[Suggestion] Do not give the harasser back its durability or damage.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    The nerf was unprofessionally implemented, but the vehicle was so OP that it was justified.
    An equally blind buff to everything would be even more of a mistake, the game is not burning because harassers aren't challenging MBT anymore. The game was fine without the harasser honestly.

    Buff its mobility back to what it was previously, but lets be fair and give the flash the harasser speed and stability treatment while we're at it.

    Instead of making it the harasser patch, make it the mobility patch.

    Nerfing the backseat repair to what it is now was not a mistake.
    Nerfing its durability and AV weapon damage was not a mistake.

    Just start with mobility and lets see how that ends up. I remember those days of the dominion of harass. They were REALLY REALLY hard to hit, even with AP. Their durability, backseat repair, and full tank secondary AV damage was the problem.


    Also might want to do something about head-glitching with the turret cause thats still primarily how I use the harasser. Lame as **** yes, but if you want it fixed, abuse the hell out of it.
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  2. Schwak

    So what, you want the harasser to remain useless because "Remember the days?".
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    The harasser should not shrug off a couple tank shells like they were bullets. The harasser should harass, not kill
    Harassers should get mobility upgrade and maybe a better way at killing infantry so they can harass sunderers. If a tank 1v1s a harasser, the tank should win.

    Harassers should be effective in a group and not just on its own.
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  4. Shockwave44

    So ESF's should never kill liberators or galaxies...

    Everything is more effective in a group.
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  5. Hoki

    Shall we disregard the past and learn nothing?

    The die well now. If you don't want to die quickly while taking on a tank, drive better.

    And if a mobility buff isn't enough after vetting it out on live, then reconsider durability.

    These spawn at any vehicle terminal. If they are meant to take on tanks, then they should have been limited to tank terminals.
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  6. Alarox

    I agree with the OP. Old Harassers were ridiculously overpowered. Just because they're now underpowered it doesn't mean we need to buff them into being overpowered again.

    The problem with the Harasser was that it could deal solid damage and you couldn't kill it no matter how hard you tried, even when they overextended. A Harasser with composite armor and an Engineer in the back could take multiple Titan-150 AP shells and keep driving, then come back. Then do it again. And again. And again. And again. They could keep driving at 300m, keep hitting your tank (which needs to be slow moving or stationary if you want to return fire) while you need to hit them 3+ times with your main cannon.

    Harassers could effortlessly drive through platoons of infantry, kill a bunch of people on the strafe, and make it out relatively unharmed (and even if they were you could just repair in the back). Then do it again.

    As an aside I also think the resource cost should be lowered.
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  7. Simferion

    Neither useless nor overpowered.

    Harassers were OP because they were fast but also too durable and the repair on the seat was too fast.
    They should unnerf the Turbo and give an increased resistance (just a bit) to small arms to Composite Armor.
    And the cost should be reduced.
    But Harassers should die against tanks. They should be H&R or transport vehicles.
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  8. Dahwhatsdat???

    The problem in my opinion is that harassers don't have nearly enough mobility in light of their vulnerability to tanks to be viable atm. I for one think these changes are justified as no vehicle should be UP at its intended role one of which in the harassers case IS vehicle hunting. Wether those vehicles include tanks remains to be seen but in the harassers defense http://www.armyrecognition.com/humv...rier_vehicle_technical_data_sheet_pictur.html
  9. Schwak

    The problem was never that it could take 2 AP rounds without dying. The problem was that Back seat repair made it so in combination with its high mobility and decent durability it was almost an un-killable vehicle. Composite armor never should have been a thing as well. The fact that the harasser even before nerfs was useless unless you had composite was a major design flaw on the devs part. Composite armor 4 should have been the base resistances and they should have fixed the back seat repair bug instead of applauding it and causing the problems that they did.
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    ESFs are fighters ment to clear the skys
    MBTs are meant to clear the ground.
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  11. Hoki

    Hummers aren't much faster than tanks tbh.
  12. Flag

    You obviously didn't learn anything from the past ....

    On their own, the different aspects of the Harasser weren't a problem.
    The combination of them all was what put it over the edge.

    So there is nothing wrong with improving the vehicle side of things, that is mobility/handling and durability, while leaving the firepower in it's nerfed state.
    Because tbh, being able to 2-shot a harasser with nothing but the main Mag gun feels too good. At least make it survive (though maybe on fire) to give the harasser a chance if it runs composite at max.
    And of course leave the back seat repair as it is, so it's still worth it to stop for repairs.
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  13. Shockwave44

    If ESFs are meant to clear the sky, then what are liberators for?
  14. Hoki

    Being unable to kill them was the primary problem. They never dealt MBT or lightning damage, that isn't what made them OP. It was the inability to hit the little ****ers, and when you did, it hardly did a god damn.

    Lets not put on rose tinted glasses and remember the old harasser as the perfectly balanced vehicle that did a little bit too much damage and repaired a little too well while on the move. That is utter horse****, they were horrendously OP, and powerful enough to justify restricting their spawning to tank terminals.
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  15. Jetlag

    Liberators clear everything, what a lib sees it kills...
  16. Paqu

    Currently the Harassers are too weak at anything. Using two Fury Flashes to kill tanks is way more effective than trying to do the same with Harasser. And cheaper too. Same for infantry farming. Two Renegade Flashes does that job better. I just dont see a reason to pull Harasser at any situation.

    It absolutely needs its speed back and a health buff. Leave composite armor the way it is (or small buff against small arms fire on it) and increase the health so they dont die so easily and this way other defence options stays viable as well. Increase on AV weapons damage at closer ranges would be good to increase the risk vs reward type of play.
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  17. FigM

    To make other tanks more competitive against pre-nerf Harasser, all you had to do was give all tanks turret stabilization

    Harasser has the advantage because it can drive fast and shoot. Lightning is fast but can't shoot while driving fast
    Magrider has always been Harasser's greatest enemy due to its turret stabilization plus magburn

    The point is that you can keep the gameplay interesting by improving things that suck instead of nerfing things that work well
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  18. Crayv

    I think the nerf to the back seat repair was all the harhar needed. They are rather fragile but because of the repair if you missed a single shot against one it would quickly be to out repair you. This is what seemingly gave it the ability to "out tank, tanks".

    As they are right now riding in one is a death sentence. I rarely ever see one last more than a few seconds the moment they get close to any real fight.
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  19. Hoki

    asymetric balance? :oops:
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  20. Hoki

    Oh I don't know, I heard they're ok against ground things.
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