Is having points capped by cloaked infiltrators bothering anyone else?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killuminati C, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Killuminati C

    I'm just wondering if anyone else is finding this extremely irritating? A lot of bases that I've seen capped lately have had one or two infiltrators flipping points after the fight was over while the rest of the fight moves to the next base. It's almost as if you need to leave 2 guys on each point to keep them from being flipped and messing up the cap at the next facility otherwise risk having the inf hide somewhere else leaving you to start from scratch in the hunt.

    It's not fun and I don't understand why it was implemented. The simple solution to me would be to make them uncloak to cap a point. It would still require you to hunt them down and recon darts would be effective counters as infs would have to move to avoid detection and not be able to just crouch to avoid the motion sensor.

    This isn't a nerf infiltrator thread but playing hide and seek while trying to convince a squad to keep searching isn't fun, to me anyway.

  2. sustainedfire

    Darklight flashlight.

    Crossbow with recon bolts.
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  3. DashRendar

    I'm glad Infil has a solid role finally, rather than just being a pest. Plus it gets them to put their SMGs down for a bit.
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  4. Bankrotas

    scout radar flash
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  5. Gadamlu

    No, it is one of the very few actually useful things infils can do besides farming noobs
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  6. Devrailis

    Recon darts.

    Recon darts.

    Recon darts.

    Recon darts.

    Recon darts.
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  7. MajiinBuu

    Shoot corners until you see X
    EMP will light them up as well(you'll see the static shock silhouette), and it clips through walls
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  8. EmmettLBrown

    I had to learn real quick that no one wants to stay behind and defend bases after they're taken. The Auraxis Engineer's Union doesn't allow me to stay and fix base turrets. I think it has something to do with the zerg section of their charter.
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  9. Brewery

    If infiltrators can't cloak while capping a point than I believe no class should be able to use a special ability while capping a point as well? HA's can't use personal shield, light assault can't use jetpack, medics can't use their Area Heal.
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  10. Killuminati C

    But if you crouch you dont show on recon darts. I don't know about scout radar though.

    I guess its just me then.
  11. iller


    Also ever since Stalker cloak was improved, my K/D against point rushers has doubled and I'm finding myself playing the Point a lot more than I used to when my only option was the BoltDriver + Magshot. We're not quite there yet. For instance when I see a HA who looks around a lot, I just stay hidden and don't even attempt to 1v1 him. I also have to be extremely careful about call-outs. So until Implants and the new Melee weapons are finalized, I think we're going to still be the exception rather than the rule. Hence, why I'm still running into about 8x more Sniper-trators and SMG-filtrators than I am any infs who ever use the pistols+knife for kills.

    Infact most knife kills I personally experience are still from LightAssaults. One guy from my outfit chained 30 kills that way in a single life as L.A. this week when he ran out of ammo on top of a base somewhere. (I forgot to check where on the map, sorry LA's).

    Scout Radar still registers you even when immobile. Most people just aren't using it ever since it got the much much much needed nerf it really deserved (When players LEAVE the vehicle, it stops working). So as an Inf, you're basically immune to most ESF's running it assuming you're underneath something they can't spam RocketPods into. And your chances of running into someone with a FuryFlash + certed Scout are even lower. A Lot lower
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  12. Killuminati C

    The difference is they can cloak indefinitely though. Let's not be melodramatic I was just curious as to others thoughts on the subject.
  13. Wobberjockey

    just spend the 100 certs for a flashlight on your pistol.

    problem solved.
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  14. Kriegson

    The same way infils could theoretically counter snipe enemy snipers (not that they seem to) they can put down mo-tracker darts or motion tracker beacons to catch other infils on the move.
    Flashlight as well. Mines too.
  15. BOOKEN

    Personally it doesn't bother me at all. I like looking for them and I like doing it in return. It adds another dimension to base defense. And hopefully that will play a bigger role when/if continent locking happens.
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  16. St0mpy

    The only thing which annoys me here is having to give up the one rail slot which makes weapons bearable just to equip a darklight.
  17. Ravenorth

    I like hunting them down, its refreshing variation from the normal gameplay.
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  18. Brewery

    Cloak indefinitely while only wielding a secondary weapon which gives you a major advantage in a gun fight. Unless you can't open your eyes you should have no difficulty locating a cloak infiltrator, or just use DL as others have mentioned above.

    Hardly being melodramatic as I'm just stating my opinion on how it should be and probably the reasons on why it is like this in the first place. I can understand arguing over a vehicle being able to cap points like they were able to do so in the past, but this is completely different. Ghost capping has been almost entirely eliminated so it's not hard to lock down a few bases with a little extra effort.
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  19. NoInstructions

    The only time this bothered me was when I got to a point with ten seconds left to save indar ex and a stalker was just sitting there canceling out my cap. Only to kill him right after they took the base. Happened once so far, not really a big deal. Usually they think they are the best troll flipping a point over and over, in that case I just let them keep doing it so I get defense xp. I once got 1000 WDS points from a guy like this, man he was so clever.
  20. CrashB111

    Isn't sitting on a capture point, not fighting anyone, just waiting for everyone to leave so you can capture it the definition of "being a pest"?
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