[Guide] Why I bail out of aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. z1967

    A: Actually no I was referring to the flower as pansies are a rather weak plant (I can't get them to live longer than a few weeks...). Ironically (or sardonically since I still need to work on that), using it as an insult against bailing pilots is silly because they are actually avoiding dying and a bailed LA is just as dangerous as an ESF. Especially with C4 equipped. Pansies as a homosexual slur was not something I was aware of nor did I intend it that way. Use of the word as an insult will cease and I apologize to anyone I offended.

    B: No, it was more or less the fact that I have been forced to Skyguard through most of my play sessions as the air zergs on Connery are becoming bigger, laggier, and more liberator intensive by the day. The state of AA (even whilst stacked) v. air somewhat is frustrating to me but ends up falling in the "this is my personal idea of how the game should go" complaint group. Which overall is great for opinions but not so much for balance.

    C: Sadly, the Skyguard requires approximately ~35 rounds to take down and ESF and ~105 to take down a Lib. Unlike shooting them (ESFs, Libs take waaay too long to kill to make it worth putting myself on their radar and instead I just try to run) out of the sky with a tank shell there is no room for creativity or error as they still will have a few seconds to bail or activate FS and AB out. No room for error and most certainly no room to improve the TTK. Same with hitting them with a Lightning AP, they can activate FS to get out of the red and AB off or bail out. Still no room for error or creativity and yet it is still less efficient. Best I can do is wait till they are in the 100m-200m kill zone and hope their keyboard becomes unresponsive as there is no way I can force them to stay in the aircraft until they are killed.

    D: Satisfaction does not buy attachments, and most certainly is not going to buy implant chargers. Aside from that, AA gun manning is slowly becoming monotonous as it is as close as you can get to point and click (until a Lib comes along and tanks a clip only to TB you seconds later) without actually making the game point and click. Only thing nice about it is that rhythmic sound of Skyguards firing, sounds like pilots tears and the occasional whine post about AA.

    But hindsight, yeah I did get a wee bit ragey there. It is just so infuriating that many people forget the fact that AA is also affected by this, and probably more than aircraft are. I know that it is frustrating for A2A pilots to run in to AA nests because they are no threat to the ground. Crap happens and I guess more or less we have to deal with it until the devs nerf/buff/ignore it for all eternity :|

    But they have an actual ejection seat, which shoots them up in the air, then they slowly float to ground by parachute, and (If I recall) are not supposed to be shot down by enemy pilots as per one of those conventions that the UN concocted in one of their strongly worded letters. So once again, IRL is a really bad comparison here . Aside from that, the new AA guns are either lock-on missiles or some fairly crazy AA tanks. So give me a STK of 3 on ESFs, a 35km range for my gun, and two of these and I will be content with you being to eject safely every time. You would not jump out of an aircraft moving at any speed over 100 km/h with just a jetpack to guide you down, and especially not with 40mm flak rounds exploding near you much less ON YOU.

    IRL is a horrible comparison in this game as the fastest plane in the game (racer Reaver full AB at peak speed whilst in a dive, mossie otherwise) is still slower than most WW2 fighter planes and actually slower than some bombers.

    Not related to above quotes but just an odd thought...

    At this rate I am starting to wonder how they even got into space in the first place if they don't have basic aerodynamics (no control surfaces on the mossie?!? No flaps or thrusters for rolling and turning with no gimbals on the engines?), planes using Jets and some sort of fuel (maybe a high efficiency Ion engine? No fuel meters so I assume that instead) going slower and lower than WW2 and WW1 aircraft, and I still can't figure out how the engineer who made the Prowler thought that off center barrels were a cool idea (props to the design team because it is cool, but it needs and aesthetic pass so it doesn't look like the barrels are going to fly off). Its like physics doesn't exist on Auraxi- Oh who am I kidding it is ****ing hilarious I will say I will say that much (old videos, glitches have been mostly fixed).

    PS: Nearly forgot one of my favorite one lol This one is pretty current as per it the updated UI in it.
  2. Epic High Five

    What about me? I don't redeploy, but I do bail and drift/run over to another fight, trying to get as much exp out of that life as I can. 9/10 I bail so that I can shoot my assailant with my pistol because that 1/100 that they end up crashing and you get the kill IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. I feel zero compulsion to die for someone else's ego, nor do I expect anybody else to grant me the same favor. Of course if they DO and I respect them as a person and player, I'll probably do the same for them, but it's far from my default mode.

