Voice your opinion! What do you think SOE did wrong?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperMedicated, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. SuperMedicated

    This is a post on what in your opinion SOE is doing wrong with their game, only helpful posts and don't forget to like what you agree with please! Also comment other people's opinions, see what may be wrong or what you'd like to change on theirs.

    My opinion:

    C4 is too weak, it should be able to 1 Hit KO any ground unit, 1 hit ko ESFs, leave liberators with 3/5 of health and continue as it is on galaxies, also give it a smoother animation and faster travel times (like falling to the ground and going into the direction you threw it faster, in the end it's a brick of explosive metallic nanites not air)

    The game ran better on beta compared to now, it shouldn't be considered a release yet

    Both performance updates made crashes happen a lot more, and even made the game slower on some configs

    Shotguns are wayy too nerfed, they don't work for what they are made for. (excluding the jackhammer) SMGs kill faster, and have extremely higher ranges, so why even buy a shottie in first place, also the slug ammunition is slower than pistols (WHAT?) and has a bullet drop that makes you wonder what they are made with. (I'm not asking for OP shotties, i like everyone want BALANCED shotties as they have no reason to exist at this point)

    You shouldn't have made the infiltrator's cloak different across graphic settings

    You shouldn't have made the sniping class be able to use it's cloaking ability AND have the most effective close combat weapons in the game (SMGs) Leave them with scout rifles as a choice for closer range and also release more of those.

    HAs should have the most hard-hitting arms in the game (the LMGs), made into 4 sections: AI, AA, AV, AV+AA (the last one with less effectiveness for both, AI ones not having armor piercing rounds and AV, AA and AV+AA having reduced effectiveness against infantry, like the max buster compared to the cosmos), packed with high bullet velocity, extreme precision loss with any kind of movement that doesn't happen while aiming down sights, speed penalty while being held and small number of RPM
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  2. DJPenguin

    They didn't take enough from PS1.
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  3. Fangry

    Smedley is to old to manage a game for teens..
    He tries to make it to much Battlefield, while we want it to be Planetside
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  4. Tommyp2006


    The game needs forced specialization, instead of the current, "anybody can pull anything at any time"

    And in base design, the spawn rooms are often set up as seperate entities from the actual base. The spawn room to the entire base should flow together better. Right now, it feels like the base is designed and built, then the spawn room is plopped 50m off to the side of it.
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  5. Wecomeinpeace

    In a nutshell, turning an immersive sandbox into a lobby-shooter on rails.
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  6. Fenrisk

    Firing off most of their staff last year and moving most of the leftovers to the new EQ thingy.

    Till they hire more devs content updates for this game will be so slow that you could quit for a full year, come back and only see one new weapon or if your very lucky a new vehicle.
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  7. Bickdouglas

    The snail pace of real content release.
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  8. repairtool6

    Did wrong?

    They waited way way way to long before starting OMFG.
    And when they released that (finally) they didnt actually understand that is was the bravest and best thing (by far) they ever did.

    So now they have to freeze everything again and do it all over because (LAUGH HARD!) they actually allowed subsequent updates to spoiled the gains of that operation. Why why why why risk that? With some rushed pointless updates and 'new features'?

    Why put enormous effort into desperatly fixing the core of something and then just squander it a few weeks later?

    Everything pales beside this.

    Just my opinion
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  9. Tommyp2006

    Actually, I take back what I said in my previous post. The thing they did wrong more than anything, was releasing the game a year early. Almost every issue we have seen or had with this game has stemmed from releasing the game too early.
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  10. stalkish

    I feel there is nothing more to say.
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  11. Villanuk

    The problem is they are losing there USP. They are trying to make the game to easy for a BR1 to walk in a reap killing sprees and for players who take no time in understanding the game, the concept or the weapon's.

    To spend to much time, in promoting the game rather than external marketing the game. Trying to bleed its members dry to make profit rather than generate new players who would stay long term. Bringing in players who like a simple easy FPS will never stick at PS2. Fangy, PS2 is not a game teens would rush to, some yes but the mass market No.

    Constant nerfing and buffing, it gives you zero confidence to purchase items or invest certs into classes.

    Poor value for money. The membership is way to expensive when you take in mind what you need to buy if you want to upgrade your weapon's and how poor the game runs.

    The sorry lack of direct feedback from Higby on his OWN forums,
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  12. SuperMedicated

    Please say you liked how the HA should be imo, it's the work of my life, by making the HA into an actual heavy class with anti vehicle capabilities that surpass the LA which is supposed to be anti infantry, Don't you think the game would be awesome with the infantry actually being able to counter vehicles?

