[BUG] Crouching while cloaked STILL highly visible

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Rohxer, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Rohxer

    From the patch notes:

    NOT fixed.

    They forgot to fix it for helmets and weapons.

    Easy to test - two factions meet in a field. Use two machines side by side or two monitors on the same rig so you can truly test it.

    One has the new Stalker Cloak. He stops. And crouches.

    The other player sees them vanish! (well almost, but pretty darn well) (ultra settings).

    The NON-infiltrator moves around slightly.

    Suddenly they can now see the "hidden" infiltrator's helmet and weapon in normal-mode stealth, standing out like a sore thumb.

    Whatever code they did for the body did not work for the head and weapon. DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE WELL HIDDEN when you crouch. I tried it as soon as I logged in, was instantly killed, then ran off to run a test and discovered this flaw. It doesn't matter whether you move or not, you're only fully stealthed for a moment. The OTHER players movement somehow affects what their client sees, NOT yours. o_O

    I can't get a video of this right now because I'm running it on a single machine (though two monitors) and I can't shadowplay without one on fullscreen mode, and if I alt-tab to get out of it shadowplay quits. But I just verified this both in actual play (I died...) and in a quiet corner of a live server (not Test server) with my two account test.
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  2. Kwyjibo

    Well that sucks.
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  3. Rohxer

    With additional testing, the crouch-cloak stealth mechanism is still not 100% even for the body. It seems to kick in eventually, but can take several seconds. It's frequently instant, but can take 5-10 seconds in my tests.

    But the helmet and weapon still revert to the normal stealth after a few seconds, despite usually appearing correct at first. So the longer you sit there with your new fancy stealth, the better the odds that your hat and gun will be easier to see.

    And by the way - our normal stealth seems quite a bit easier to see to me when running ultra settings. I thought the patch notes said otherwise.

    Be careful out there!
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  4. GunsmithJoe

    I've found this also. The new stealth effect is much more noticeable.
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  5. Aaron

    I've also something strange. The duration upon crouching till fully cloaked is significantly different depending on what you were doing when you first cloaked. For instance, if I cloak while I'm sprinting, then stop and crouch, the time it takes to reach full effective cloaking takes forever. HOWEVER, if I cloak while standing still, then sprint the same distance to then sit still and crouch, the time till full effective cloaking is much faster.

    ...I don't use the infil very much, but I don't think that makes sense.
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  6. Rohxer

    Yeah it's all sorts of messed up. But I am finding myself in many situations with people running right past me that never happened before. Even a couple tanks right on top of me, shooting me once, I jump down and instantly cloak/crouch and they run off on a wild goose chase. This stuff is all new and good - when it works!

    Although it also just helped me find a radar hacker lol!

    Was hiding on the side of a ridge awaiting my prey, had been cloaked for over a full minute. Suddenly a mosquito dive bombs me with rocket pods. I sent him a tell "my new cloak is awesome! ... oh wait, scout radar..".

    Except he wasn't running scout radar. He replied "caught you on the thermal going in to it. Bad luck."

    I told him that was impossible, I'd been there for over a minute without hitting my cloak button (way before his ESF was anywhere near there, I was at quartz ridge, he came from indar ex.). His response to that was basically a shrug ("Guess I'm just that good").. Could have been some other bug, but I checked thermal as well when I ran the above tests. Cloak is not showing on thermal at all. :rolleyes:

    Can't wait till we get some implant that removes us from radar. Then the hackers will be truly be revealed! Hehe.
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  7. Rohxer

    Holy crap. Played a completely different game tonight. I was just having a blast hiding right in the middle of enemy clusters. Literally standing (crouching) right next to sunderers with enemies streaming out, towers with enemies running all over, past me, ON me, totally clueless. My favorite was stalking snipers and damaged tank drivers.

    Any time someone spotted me I'd engage in tells trying to figure out what happened... it seemed to be every time it happened that the crouch state was not triggering until a certain amount of time had elapsed. No one I spoke with saw the gun/helmet bug, so hopefully it's not going to affect us as much as I thought - although it still needs a fix. And it would be nice if the crouch state was activated instantly, without the occasional delay. But once I got into a position and didn't move the stealth was pretty flawless.

    It was really fun watching people who just KNEW I was there somewhere, panic, shooting into corners, spinning around watching their backs, shooting darts everywhere to no avail. I spent nearly all of my time going for Valentine's crossbow kills so I can't vouch for how well it will work in standard combat, but it's sure a fun way to play!
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  8. sladuog

    I reported this on PTS. Swapping weapons or equipment will make the model of whatever is in your hands appear cloaked in "shallow" cloak. Reloading will make your magazine appear in "shallow" cloak.
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  9. Souleater

    Out of interest what are the titles for the Valentine's crossbows?
  10. Takoita

    Haven't run into this yet. I have been able to crouch-walk in the plain view of a platoon's worth of people across their field of view in bright Esamir day sun without problem.

    That dude that tried hiding next to me with the standart cloak stood out like a sore thumb though, so maybe that was it.
  11. necrolamington

    Once they fix this it is going to be awesome. it really does defeat the purpose of the cloak if you have to run around a corner, crouch, stand still, decloak and then cloak again (sometimes you have to nudge a wasd key as well) in order to properly cloak.
  12. Godsmangamer

    same here but I don't usually have to nudge the movement keys. I am mostly ok with the cloak changes because of how much I like the current stalker cloak so much.
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  13. Chad444

    I'm so glad they made the cloak less visible. I laugh crouching right next to sunderers without anyone knowing I'm there
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  14. Aaron

    It sounds like you guys are having the Planetside 1 infiltrator experience haha. I'm glad to hear that. It's a very unique experience to lurk in the midst of enemies doing their thing without even knowing you're in knifing distance. I hope that they improve the cloak invisibility and time till fully cloaked even further though. Not being able to use a primary, the addition of darklight, and having to having to work much harder for your kills in general deserves not only a non-buggy cloak, but a better one overall. It just does the title "infiltrator" justice.
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  15. Rohxer

    Thanks, didn't know this caused it as well.

    But even that wasn't necessary from my tests. I'd just cloak. Not move at all, and then within a short amount of time my weapons and helmet would be back to standard cloak from my other account's perspective. (After the initial DELAY to actually get cloaked.. grrr..)

    I'm still doing the slight movement while cloaked just in case out of habit, so maybe that helped briefly. The only problem with that is if you time your quick nudge wrong you might show up on a radar dart pulse. And there were LOTS of radar darts all over me last night as people tried to find me LOL.
  16. Rohxer

    I can confirm "Sweetheart" for the pink one.

    Someone else posted that the black one is "Hater".
  17. salembeats

    Long story short: Yup, still bugged. Hurry and make that video. SOE seems to like videos.
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  18. Rohxer

    Making a new thread with a vid.
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  19. iller

    Had dozens of people running past me all day with level 4 stalker.... but also had four BR100's instantly spot and kill me.

    Not sure if bug or ESP... hmmm
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  20. KO-tic