    I'm not like...going invisible or invincible or something, if they want to finish the job they're more than welcome to. It's not like I'm going to be able to do much back barring a hail mary C4 connection. I'm usually flying with friends around and if I can remain a viable target even after I'm shot down then that makes their lives easier and means they're less likely to get killed. Seems like an easy choice!
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  3. Rift23

    I love morons who claim that dying in a fire is more "fair" than jumping out and surviving.
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  4. Eaderout

    I use the ejection cert all the time. It's the best way to get into some positions as an INF which is what I mainly use. I fly round, try to do my part and if my craft is about to die I eject to keep on fighting. Or I fight in the air and when I find a good stop to drop I try to use my craft as a weapon so I not only get into position but also maybe take out a target.
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  5. Eaderout

    I don't see why you would disable jets when you bail out of a craft. Makes no sense to me buddy, jets are design to do what they do. Just because you don't like people doing it does not mean that it's OP and needs to be nerfed
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  6. Eaderout

    It's a cheap move to do that yes but the game allows you do that. For myself if I just jump out I don't just say redeploy, I fight till I die. Same with when we signed into the game and first deployed at the warp gate, I just jumped on something I went to the fight. For myself I like trying to live till the bitter end. But that's my game style because I don't like to play that why.
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  7. AnotherNoob

    Personally I dislike people who fly as light assault just to be able to live when they get shot down. It shows that they care more about saving their K/D & pride then being able to save your plane if it starts to burn (by repairing).
  8. LordMatt XLVIII

    A. I always assumed it was the same as calling someone/thing "Gay"............I guess it WAS always meant to be a flower comparison.......

    B. I heard Connery's pretty laggy....yeah, Good luck on that dude.

    C. Certainly, one skyguard on its own can do very little. I found that most pilots tend to retreat at the presence of flak however, so I use it more as air SUPPRESSION than anything else. Whenever I fire on an aircraft w/ my skyguard, I pretty much assume I'm not going to get the kill. Maybe you're just using the skyguard wrong (Maybe)? More likely the pilots on Connery just have more balls to go for a Skyguard than the ones over here on Waterson. However, try re-examining your technique, I mostly pull a skyguard only when there's a lot of support around me. Also remember that there's other counters to air like lock-ons, Walkers/Rangers, and Phalanxes, they can be combo'd together to make a pretty good defensive area.

    D. There's a bit of strategy involved in the whole thing really. You have to predict where your target will move, or even use your flak as area of denial if you can. I hope the next Lightning update adds some sweet *** stuff and fixes verything........as I hope for every update to fix something and add cool stuff....*Sigh* But seriously bro, you gotta think, "Is my drive to get certs ruining my attitude towards this game?"
  9. SiosDashcR

    Yes, I am a dick. Yes, I am an *******.

    And I would digress. I AM getting something - What I gain, is what they don't, certs. The more certs the enemy have, the less they can cert into and become a nuisance to me.


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  10. HellasVagabond

    One word...LAME
  11. Pirbi

    "Pilots" in this game tend to be a goofy bunch. I jump out of any vehicle about to go Kaboom! Nothing special about an aircraft over a tank or sunderer. If someone I'm fighting bails I
    1) Expect it
    2) hunt them down.
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  12. LordBlades

    In such a situation, why not quit the match immediately? This way the missile cav guys gets what he wants (easy wins) and you can go on looking for what you want (fun games). If it was only 'some people' doing the missile cav thing then you should have no problem finding decent matches more often than not right?

    From my experience, most gamers fall in one of the following 2 kinds of mentality

    a) 'the casual guys'; for them having a fun game trumps winning. They abstain (willingly or out of ignorance) from 'cheesy' or 'cheap' tactics and they'd rather lose than win using some of those. I don't consider it a wrong stance per se; these guys can have a lot of fun playing as long as everyone is on the same page.

    b) 'winning is fun guys'; these guys derive their enjoyment mostly out of winning, and are willing to do what it takes to win, even if 'what it takes' is not fun, because they have fun by winning. These guys too can have a lot of fun playing among themselves, as they often thrive from adversity, challenges, and the actual effort to better themselves.

