New Deathscreen Quit the whining already, read why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Balrock, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    we get it, snipers walk sometimes, now explain to me why the distance you walked means you should not ever have to relocate?
  2. Akeita

    Give me one thing sniper can do other than killing other infantry.
    Give me one reason you insult me
    There are BR 90 - 100 and they're a players way better than you and use sniping/infiltrator as their only/main play style such as Mustarde.
    We get it, infiltrators are scrubs, I won't insult you or swearing at you since that also just prove that I'm a "*" like you are.

    It's cool when someone spotted us after 2 - 3 minutes, but now as soon as they get killed they had the information/general area where we are, get it ? Those information is of course, more useful for veteran player than a noob.
  3. Hatesphere

    most players even newer ones know were a sniper is after they get killed once, they just dont want to go out of their way to kill you if you are 200m away being a nuisance, and squad players that want to kill you arent going to be anymore effective, since they tend to communicate in my experience.
  4. Tenebrae Aeterna

    • The ability to aim is a skill developed through experience.
    • The ability to become situationally aware of your surroundings is a skill gained through experience.
    When you flank your enemy, a substantial amount of your success relies heavily upon their poor situational awareness if you want anything but a very fleeting reward. For example, the Stalker Cloaking device rewards flanking your opponents when you get into a position that overlooks hotspots...areas where the enemy forces pile up and assault your faction. The volume of time you spent flanking the enemy is rewarded by the fact that these individuals are often too distracted by the chaos to realize that they are getting nailed from behind or the side...leaving you with the ability to take them down until someone with adequate situational awareness realizes what's up.

    This system destroys that by providing them with artificial situational awareness during a time when they aren't distracted by the chaos of battle. Were this a game like Counterstrike, where death was permanent until the round ended, this sort of mechanic wouldn't be an issue...but it's not. Death in Planetside 2 is a fleeting experience before you're right back into the fray...and now they have a pretty good idea where you are because they received information as a reward for their failure to utilize proper situational awareness to begin with. Now, in the example provided above, an individual who uses Stalker Cloak isn't rewarded for the time spent to flank...they're going to get one or two kills for their superior flanking abilities before those very same victims come back and hunt them down and alerts everyone else that they have an Infiltrator nearby...even provide the general area.

    This forces the Infiltrator to move, not because they failed in their flanking and proper stealth positioning...but because of a cheap mechanic used to provide a crutch to players who haven't developed a skill. This is why I have compared it to an aimbot elsewhere...because an aimbot does the same thing, providing a crutch to players who haven't developed skill in aiming their weapon.

    That's what this system does, it lowers the skill bar by providing a crutch to players who haven't learned proper situational awareness. As others have stated in their attempts to defend the mechanic...people have hit indicators to let them know where they are being attacked from, but it's obvious that people don't always pay attention or notice this because they're in the heat of battle...and that's a skill. This is a skill, just like aiming, that you learn to develop through experience that's made difficult through the chaos of battle.

    If that were the case...people wouldn't have success with stalker cloak and the crossbow within the situations I described above. Nor would anyone who has taken up a proper flanking position and exploited poor situational awareness in other players...something that MANY players lack and has been blatantly demonstrated in a multitude of videos.
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  5. Hatesphere

    so your entire argument hinges on " i like to kill people who dont have a fighting chance" when in reality these bad players arent going to be any better at killing you. even in that situation, if you were killed by an infiltrator people will know there is an infiltrator, see a cross bow and you know there were close.

    example, 1 old way: kill screen pops up, "you were killed by an infiltrator you didn't see with a cross bow/smg" player knows there is an infiltrator in close range, players hunt infiltrator/ tell friends there is one in the area.

    example 2, current system: kill screen pops up "you were killed by a non spotted infiltrator you didn't see with an SMG/cross bow, here is a vague direction indicator" players hunt infiltrator just as before.

    I really dont see the difference, and its really nothing like an aimbot.
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    As stated,

    Situational awareness is a skill that you learn through experience, just as the ability to aim is a skill that you learn through experience. Do YOU feel guilt when you kill someone who doesn't have as much skill with aiming as you have? Of course not...which is why no one would ever support giving players an aim bot.

    Why are we providing a crutch to a lack of skill in one area but not providing it in another?
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  7. Tuco

    There goes the stealth tactic (not just the sniper).

    And the number of tactical options continue to shrink, so the lowest common denominator doesn't feel like such a lowest common denominator.
  8. Tuco

    No, the biggest reason people leave the game is because tactics are stale, predictable, boring grind, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
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  9. Tuco

    This doesn't just effect snipers. What about if you're in a prowler, find a great spot, and kill another enemy tank at long long range in the middle of a raging battle. Enemy tank thinks it's a prowler close up, but you're really far away. Then the lowest common denominator gets in an ESF with C4 and goes after you.

