[Guide] Why I bail out of aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    No, you should heed what I say because I've thought about this very issue (in general, not specifically) for the better part of two decades.

    I've participated in countless gaming tournaments, played hundreds of games, talked with many professionals and newbs alike, and I've come to the realization that arbitrarily spiting your enemy and driving them to distraction lessens the quality of the game and its community. I've seen what happens when games promote unsportsmanlike behaviour, and barring a single exception (Eve Online) every single game that has done so has been disparaged.

    "Bailing" when you've lost a fight, with the intention of just redeploying immediately, is an ******* thing to do. You got outplayed, the enemy deserves that kill, you deserve to get a death.
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  2. Mrasap

    Are you really saying people are using the ejection seat cert line?

    Moreover, it seems you consider discussing game aspects and potential changes as "applying your own rules onto others".
    This is a curious synonym, which, looking at your reference to Jehovah witnesses, I believe you use as a personal offense rather than as an argument in the discussion on the actual game aspect. May I remind you that one of the purposes of these forums is to discuss the measures the devs could place on the game.

    The ejection system is flawed by the fact that nobody uses the intended utility option and should be revamped. If you wish to bail like the OP, you should equip the corresponding utility slot.
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  3. Daikar

    The next time you are in a spawn room? how is that they same thing as flying? I more accurate thing would be that you are defending the A point when an enemy drops on and you are the last man standing of your team and then you /suicide to run away.

    Bailing to C4 a sundie IS NOT the same thing as bailing to deny the exp, how can you not understand that?

    Honestly I don't really care what you think, you can play the game however you want. I don't like when players bail and redeploy to deny the exp because I think its a dick move and so I don't do it. If you like when other players do that it's fine really.

    The point of PvP is not to deny the enemy experience, it doesn't effect you one bit if I gain experience or not.
  4. Simferion

    Straw man apart, we aren't discussing a potential change; some people are saying that an intended feature cannot be used because of unsportmanship o such other oddity.
    If you want to change the rules, then it's your right to ask for that, but please don't tell me I must play to your rules instead on the ones in place. ;)
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  5. Irathi

    I'm with you on this one OP.

    I do the same with prowlers / lightnings. If it is about to explode I get out of it and continue killing stuff as well as I can. Funny though how nobody complains about people bailing mbts, just aircraft..
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  6. SiosDashcR

    Safe Ejection (the cert-able feature) exists.

    Hence the idea of bailing out, is allowed.

    If SOE wanted people to not bail out of their planes, they would've made it so that if you were above a certain height limit, bailing out would instantly kill you.

    It's a thing - Get over it.


    Also, the point for some (like myself), is to deny the enemy any points whatsoever. The more certs the enemy has, the more sh*t you deal with. From a strategical stand point (or what I see as strategical), it's necessary to always deny the enemy points.

    If that didn't piss you off fly boys, I try to C4 or Shotgun my Mossy so that I get the kill credit, not you guys.
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  7. Maljas23

    No, I won't listen to your rules at all. You don't get to decide what sportsmenship is just because you've gone to a tourny. See, I play by own rules. My rules say that anything goes. Not gonna just let you kill me if I can prevent that.

    I don't mind that others may or may not do the same, but I also won't complain if you let me kill you "because you got outplayed".
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  8. Paragon Exile

    If you're doomed, and you purposefully kill yourself to stop the enemy from getting credit, you don't think that's a real douchey thing to do? Really? Am I seriously alone in all this?

    It's like camping in a spawn room, only to /suicide right before the enemy captures the base. You can do it, and nobody can really stop you, but you're an *******.
  9. Maljas23

    That's your opinion. Yours has no more authority than mine. You say its a ****** move but I disagree. If I am getting ganked by ESFS, I will ram at least one to take one with me. Is that also a ****** move to you?

    Sorry, but I don't play by the artificial rules that you play by. I play with the rules that exist in the game. You want to give me an extra kill because I just captured a base you were stuck in spawn in, go for it. More for me.
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  10. Paragon Exile

    No, because it's an actual maneuver that the enemy can avoid.

    More importantly, why do you disagree?

    No, don't wait around, redeploy when you realize the fight is lost. Don't sit in spawn trying to farm a few kills like a jackoff then cower. That makes you a *****.