    Thing is, unlike RL, where it's easy for these groups to avoid each other (you don't like how 'pros' play, don't join 'pro' tournaments for example, if you do, it's your fault; I've actually had personal experience with group a people joining DotA tournaments with cash prizes and then moaning that denying is 'cheesy' or 'nofun') in open world or random matchmaking online games, you have no control upon who you're facing. Group a guys (who are often most vocal about it as group b guys are still winning and having fun) should just learn to accept that some people see stuff differently and move on or stop playing.

    Also, to the point of bailing out of an aircraft to deny a kill being against the 'spirit of the game', what makes you be so sure that the spirit of the game in relation to air combat is about killing the other guy and not just killing the other plane? After all, even if the mechanics differ greatly, it's hard to deny that the concept of air units and air combat have the root in the RL airplanes and air combat, and in RL aerial warfare it's all about destroying planes and not killing pilots (I've seen tons of warfare statistics counting downed planes, destroyed tanks, material damage inflicted etc. but I've yet to come across an air force report that actually recorded a tally of killed enemy pilots).
  13. Modern Ancestor

    If its in the game. Its fair game.
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  14. Danath

    If they are playing as LA, is fair game. Even if their intention is just to redeploy. But jumping just to die on the fall only to make it harder for me to get auraxium medal on my AA/ESF weapon? That's quite lame.
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  15. Negator

    Brb making logout macro because its a legit strat
  16. AirSuperiority

    Bailing to destroy a vehicle on ground is one thing. Flying light assault to bail during a a2a fight and stripping the pilot of his kill is another. People who bail are the reason it took me 2.5x longer to get my needler aurax than it should have. You are saying, hey its just a kill deal. Well, anyone who bails and says that is being hypocritical. Why bail if you think its just a kill. If this is going to continue happening because of such hypocrites, then make vehicle kills count.
  17. Crayv

    I don't really care if someone bails out of an aircraft, it means they either A: Gave up being able to repair their vehicle (sometimes in mid flight) by flying as a LA, or B: gave up some vehicle utility by equipping ejection seats.

    Ultimately I am okay with it because I still accomplish my main goal which is to "Remove the aircraft from the sky".

    Oh and it also is nice that vehicle kills are not a measly 50xp anymore.
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  18. Akeita

    Fire supression. LA barely bail to save their life, they bail in middle of a combat rather because their planes is burning, I would just afterburner and run like nobody business to the nearest spawn room, or land in the middle of a Vanguard march begging for an engi to repair my son ESFs
  19. Taemien

    See this is where alot of people just don't understand what kind of game PS2 actually is. Its an MMOFPS. In MMOs where PVP is available, its a nasty world. People will crap on you. Thats just how it is. There's NO PVE in PS2 its all PVP. Meaning you will have the fiercest competition thrown at you at any time.

    Yeah you might get lucky and fight the good fight with other casual players. And then you're going to fight those who wish nothing more than to swat the icecream cone out of your hands and then proceed to curbstomp you. As the guy I quoted said, you all just have to accept it and move on. You all already accepted the style of play once you hit install. No use in complaining now. All you're doing is fueling it.

    See by being upset, I see that such tactics work. I will use a variety of strategies and tactics, even those that tick people off. Angry players are unfocused, make mistakes, and I will exploit that weakness. If I know I can jarr a pilot by locking on to them, I will. Heck I've been known to walk up to tanks with C4, send a tell to the guy saying, "hey man, you know you're about to die right?" Then jump in front of him and detonate the C4 as he moves the turret. I know for most people that would unsettle them, and thats one guy, possibly raging in some platoon chat and distracting 47 other people. Possibly of course.. not always.

    I don't smack talk, I don't engage in arguments with players ingame. I don't have time for that and I do have a personal class I like to adhere to. I don't expect others to meet my standard since like I said, I'm no hypocrite. But for others who expect -me- to play by a certain way -they- think is acceptable. They can go flush themselves down a toilet. As I said before, if you install, login, and engage.. bring your A game. Don't cry when you don't.
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  20. Maljas23

    Too bad your views aren't the law around here. You don't have to agree with what others do, but throwing insults at people you don't agree with is childish man.

    Also, "fun" is subjective. I don't get people trying to use "fun" to back up their arguments.

    I pretty sure macros aren't allowed anyway, but lets say they are. If the point of the game is to win, this does more harm to you than it does to the other people playing. And, we've been talking about in-game stuff, nothing that needs an outside influence to work.