    Desperate post above! Normal post below!

    Nerf HA's Rocket Launcher anti infantry, make it less effective against them, by making it actually hard to aim at some infantry and instagib them like requiring the person to stand still while aiming down sights.

    I also would like to correct my opinion on one hit koing ground units, 3 should be enough to kill a sundie
  13. David Lancaster

    They completely and consistently ignore the biggest issue with this game... overpop and underpop which leads to unfair fights that are spawn camps. It ruins gameplay, spawn camps are no fun for anyone and just waists time.
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  14. SuperMedicated

    Please also offer a solution
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  15. Alzir

    Ok I'll keep this constructive as I like the game, but SOE have certainly made some blunders in the development of it.

    So in no particular order:

    1. Too much focus on big, rather than good, battles. Big is not better when fights channel you into very small spaces.
    2. Resources are meaningless. Imagine if you had a player run market place like in eve online, we mine resources to supply industrialists who work out of and therefore have to defend facilities like tech plants. People can sell what they manufacture on the market and accumulate wealth, but also have to use cash for everything else, so that the loss of a vehicle for example hurts their wallet.
    3. Locking characters to one server makes it very difficult to play with friends. I've lost count of the number of friends I've run into who've tried this game independently from me and in so doing have chosen a different server/faction, where to play along with them requires one of us to use a brand new character. I've never accepted any argument against free movement across all servers (use an XP bonus to encourage balance if that's a concern, along with dynamic population caps).
    4. Lack of logistics. Add logistics and you add a layer of complexity to the game which would contribute to a meta game. Imagine if zergs had to worry about fuel costs or a limit to the amount of times they could make use of a single sunderer?
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  16. BadAsElite

    Im starting to see alot of these threads with how players feel SoE is ruining the game experiance, with bad features and stability issues.
    I think SoE needs another wake up call.
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  17. Tanchester

    1. They destroyed the Harasser! I mean, nobody uses it anymore, bring back the old Harasser!
    2. The WDS project is ruining the game while it lasts. Cool, we get some prizes(which were not the ones that were promised), but the amount of people logging off and not playing while WDS is lasting is too damn high!
    3. Amerish was so much more interesting to play on before the redesign. It was a go-to continent for all those players not liking the lattice system. Now it's just as zergy as the rest.
    4. Upgrade button!
    5. We don't want implants.

    That's just my opinion.

    See you!


    6. More respect towards European players and the European community in total.
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  18. Hosp

    To much Vehicle Zerging with glass cannons. Should have a tank be a tank and run through a horde of unprepared Infantry. And if that tank gets downed in that process, oh well, you're not getting another for 10mins (Time TBD).

    Air balance is fubar.

    A constantly ticking timer on a membership isn't worth the price to players whom can't be on more than a few hours a day a few days a week. Sure, some can afford it, but others that can't would rather just buy a $15 SC card now and then. Try an alternative membership that is tied to Game Time instead of Real Time. Perhaps 2/3 the hours for the same price(Just a guess).

    Lack of game mechanics that make this more than a giant TDM. No LLUs or Rabbits. No New/Unique Capture mechanics. No Resources and horribly normalized weapons which detract from faction flavor.

    Need Outfit progression and Map Drawing.

    Remove Alerts

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  19. David Lancaster

    Ok smart guy.

    How about a overpop limit per hex, or bonuses to underpopulated fraction, or a timer that kicks people out of the spawn room, or no XP in spawn room, better base defenses, base defense that only work when underpopulated in a hex, better base designs, limiting the number of allowed tanks in a hex, faster spawn timer for vastly underpopulated players in a hex, more secure spawn rooms that don't let you get killed inside, more teles to secondary rooms in bases, automatic call for reinforcements when a base has way to few defenders vs a large army, nerf to huge zergs in general with RESOURCE REVAMP. A mission system that actually works instead of telling you to go where you were already going, more reward for defenders, add decent reward for completing missions, much more reward if you manage to take back a base after a good fight against an overpopulated opponent......

    shall I go on?
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  20. DQCraze

    These are just my perceptions and I can't prove all of them.

    They aren't listening to the player base that has 6 months to 1 year in game time. Please listen to us, we will do the recruiting for you and it's free.

    Don't change things that aren't broken ie lib armor.

    Game stability, please, this should be #1 priority. If I'm crashing I'm not playing so content doesn't matter.

    Client side hit detection. Why? I don't understand please tell me why it's better then server side.

    I love this game, the concept, the artwork, the scale I will support it and recruit for you SOE. But please get the game stable and get rid of the current hit detection.
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