    Really, this is just common etiquette.
  11. Maljas23

    I disagree because its not actually part of the game. If its not a in-game limitation, I'm not going to abide by it. I can hate things (like Coyote Missles) all I want, but I'm never gonna tell people to not use it because I don't like it.

    Sorry, but I don't abide by your "common etiquette", which you have created to artificially limit yourself. I'm not going to give people kills.
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  12. MostlyClueless

    Planetside isn't a game of honorable 1 vs 1 duels for everyone. If something is cheap as hell I'll use it, I got a base to take and an alert to win.
  13. Drudid

    And bailing isnt? you hypocrite.
    we've found the issue, you just are unable to shoot light assaults falling in a predictable manner.
    and any way you've concocted a strawman argument, this thread is about bailing and using drifter jumpjets to ensure a safe landing, NOT /suicide.

    this entire thread is full of examples of people logically and rationally explaining a very viable tactic, and along come the whiners, pushing their own opinions, and the best part? claiming that only their opinions and rules matter, while simultaneously telling anyone else not to push their gameplay style...

    whats more intrusive and obnoxious?
    a) "you cannot do this , this and especially not this i dont like it"
    b) play however you want, but dont expect everyone to play by your own arbitrary rules

    to me option "a" is a massive *** hole with zero perspective, giant entitlement issues, and general stifling attitude on the game

    you want the kill? earn it.
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  14. Taemien

    What I think is rather funny is some people are honestly upset about bailers suiciding to deny them the kill.. yet the majority of us who have the live and let live attitude (basically believe people should play how they want to play) don't suicide. In fact my playstyle is to actually KILL the guy trying to kill me.

    For example, I usually fly a ESF as a HA with a Deci or Air Lockon. This is because I've more or less practiced a rough landing of my ESF. Basically I rough land the ESF and hop out. It skids across the ground and explodes on something (9 out of 10 times), but I land with little or no damage. Then I proceed to fire or lockon and fire on my pursuer, usually killing them in the process. If I fail the landing, then they get the kill so I don't see the issue.

    It seems people are jealous that we can hit peeps with rockets or C4 (depending on class). And want to try to marginalize the tactic by using the suicide argument. Now.. I'm not the best ESF pilot out there. But I have to say, I've not seen people jumping out and suiciding that often. Usually its a cliff, bridge, or tree that they run into, and it doesn't look like its on purpose. But either way, I still got the kill (unless they did it while I was locking on with something).

    But the most amusing thing about this whole discussion is some kids out there that are SO damn upset that someone got away from them. That they got to run to the forums about. Meanwhile a platoon drops 4 galaxies on a point and he's busy chasing a solo ESF till it suicides. I think you should be more worried about how obsolete your little ESF is to the actual game.

    What can you do or even a squad of your buddies in your ESF's do to a Gal drop? Little to nothing. I think yall's priorities are a bit misplaced. I'd be more worried about the obsolescence of your ESF than who's getting away from you. But that's just me. I don't think a ESF has really ever factored into a successful alert win or continent cap. Not trying to get off topic here.. but I'm just pointing out that you all are getting upset at the wrong thing. A dude jumping out and /suiciding is the least of your worries atm.
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  15. Iridar51

    A player gets mad because he didn't get the kill on you because you bailed. You say the other pilot shouldn't be mad for not getting the kill since the kill is just shiny points. Somehow forgetting that bailing in the first place is an attempt to preserve your shiny points.

    Bailing just above a combat zone with "that's how I planned it" face to C4 a tank below you, and bailing to /suicide in a failed dogfight aren't the same. Myself, I don't see bailing as an issue, because I don't think that overall the number of planes destroyed each day is big, and the AA dogfighting isn't insanely rewarding in itself, unless you're a very good pilot.

    Call me a scrub, but I call people names inside the game for using anti infantry cannons on tanks, AI MAXes and liberators. They detract so much from the game experience at other's expense, and in a way that doesn't require much skill or risk. It is cheap, dishonorable and stupid, and no man would do it.

    And don't give me "it's war hence all is fair" hypocritical nonsense. If that were true, and the most important thing in PS2 would be to win the war, which you can't even do, you wouldn't stop at sabotaging computers of players of enemy faction and meeting and beating them IRL, as well TKing key enemy assets en masse.

