Missing WDS Rewards granted (3/7)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. KeBeKeR

    i got nothing....
  2. Pootisman

    I got 2 out 3 awards afaik. I got both boosts on my NC char, although VS won all 3 weeks on Cobalt. I have heroic boost on my NC char, none on my VS char ...
  3. SliceofLie

    This granted nothing to me on the Live servers, but before this thread was posted I was randomly granted WDS awards (title and boosts) to my VS character on the Test server. Needless to say I will NOT be using boosts on a test server character... no awards have been accepted, they are both in notification. Please, please grant them to me on the normal live servers.
  4. Eikman

    Nothing for me so far, and still missing my Dominator title...:(
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  5. DeadAlive99

    Just checked. I'm still missing my final wds boost, which I think was a 1 day. Also, some of my wds camos are still missing. I had 15-20 of them, and it got reduced down to 10. :(

    Player wins award --> Save info to file
    Player loads menu screen --> Load info from file

    Is it really that hard to keep track of who won what?
  6. Bindlestiff

    Support ticket raised. VS had issues last WDS from what I remember as well. It just seems a grant / reward system should be flawless - so many people get affected otherwise.
  7. Nemetis

    I have NS-357P Underboss and NS-11CP weapons Unlocked, but can't equip (why??)
    Missing my Dominator title too! :(
  8. Kusanagi_2501

    Still haven't seen the rewards for my Vanu char on Connery. Not even notifications.
  9. thesuspect24

    I dont understand why they post a fix on our 3 day boost but really its still broken, you guys owe me two of the 3 day boosts. Ill prolly not get it but will be happy if you do a double xp weekend for compensation.
  10. Xebov

    I also didnt recieve anything. As far as i know noone of my Outfit recieved anything besides the WDS2 Decal. From what i heard from NC (they won the 1st week Vs won 2+3), there are alot players on Woodman who didnt get any Boosters. Some also missing the Dominator title. I hope this gets fixed until the next WDS. I dont care to much about the rewards dfor this one, but it would be a shame if this happens again.
  11. Lynoocs

    Only received one of the three boosts on NC Ceres.
    Think the first post should have been a question, not a statement.
  12. Astealoth

    Yea didn't get rewards from this grant. I have 6 characters. One of each faction on Connery and Waterson. I set it up like this to do everything in my power to grant my account event rewards on US east and US west. All 6 characters have kills on the board multiple times during each week of the event. I got a total of two 3 day boosters from the entire event and nothing else. I technically should have been eligible for every prize possible to be awarded during this event times two. I received one reward during the even, week three on my Waterson NC. And I received a second prize during this grant on my Connery VS. Not sure if the intention was to just award for a single week for a random character on the account for this grant. If so that's fine, I'm not honestly that worried about these prizes. But if you intention was to do a full grant for all missing prizes, I'm letting you know the what and how of it from my end.

    I set these characters up for the very first WDS and it worked flawlessly, by the way.
  13. Liquidrider

    Their new Boost UI is awful to be honest. You need to hover over the 3-day XP Boost and click equip. But it is like finding Where's Waldo since they display 15 boosts to try and upsell.

  14. SirIBON

    Waldo/Walter is at the right corner of the wind screen with the green stripes.
    But dont found the the SD Booster :)
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  15. GlueHead

    Yeahp, only one boost out of three has been given out to NC on Ceres...
  16. Torok

    got 0 boosts over here, Wasn't expecting much anyway.
    No luperza's recap posts, no party. :(
  17. Autorelic

    For once, I gotta chip my hat in with the lot. I haven't gotten anything and the rewards in general have been spotty across all four chars I have.
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  18. Draylynn

    Claim your decal! Yay, ok *clicks* Where's the decal? o.o...
  19. Spyrius

    You do realise you actually DID NOT?
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  20. Akashar

    Dunno if anybody answered, but this is normal, you don't spawn at the WG anymore.