Higby wants to know #1 complaint about vehicle/weapon balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rockit, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Revel

    I'm surprised it hasn't been done. Quick, someone email Smedley how much money they'd make if they threw out NS MAX weapons for 700 sc
  2. Littleman

    Mana turrets. Nerf 'em. 'Nuff said.

    Liberator Dalton: 4-6 second reload. Lower muzzle velocity.
    Liberator Quad: Widen the cone of articulation/aim.(?) Basically, this thing needs to be able to look straight back down the liberator's tail, to a little forward towards the nose of the craft, and completely to the left and right of the craft.

    Lightning needs to be available from small outposts. It's not an MBT, but it can at least soften the tide.

    Add drop to rocket pods, limiting their range (or at least ease of use) a fair amount.

    Reduce the effective range of lock-ons and flak in conjunction with rocket pods. More point defense, more encouragement of ESF getting involved with major battles.

    MAX abilities:
    ZOE - return to being the toggle-able speed boost minus armor plus damage. Make sure there is some real weight behind changing strafing direction.
    Anchor lock-down: Rename to lock-down - further reduce incoming damage, reduce movement speed, provide current benefits.
    Shield - Allow NC to maintain firing their left arm weapon. When they pop this thing, I just light them up knowing that shield has a life that can be chipped away with small arms fire and they can't even shoot back.

    Class signature tools and abilities:
    Medical Applicator.
    Engineer repair tool.
    Nanite Mesh Generator.
    Hunter Cloak.

    Max these out by default for the newbs.

    Precision carbines:
    T5 AMC.
    Razod GD-23.
    Pulsar C.

    Make these available to the medic as well. They're essentially rifles in carbine form, and actually fill a niche in each empire's medic's case.

    Phase 1 of resource revamp, ASAP. Vehicle timers need to go.
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  3. sustainedfire

    A few people pointed out that the Harasser needs a bit of adjustment.

    If its going to remain a (usable) hit and run vehicle, it needs to at least be able to run. Needs the turbo unnerfed, and perhaps the normal speed increased marginally.

    Do not cross the lines with the MAX weapons. Add a few more NS weapon choices to MAX loadouts- but please leave what little asymmetrical balance there is in the game alone- in fact, add more!
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  4. HadesR

    AV Mana Turrets ( Like he should really need to ask :rolleyes: )

    Uninspiring special ability for TR's MBT's

    Rocket Launcher Shotgunning
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  5. Camycamera

    fix my ******* prowler/vulcan plz.

    make the vulcan useful, especially on the prowler. why?

    and it makes NO sense that the prowler is apparently "the fastest tank in the game", but its special ability has it immobile and takes forever to anchor and un-anchor. it is so damn contradicting.
    in short the prowler is a confusing mess full of contradictions.
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  6. Axehilt

    Kinda surprised to see a non-trivial amount of Dalton mentioned. I think that the Liberator+Dalton platform is specifically too strong against other aircraft, but didn't expect the majority of players to really catch onto that (or are the complainers just infantry foot-zergers who expected to live outdoors against a heavy combat vehicle?)

    My #1 complaint is probably MAXes being too powerful. As a player who plays to win, this kinda forces me to play MAXes a lot more than I'd like, and MAX fights are so one-sided usually that it's not very interesting shooter gameplay. If MAXes were balanced then all infantry classes would be much more balanced in usefulness in the indoor combat ecosystem, which would be better for the game as a whole. (Which isn't to say things would be perfect after MAXes were hammered down a bit, but we'd be a big step closer.)

    #2 would be AV MANA Turrets. Being able to land perfectly accurate shots from render range with high damage output and a tiny visual signature is just too good. (It's really rare that AV Turret users fail to render for me, but the fact that they're sooo tiny definitely makes them hard to spot for how big a threat they are.)

    #3 would be that I'd love to see the under-used vehicles (Flash/Harasser) made more effective.