    This is a game, to play and have fun, and if you play in such a way that you're the only one having fun, then you're a bastard and nothing more.
  16. DramaticExit

    Shogun 2 Total war, was a game which I played a lot, and was good at. The MP scene was an absolute blast, highly competative, yet friendly.

    There was a build that some people took into multiplayer games... It basically involved having an army mostly comprised of missile cavalry. This build was diffcult to catch (due to being fast) and could kill stuff while kiting around the map. Using it was both boring and easy, while being boring and difficult to fight against. The people who used it almost invariably were the type of person who spent the first five minutes of a game verbally insulting their opponent.

    This was the build used by people who were trying to annoy everyone. If they found that they couldn't actually win, the people using this build would often run their army around the map, hoping that you would get bored and disconnect, handing them the victory by default.

    The build in question was an error of judgement by the development team. It made the game highly annoying to play, and completely negated actual ability in multiplayer... Making every game a question of either using that build yourself, or being patient enough to put up with the torrent of verbal abuse, and then more patient still to put up with the fact this doucheface was gonna run around the map for a couple of hours to bore you into quitting.

    There are some things which a game allows, which ae things a community should try not to do. Things which result in an overall fun-lowering for the folks around you, for example. The spirit of this game is in competition. With that in mind, denying another player the reslts of a competition seems to be kinda... Missing the point.

    That said... There are no hard and fast rules about what is and what is not acceptable. It's all extremely subjective, and dependant on the context in which something is being done. saying "X is a scrub because he bails out of aircraft" is stupid... He might have a really valid reason. saing "Y is a scrub because he complains about people bailing out of aircraft" is equally stupid, because his reasoning might, for all you know, be absolutely damned flawless.

    Just can't make them judgements in either direction... Oh hey, not being judgemental, wouldn't that be a crazy thing for an online community..
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  17. z1967

    I think it is the most dickish to AA if you bail. I can't:
    a) hunt you down
    b) shoot you as you float to the ground as an LA
    And I probably won't:
    a) get the kill
    b) get an Auraxium any time soon without infantry farming
    c) get the extra xp for you probably being an "extreme menace" or whatever.

    Either change Auraxium requirements to vehicles kills/critical assists or narrow the COF so I can actually hit you floating pansies. Or try and float to my Skyguard so we can fight again or something like that. Also add a feature in which "menace" extra xp is awarded upon killing the vessel in which they got the xp in.
    If you are using it, yes. If you are just hopping out as a LA with the only intention of denying kills that is likely unintended as it is poor gameplay. Hopping out, killing the other aircraft/tank with your weapon of choice, and then either hopping back in or floating to the ground is something that I consider skillful and I am completely fine with that.
    I am going to call you out on this and say it fairly clearly, That is being a dick. You are purposefully denying someone else's character progression. Denying resources makes sense, denying xp is being a dick and completely pointless behavior. You get NOTHING whilst the only thing they get is more frustrated with elitist who are too afraid to take a death stat.

    Eventually they see you or whoever else doing it enough that they eventually form opinions that you, and possibly your outfit, are (a) dick(s). Aside from that, I think it is fair to say that all of this is not worth denying a few hundred xp.
  18. LordMatt XLVIII

    *Cries tears of joy*

    You understand! You beautiful, beautiful human being!
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  19. LordMatt XLVIII

    Calm down there, Ragequest McThunderPants.........

    A. Please refrain from referring to the bailing people as "pansies", which I'm sure you meant as a slur for homosexual, and not the flower....

    B. I understand your pain. Auraxiuming the Skyguard is....an endeauvour.... I'm sure that's one of the main reasons you were upset enough to post this.

    C. Playing smart against your enemy promotes smart gameplay from THEM, if they deny you a kill, you'll try to find a way to make sure you get it next time. I'm sure you're smart enough to come up with some good ESF killing Strategies.

    D. In the end.......you still win. In a situation where you shoot down some dude's aircraft and he manages to bail before you get him, you straight up beat him. You need to stop looking for certs and XP to prove your enjoyment of the game and start really grasping that YOU JUST SHOT DOWN THAT GUY'S PLANE LIKE A BOSS SO HE CAN GO AND SUCK IT for all you care. If you can't get some kind of satisfaction out of that then you can go play Call of Battlefront 3: Nuclear Apocalypsaggedon or whatever you people are into these days......
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  20. Tar

    IRL, people bail from aircrafts too!
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