Remove the other IWin button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Revanmug

    Hey guys! GUUUYYYSS! I like to complain that I can't see **** in front of me but I also love graphical option that artificially blur the **** out of my screen to give a more "cinematic" experience.

    Somehow, this kind of logic doesn't surprised me.
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  2. Chubzdoomer

    I don't have trouble seeing anything else, and I turned motion blur off as I was playing earlier and noticed very little differences aside from the slight blur effect when turning.

    Also, ever consider the fact that I shouldn't be able to see cloaked Infiltrators so easily? If they really are so easy for most of you guys to see, it sounds like the developers need to make some serious changes or address an issue that causes them to be more/less invisible on some configurations than on others. Maybe they can address that while they're busy implementing a delay for firing weapons after uncloaking.
  3. Atis

    If its bad situational awareness that kills players and not infils, how happens that same bad SA kills them much less when they face other classes? How can 10+ ppl run around stalker infil, who yells spotting voice macro, and don't see him until someone have a lucky run with flashlight? Are all these ppl blind? Do they all run game at low settings?
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  4. Chubzdoomer

    Heh, apparently so.
  5. Bl4ckVoid

    Some people claim that they always see infiltrator because it is easy.
    I also regularly see roomful of people shooting into each corner because they do not see a thing!!! Obviously the majority does not see them so easily at all.

    And as for bad situational awareness: in big battles, what exactly do you do when you hear a cloak sound? Stay in spawn? You are aware that there are infiltrators in the area, but there are also tons of visible enemies, so what do you do??? Ignore visible guy, because there is an invisible one around???

    And in a small engagement what do you do when you hear a cloak sound? Turn around continuously and shoot everywhere? Summon a whole squad of infantry with a spell???

    Yeah, you know a cloaker is around, then a lot of times the only thing that will not surprise you, is that you get shot in the back and get killed.

    IT IS TOTALLY OP AND FRUSTRATING. And it is obviously very effective too, because bases are now regularly invaded with mostly infiltrators. Unless you have a coordinated effort with eagle-sight people, they will slaughter a whole squad with ease.

    Maybe there was a stalker infil sitting in a corner. You know that when they crouch and don't move, they're basically invisible, don't you?

    If you're having issues seeing infiltrators, use a flashlight. It's literally a hard counter to the cloak.
  7. salembeats

    No, it sounds like you need to simply learn how to recognize the distortion patterns and pay attention to them. Lol. We've established that this is a problem that you have that many other players do not, and that your system specs allow you to use the most optimal settings for seeing Infiltrators.

    For the bazillionth time, there's already a delay for firing from the time you hit the "uncloak" key to the time you can fire, and it's proportionate to ping. Stop begging the question.
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  8. salembeats

    They're all idiots who would rather cry about an ability than equip the attachment which hard-counters it.

  9. salembeats


    As mentioned above, in the 10m-or-less range where SMGs are almost as effective as other weapons, all weapons are easy to land hits with and have approximately the same TTK as each other.

    You didn't even reply to that comment, because frankly, you really don't have a good reply to it.
  10. Atis

    But why would they remove laser, grip or ext mag if infils are so easy to see like some ppl claim?

    CQC carbines and ARs are pretty shaky, low ros ones have higher TTK. But infils cant equip carbines, ARs and shotguns. Why? Maybe, because they are snipers and backstabbers, not DPS class. Then suddenly they are given SMG, commissioner and QCX, so now non-dps class have great dps, and with NS7 they are on par with any carbiner at 5m and even at 40m due to tight cof and superb controllability.
    Heck, I see plenty of non-nooby LAs and some engies, medics and HAs with SMGs. Why would they use them instead of shotties or class-specific weapons, if "SMGs are almost as effective"?
  11. salembeats

    Mahbad, I didn't know that people run extended mags on their sidearms.

    #1: Hunter QCX has HORRIBLE DPS (its strength lies in DPB).
    #2: The semi-auto Commissioner also has less DPS and real-life TTK than primary weapons.
    #3: SMGs have less DPS than carbines, plain-and-simple. Within the <15m effective range of an SMG, it's just as easy to land your hits with a carbine. However, the carbine does more damage and kills more quickly at a much longer effective range.