    Stealth tactics, long range engagements, or even hull down tank maneuveirng, goes out the window. The only tactic left that works is joining the zerg at point blank range and go zerging.

    Well what do you know, being pushed into masses of zerg...again. Go figure huh.
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  10. Cirevam

    Seeing the death screen enough times taught me something about how I play: I don't spot people very much. Out of the 20-ish times I died tonight, I think I saw a line being drawn one time, and I was playing with a pub squad so one of them probably spotted that enemy. I was either already shooting at someone and I lost the duel, or someone got the jump on me. In both cases, the cone that showed up on the death minimap didn't tell me more than I already knew: the enemy came from ahead, the sides, or behind.

    I just ignore the death screen now since it isn't giving me any useful information. But I can see how much experience I got in that life!!! It should be hilarious the next time I die after repairing everything in an amp station.
  11. GunsmithJoe

    This isn't a nerf on snipers, this is a nerf on tactics. Yes, it will impact snipers most significantly but that's because they rely much more heavily on superior positioning and awareness over their targets. Every class is capable of using position, ie flanking, to literally outmanoeuvre their targets. For example, Light Assaults in the rafters or Tower tops, or a Heavy Assault (or any class!) behind a corner providing crossfire on a kill zone, or even someone else flanking that location to prevent that from happening. There are many, many situations where having just the direction of your killer presented to you in the calm and easily digested death screen completely negates the attacker's skill and foresight to actually move tactically.

    The information is already provided on the HUD via hit location markers. Why not simply extend the lifetime on the 'final blow' marker by one second on the 'dead body' camera pan-out? This has a twofold effect: 1) Players have more time to digest the already present information but only in the context they would normally receive it (ie, game-world), and 2) Teach players that they can see where hits are coming from and that they should pay attention to this metric if they want to stay alive.
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  12. OgreMarkX

    The new death screen is as annoying as the Microsoft Paperclip Helper.

  13. Taemien

    This isn't a nerf on snipers or tactics. Its a nerf on spawn timer. Its an extra step and an extra window to go through. If you lag at anytime during the cam process, you cannot be revived.

    There should be an option to toggle this thing off.
  14. miraculousmouse

    Just grab a heavy and pop ypur "auto-iWin" shield and gun him down from 200 metres away. Come on this is stuff you have tried convincing us of :D
  15. Elrobochanco

    Is it acceptable to hate the deathscreen because it's design as a piece of UI is garbage and interrupts gameplay?

    I don't care about the radar part at all, but there are a lot of issues in the screen that really should have been polished after being exposed to a test audience. Almost like testing something in public. if only we had a way to do that.

    Much like that "veterans" wont' need the radar to know where they likely died from, they really don't need clippy jumping in to say "I noticed you were shooting dudes, maybe you should try shooting them better!"

    There is zero net gain from the new screen.
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  16. faykid

    I think in most cases, that player will not find you in the same place where you killed him from, unless you are camping.
    And yes, i agree with every word you posted.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Why don't you look at my sigs.
    That VS, click it, Nothing but orion HA with an instant win button. lulz.
  18. asdfPanda

    Except you have directional pain markers that already tell you where you get hit from. The death minimap is stupid, and dumbs down the game by interpreting information for the player.
  19. Vaphell

    really? every single time, with a precision of +/-20m at 150m, even when instagibbed from the rear 270deg arc in a 3d environment? BS.

    People at 200m couldn't care less either way, what about dudes who flank to hit from unexpected angles and are within 50-100m?
    at 100m the 15deg cone = 13m error tops.
    And what about situations where dude dies, sees the map, gets rezzed 1 second later and knows where to look? The killer has just descoped and already has an expedition on his tail.
  20. TheRunDown

    OK? So I shot you in the back of the head, with no human way of knowing where it came from?
    HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? OK lets have game tell you where I was so you can come back and B!tch kill me.
    Stats Fine, Weapons and What attachments FINE! How many people Shot you FINNEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
    Anything outside of stats and what killed you is just COD FAN BOY S***!!!!!!!!!!!

    A System that Grasses up the player location is NEWBISH and COD GENERATION!
    I'm Sick of this MLG and CoD crap that keeps getting added in to PlanetSide 2, if you want a BF3 or CoD game, then make a Stupid skilless game with a different title for a main stream game.

    Might as well have the camera spin around and show my location before stats appear, SOUND FAIR RIGHT?
    The Easy mode of games like Call of Duty have ruined the current generation of gamers, everyone wants kills, weapons, attachments and certs handed to them on a F'ING SILVER PLATTER!

    This game is not supposed to be "EASY" I'ts a War game on a MMO Scale on huge FRIGGIN MAPS!
    Not Figure of 8 MLG map, made by a Monkey with a few different textures.