    Also what's with the Prowler complaints? That tank is objectively the best-performing tank and Anchor is a big part of it. Personally the prowler has double the SPM of my next-best tank and is something like 60% better KPH/VKPH than my next-best tanks. For other players, the aggregate stats show it being the best too (though not by such an extreme amount), which makes me wonder why players who complain about the tank don't see those objective stats and realize it's simply a matter of playing smarter to take advantage of the fact that it really is the best tank.
  7. lothbrook

    The Turbo definitely should be unnerfed, and its resistance to small arms should be buffed a bit, i charged one with my max with dual grinders and it exploded before i even got to the end of the mags, lol. I literally think it died faster to my shotguns than if i were using falcons.
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  8. GantryPengy380

    1. Harasser nerfed to point of uselessness
    2. TR's ML-7 rocket launcher only has 1 shot per mag, for 5 (or is it 6?) mags
    3. C-4 is extremely expensive for 2 explosive sticks (at least they do lots of damage to vehicles/ MAXes)
  9. deggy

    Just gonna put out there that it warms my ice-cold tanker heart to see all these people supporting us against the MANA AV Turrets.

    There are some things we all agree on :)
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  10. lothbrook

    Why would the ML-7 have more than 1 shot per mag? lol, and C4 is the most powerful item in the game.
  11. Lucidius134

    Agreed. Basilisks have been slowly buffed into the point of rediculousness.

    I havn't been playing much recently but the main issues I did have with the game are still present. Dalton is still too universal, C75 was changed into a completely different weapon (would like the old one back as a 100 cert barrel option or free or ammo type)

    Vanguard shield needs to be adjusted so that other utlitly slots are viable.

    Will repost opinions later when i lpay some more though.

    Last but not least, in fact it's greater, AV mana turrets. It's been so long that i've tried to get into tanking because i quit once these came out.
  12. GaBeRock

    Make transport vehicles more useful, something like redeploy timer going to 1:30 so people just don't bounce between spawn rooms. To incentivise more tranports, there should be a transportation ribbon (transport 15 people asking for a ride, for example.)
  13. GantryPengy380

    True, but 700 CERTs to unlock TWO STICKS per life, and when you use them both, you have use up your Resources on more, and for what? There's an extremely high chance of dying on the way to the tank/ Sunderer/ aircraft you're trying to explode, but that's it. Like I said, at least it does a high amount of damage when a vehicle is blown up by it.
  14. Littleman

    Eh, if you want to go all empire specific on dumbfire rocket launchers:
    TR - Two shots.
    NC - Hits really hard.
    VS - No drop.

    These will never happen though. Makes too much sense.
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  15. Dalek

    #1 complaint about vehicle/weapon balance:

    Dalton Liberators.
  16. deggy

    If you don't use the C4 it doesn't consume resources, so only plant it if you're sure you can kill something with it.
  17. Rellenar

    The Basilisk isn't overpowered. If anything it's underpowered - how often do you see anyone with an ES AV unlocked take the Basilisk? The problem is the non-Basilisk options are just terrible. Look at the AA weapons - in almost all cases you would be better off just having a heavy ride in your turret with a lockon launcher and pop out if an aircraft appears.

    The Basilisk is remarkable in that it is, with the exception of the large default cone of fire, pretty nice to use. Taking it doesn't **** the tank in any capacity and it performs pretty well.

    Using a gun on a vehicle should feel awesome, not like "meh, at least it's a change from using my infantry weapons." Most of the secondaries don't achieve that, and whether the Basilisk does is arguable. The others need to be brought up, and the Basilisk probably needs a bit of improvement to make it more fun to use as well.
  18. KAHR-Alpha

    Well, you kind of asked for special opinions, not the concensus. I don't care if one item in particular is OP, I don't care if one 1v1 situation is OP for a certain faction, as long as the whole game itself is balanced.

    Your solution would just make every faction look more similar to the next, and you know, I want the exact opposite. If anything, I think all the NS gear and vehicles should disappear, I think that abilities like cloaking should be a Vanu thing only, that the reaver should have twice the armor and the mosquito less firepower and more speed and agility, and so on and so forth.
    I want factions to be as distinct as possible. In the end the only common things they should have are using humans as cannon fodder and hating eachother.
  19. LT_Latency

    That only really works in games like RTS where you as a player have access to everything to create a balanced whole.

    Every thing that has been unquie and powerful in this game has been nerfed hard because it doesn't work well in FPS games. People don't like getting crushed by a weapon they can't use
  20. Crackulous

    The Mana Turret. That is all.
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