    #1: Your "non-nooby" assessment is wrong.
    #2: They're trying for an Auraxium Medal with an SMG for 200 certs, and whichever class they happen to be using the SMG with is the one they're the most comfortable with.
    #3: They're trialing the weapon with whichever class they're most comfortable with.
    #4: 2nd-gen SMGs have lots of ammo in reserve -- pretty much the most you can get in a mag without pulling a HA.
  12. Stigma

    Can i just ask, why is your infiltrator KDR the lowest out of all the classes you have ever played? Shouldn't it be higher than all the others considering that it is "comically easy"? Is there a bug in the database, or could it be that you have a bit of a bias here?...

    As far as infil cloak being "invisible" coming at you from the front is laughable. If you can't see a cloaked infil at at least 4 times the range of effective SMG-distance then there is either something wrong with your eyes or your settings. Even on low it isn't anywhere near that bad, although I do think they could make another pass on making cloaking even more consistent over all settings.

    The only circumstances at which cloaking approaches invisibility is:
    - At long ranges, 60+ meters out.
    - against vehicles, although even vehicles do see you if you if you are close.
    - Using deep-cloak. Now that is genuinely hard to see even for a good player who is looking for a cloaker, but obviously you have zero mobility while doing this and it takes a good bit of time to activate.

    You are really barking up the wrong tree here. The cloak is one of the least powerful and impressive features of the infitrator, at least if we are talking about playing with/against somewhat experienced players. What is truly strong about the class is its information-gathering ability with it's sensors. If I could keep those then I think I would take pretty much any other classes ability as a replacement for the cloak on the infil and actually be stronger for it (except probably for the medic heal-aura).

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  13. Revanmug

    The only one that's going to be hard to see is a crouch immobile stalker infiltrator which can regen cloak fuel while being cloaked and immobile which increase the difficulty of finding them. A Stalker user in movement can still be easily spot as any others, even if crouch.

    That style of gameplay also doesn't have a primary weapon which mean they can't one shot anyone outside of other infiltrators if they use a crossbow or the commie. They are also goin to get ***** if they try to enter any kind of fight considering the low firepower and magazine size of secondary weapon.
  14. Bl4ckVoid

    Given that SMG infiltrators are everywhere now, the statement that they are easy to detect while cloaked is FALSE.

    THEY ARE NOT EASY TO DETECT AT ALL. If it was that easy too see them, infiltrators would fail every time and they would not be EVERYWHERE.

    Infiltrators are not just effective in the game, they are the biggest forum warriors who are willing to post for 16 pages to defend their owerpowered ability. They also went ballistic about NW5 blocking their OVERPOWERED headshot ability.
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  15. Chubzdoomer

    Your reading comprehension fails once more.

    Why do I even bother continuing to try and get through to you? Perhaps I'm just a masochist.
  16. Tuco

    Before the Combat Upgrade players started doing the holocron grind. Everyone I played with dropped what they were doing and started grinding multiple professions. I knew what this "grinding" behavior was from playing Everquest, and knew it led to nowhere. The economy took a dump, and I could see the writing on the wall and quit only after about 6 months, long before the Combat Upgrade.

    The WDS pre-season thing showed me the writing on the wall with PS2...long before the Liberator-Infiltrator buffs.
  17. Chubzdoomer

    It could be that, while you were snooping around in my profile, you didn't do your research in this very thread.


    In short: Most of my time spent as Infiltrator (which admittedly isn't much) was spent sniping in the early stages of the game. As a result, my KDR/SPM with the class is quite low. I only used the Cloak+SMG combo for roughly an hour or so.
  18. Chubzdoomer

    Not as easy as hipfiring with laser-sight SMGs, they aren't. Try using a carbine or LMG like an SMG -- rarely, if ever using ADS at close to mid range -- and see how that works out for you, especially if you come upon an SMG user. He'll smoke you and land far more shots while being able to dance around all the while. That's one of the major reasons why SMGs, along with shotguns, are CQB kings: The ability to hipfire unlike any other automatic weapons and a near-non-existent movement penalty.
  19. ADUILO

    And what about CQC carbines with an advanced laser sight? I'd take a GD-7F over a Cyclone, Blitz or NS-7 any day.
  20. Chubzdoomer

    Some are quite good at hipfiring, but none are as good as SMGs at it, especially while moving.