Light Assaults want Scout Rifles...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Tenebrae Aeterna, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I don't see that working out simply because of the Underboss and Commissioner.
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  2. AgentSpades

    F that, stay away from my Vandal you nerds. There is only one lone ranger, and that is the infiltrator class.
  3. DFDelta

    I'd actually prefer to have Battle Rifles on my LA. Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles.
    Kinda silly that they are called an "assault" class but have to do with puny carbines or weapons (almost) everyone else can use, too.

    The only reason I'd like to have Scout Rifles is hat they have more diversity then Battle Rifles.
  4. Get2dachoppa

    In that sense I'd agree with you. But I remember reading a comment somewhere that speculated they probably would implement such a dual wield system with new pistols that could only be used for that kind of setup. Made sense. It avoids the problem of current pistols being OP in a dual wield setup while giving SOE new weapons to sell to bring in the cash.
  5. mooman1080

    There's a very good reason LA's don't have anything longer range than the carbine, they need to get over it.
  6. Unclematos7

    I'd like that. "Scout" fits the class description nicely. The auto scout won't be very useful, but the semi auto will give LA a long range option.
  7. Catch23

    Really man, you should start playing other classes.

    You are so stoically believing in the myth that 100 less life is making such a big difference. Just start looking at your killers healthbars. Almost everytime they haven't been red, 100 more life wouldn't have saved you.

    As for Scout Rifles: I don't want them. They suck for assaulting. I play Light ASSAULT. I don't sit in trees or on fences.
  8. Booface

    Same thing I said in that other thread: Ahahahahahahah. Let them have them.

    Maybe we can trade them for a carbine. Doesn't matter which. All the scout rifles for one carbine. No takebacks.
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  9. Decian

    Man, infiltrators really circle the wagons when it comes to Light Assaults. As a community infils crap on Light Assaults more than anyone ******* about anything in PS2.

    In reality, the general consensus from the Light Assault update thread is to get Assault Rifles. The runner up to that is Battle Rifles but, the vast majority of light assault players want assault rifles and making the jet pack not suck.

    This feels like a troll thread. Posted purely to whine that someone saw a post and suddenly felt threatened of losing status in a VIDEO GAME.
  10. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Yes, I believe that normalizing our health will slightly increase our survivability...especially against the most popular pistols in the game. If you don't believe it makes that much of a difference, then thank you for the support...because it shouldn't matter to you if we regain those 100 shields.
  11. Tenebrae Aeterna


    You should really look up someone's post history before you attempt to white knight for your class. If you head on over to the thread I've linked, you'll quickly take note that I have stated I'm on the fence when it comes to the Light Assault getting Scout Rifles. If you bothered to read through this thread, you would have seen me agreeing that Light Assaults need a lot of work. If you keep looking through my post history...ultimately you may pull that foot out of your mouth.

    This thread was posted in order to gain feedback from the Infiltrator community and further the discussion within the linked thread, ultimately it does pertain to us if another class gains access to a class exclusive weapon. Thus, I was seeing what the community here thought about the idea proposed within that thread by several Light Assaults.
  12. Decian

    Simple Tenebrae, ask SOE the remove cloaking and they'll give you back your 100hp. I don't think you guys understand that although you see your 100hp loss as a reason to demand anything and everything, SOE doesn't. They see it as a trade off for cloak. If you want your 100hp, lose cloak. Hell they could make it a suit item, "Reinforced Armor." Gives you 100hp extra but, due to the weight and material it will not allow you to cloak. BOOM. Done.

    Honestly, I don't care one way or another but, you have to come to the realization that SOE thinks 100hp loss = ability to cloak. They aren't going to change it.

    Lol, "feedback from the Infiltrator Community", yeah, "ZOMFG! Those damn light assaults are trying to take er jerbz!"
  13. Tentakewls

    I don't see a problem with LAs having Battle/Scout rifles.
  14. Tentakewls

    I don't see a problem with LAs having Battle/Scout rifles.
  15. vanu123

    No. Only takes away from the infiltrator on top of the cross bow and its scan bolts.
  16. Epicstrat

    Ehh, I would rather give them a battle rifle. It suits the "assault" aspect better with its higher magazine and faster fire rate. Plus that way SOE can make more money off of a new battle rifle for each faction and a NS one too instead of recycling scout rifles.

    Also, I know this doesn't apply to other factions, but my AC-X11 is an effective (for me anyways) scout rifle when I put it on semi auto. I love that gun.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    The real nightmare will be TR dual wielding the TX1 Repeaters..
  18. CptFirelord

    @LibertyRevolution Are you kidding me? The dual commissioner would be a 1shot (from each gun, so 1 volley) kill with better effective range than the repeaters could EVER have.
  19. Decian

    Dual Wield is such a dumb concept, the update thread literally has someone saying "Please god no!" on all 33 pages.
  20. m44v

    I don't know I don't care. All I want is better CQC tools, LA can have our scout and sniper rifles if we get shotguns.