Instead of nerf after nerf after nerf... What is needing a buff ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Bibibla

    The ranger may need a buff. Both speed and damage seems too low.

    Anything else ?
  2. WinchesterLock

    The Ranger and the NC's Canister are the two most obvious candidates.

    The Ranger's rounds are so slow and the spread so wide that it often becomes useless (not to mention it cannot damage armor or even base defenses (unlike it's brother, the Walker).

    The Canister..... Originally it was a useless weapon that few people used for extremely situational things. Now that it does no damage to armor, I can't recall seeing a single person use it since. I bet more people would use it if it had similar stats and setup as compared to the reaver's airhammer.

    To be fair, the TR's Vulcan has been over-nerfed, but the NC command, might not like hearing that. The VS on the other hand are overpowered enough with their Saron everythings, they don't need buffs..
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  3. AdamRah2

    New FMJ ammo type to deal with op ha shields and max nano repair
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  4. Latrodectus

    I bumped into a tree the other day with my Mossie and it didn't one-shot me. Couldn't find anything about this in the patch notes, stealth nerf much?
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  5. Sixstring

    The NC in general need a buff,anything they get that is actually useful or makes a difference gets immediate calls for nerfs since it's easy for the other two overplayed factions to pick on them and get whatever they want. The NC's guns need to be completely overhauled in line with the other factions ease of use. They need a recoil reduction and a power buff. Since everybody wants to play fair these days,let's play fair.
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  6. Gustavo M

    Engineer repair gun. I want to whack enemies with it. ;_;
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  7. Wobberjockey

    sure, let's buff the FOTM and see what happens to the 4th faction.

    nothing unwanted could possibly come of this
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  8. Vixxing

    Phaseshift! Desperatly, common 1 second to charge up then a slow, slow projectile... your better of sniping with a Lancer... and rangers and walkers...
  9. JudgeDeath

  10. Dalek

    The Lynx for TR needs a buff. It's our faction specific rate of fire carbine with the faction trait of faster rate of fire...

    ...That is slower than other faction carbines?


    Buff the Lynx.
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  11. Mrasap

    The harasser
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  12. TheFamilyGhost

    All weapons need a buff. It is absurd that there are damage drop offs at stupidly short ranges.

    Model weapon attributes on true physics and then tell the criers to **** and L2P.
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  13. DevDevBooday

    Still amazed that no one has said Prowler Vulcan yet, so here goes.

    Prowler Vulcan.

    I dont think even NC or VS can disagree on this one.
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  14. Danath

    Fury & Bulldog?
  15. Halkesh

    -HE shell reload speed
    -Magrider turret
    -Ranger G40
    -Delete Vulcain and create a viable RT AV weapon that can be used at short/medium/long distance.

    I don't ask about this stuff because SOE already want to change them.
    -Lightning canon (except C75 viper)
    -Harasser resistance/dodge
    -Lockdown & Zaelot MAX ability
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  16. hawken is better

    That's strange, considering the fact that the NC have a monopoly on an entire damage class (200 dmg/500 rpm) that no other faction is allowed to have, yet they're also given weapons that encroach on other faction's territory (650/750/800/845 rpm).

    Since everybody wants to play fair these days, let's play fair.

    Anyway, as for the topic:

    C85 Canister - Actually managing to get killed by this thing is beyond embarrassing. I'm pretty sure we all know just how bad it actually performs, and it's actually kind of funny seeing all those pellets spraying in a futile attempt to hit whatever it is they're aiming at.

    Gauss SAW - Yeah, I said it. The moving CoF on this thing is ******* terrible. You basically have to stand still to try and kill someone with it (which usually equals instant death depending on your opponent's level of skill) since strafing stretches your CoF from Quartz Ridge to Rashnu (...which also leads to instant death).

    T7 Mini Chaingun - This is not a good weapon. Period. Before the forum warriors come to defend it; just because you can get a kill with it does not mean that it is "perfectly fine." I can get a kill with a C85 Canister, 'nuff said. Well, there's more to be said: remove the spin up time (or change it so that right clicking will spin up the barrels; this thing doesn't even have ironsights, ADSing should be removed entirely), raise its minimum CoF, lower its maximum CoF considerably. There we go. I've reposted the same rant about this weapon like 4 times already.

    Decimator - Who the ******* hell thought that it would be a good idea to make the rockets drop like dead whales? On top of giving vehicles more health, you then go on to pull this stunt? Jesus Christ.

    Striker - Where to begin? My own personal suggestion: leave it as is, but allow it to lock on to MAX suits (just like its PS1 variant). TR is the only faction that received an ES rocket launcher that couldn't actually harm infantry/MAX suits. Making this thing dumbfire would just ruin the game entirely since the constant cheesy trashy rocket primary nonsense has already reached critical mass. Allowing it to lock on to MAX suits would actually make it a usable weapon without making it completely overpowered like its previous iteration.
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  17. phreec

    Vanguard shield.

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  18. Owen W.

    1. The PDW-16 Hailstorm, it's more of a water gun than an SMG.
    2. TR and VS MAX abilities, they are both much too situational.
    3. T-9 Carv, less horizontal recoil please.
    4. NC C85 Canister launchers, useless right now.
    5. Heavy Assault Dumbfires, just a bit more damage I think is needed.
    6. Harassers in general.
    7. Cycler TRV, anything will do, so long as it is an actual buff.
    8. T2 Striker... Yeah... You get the point.
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  19. DFDelta

    - Ranger. Whatever you pick as your secondary, it will be better then a Ranger. Even going without a secondary.
    - Enforcer C85 Modified. Almost as useless as the Ranger. At least it has a realistic chance to actually kill something if you get really really lucky.
    - A2A lockons *runs for cover*
    - Flash. Handling buff. And please make the composite armor add a windshield.
    - Kobalt. It is good, but overshadowed by the Basi.

    - Vanu AV Max could need a slight buff.
    - Both ES-BASR are slightly underwhelming compared to "normal" high tier BASR.
    - Infi needs to disappear from non-Infiltrator radar again while cloaked.

    Probably more, can't think of anything else right now.
  20. Sarcasmo

    Underbarrel Grenade Launcher is in need of a buff.
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