anything works, all the sidearms have their charms. The only real differences are with the xbow vs everything else, due to the ranged potential and easy instagibs in melee range.

    I mostly run xbow for troll potential, but I've probably had much greater general effectiveness with the cerberus, though I sometimes run around with the underboss, though i find I run out of ammo a bit fast with that one, the ammo belt is less useful for low mag size weapons =/
  12. ZephyrBurst

    The Cerberus, but only because I have to get Auraxium with it since I have it. Manticore will be the go-to after that, and the crossbow depending on situation.

    The Cerberus is the best pistol in the game... because every time you get a kill, you can laugh knowing the shame your enemy feels on the death screen.
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  13. Amouris

    Thermal or IRNV shouldn't be showing you highlighted if cloaked. If you find a situation they are it's a bug so please report it.

    Rebel, two shot head shots to 15m is pretty amazing.
  14. RenegadeHelios

    Crossbow with 4X and laser.

    Work on an enemy as he moves towards you, or stay out of visual range during larger fights and backstab. Slow and methodical.

    Otherwise, I love using a silenced desperado. Slightly less effective for general combat but still entertaining.
  15. TeknoBug

    Desperado no doubt, on TR and VS I'd use the Underboss but I also have a silenced Manticore (and Rebel), I just plain don't like the TR Repeater.
  16. Rigsta

    The only thing I don't like about the VS pistols is the teeny tiny iron sights. The Beamer is essentially a VS Emperor TX2 (small mag, faster RoF which also benefits accuracy), the Manticore is a VS Mag Shot. The Cerberus is actually quite good at CQC but it's really limited to that role, not very versatile. And I'd love to remove its iron sights and attach them to the Manticore.

    I use either of the revolvers, the crossbow or the Manticore depending on the situation.
  17. Eaderout

    I thought it did until the otherday I saw an uncloaked INF go cloaked... then I said WTF (WHat the fun) did I spend cert points? I would have just gotten a black light.
  18. Eaderout

    Ive ran around with the cross bow more. Its a BAMF, I think I had a 20 kill streak (I went to check but my kill stats die off after so many, anyways to check?). If you play it right you can really make a group of people run around with their heads off
  19. MajiinBuu

    Deep Freeze
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  20. ExarRazor

    im partial to the silenced manticore

    the thing makes almost no noise at all, and deals with most infantry quickly.