So what buffs does the TR need?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. EliteEskimo

    So does that make what TR's current state as a faction okay? Because certain individuals trolled or used bad logic to defend their opinions means all of TR deserve to suffer? Do 2 wrongs make a right?
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  2. Kaindestroi

    Guns that hit what you aim on would be nice.
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  3. Rogueghost

    I don't think we need any buffs, just more variety in our weapons would be nice.
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  4. Halcyon

    - striker that actually works
    - MAX ability that is actually useful
    - better tank armor
    - a decent carbine
    - an anti-infantry mine that is actually balanced with the other faction mines (which have 360 degree detection)

    The only advantage we really have right now is our ESF.
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  5. Amundsenkalmah

    I never said something like that...
    I agree TR recieved a lot of nerfs but i think too that TR were used to very powerful stuff, now that things changed some people cant stand that.
    Maybe is just the 4th faction and low TR pop or maybe TR needs a few tweaks, thats to the devs to decide
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  6. Amundsenkalmah

    -It works, just not as it used to be
    -If you compare a prowler vs vanguard in 1v1 obviously vanguard will win, every tank have pros and cons
    -Jaguar was the best carbine in the game by a decent margin, now they added a little more horizontal recoil on all x75 weapons and isnt decent?
    -well i dont know why devs made it that way
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  7. HadesR

    TR Imo need a more Professional military look .. ( and NC could do with a visual overhaul as well )




    I personally feel they kinda missed a trick with the faction colours ..

    TR should have been : Grey and Green's
    NC should have been : Beige's / Browns and Grey
    VS should have been : Black and grey

    Then have no NS camo's but just give each faction variations on their scheme .. It would allow people to have full camo coverage but still retain a militaristic look and their Empire colours.

    So TR would be various Woodland type camo's, NC would be Desert , VS would be various black / grey scale etc
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  8. KnightCole

    Its cuz the TR are an unfun faction to play.

    All the guns sound like epic pencil tap contests, they all look boring, unbeefy, weak and the same...

    Plus the Prowler is an ugly *** round, tubby thing that reminds me more of a big lady bug or Sloth thing than a tank

    The mosquito looks more like a paper plane or something weird of the sorts the any fighter aircraft.

    Redo the TR Skins on almost all thier weapons.
    Give them a more epic sound to thier gun fire
    Redesign the Prowler,
    Redesign the Mossie

    If I was to buff anything it would be buff the 143@652 weapons to be no less then 698 weapons as well as make their ranged weaponry a bit more effective. Right now, the T16? Its a sick damn joke, its got high recoil, very high spread and damage degradation worse then a suppressed blow gun....

    Take the T16 and buff it's Accuracy at range by like 10%, its damage degradation and increase it to 143@10m-124@85m

    TMG50, give it 100 rounds and a bit less spread.

    All other TR LMGs give them a base 120rounds, then let them have Exmags...let more of thier guns mount the x2 optics.

    But mostly the TR faction isnt might just be one of hte most overall, balanced nations, its just not fun to play.

    Unlike the NC, we have guns that sound like they hurt, guns that hurt and **** that looks cool...we however, do also have the copy pasted weapons....

    SoE should return to the drawing board and give us new weapon models for a few of the guns.
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  9. BeyondNInja

    Every faction has gone through a stage when they felt maligned.
    It was the NC recently, because NC had the least ES OP stuff at the time.
    Now that the game has much less blatantly OP stuff specific to any one faction (Falcons aside) actual asymmetric balance can start to take form. The issue however, is that most OP things were knee-jerk overnerfed (eg harassers, ZOE) and TR had the most.

    Besides every faction has their own identity crises:
    TR infantry weapons often have an in-built DPS advantage, however they also tend to have the least weapon variety.
    As for their ES weapons, they do tend to be the most unoriginal and are all rather meh at the moment due to the aforementioned 'overnerfing' or just generally poorly thought out design (ie MCG).

    NC ES things tend to be overspecialised and hence inflexible (ie shotguns and phoenix) and the developers can't seem to tell that the entire NC population is sick to death of having shotguns on everything. NC also tend to have a shortage of flexible CQC weaponry (ie competitive CQC weapons that aren't shotguns).

    VS tend to have the best faction flavour and weapon variety because they aren't fixed to any one primary attribute.
    However the devs seem to have run out of new ideas for VS ES things, because they keep repeatedly giving them iterations of the same charge mechanics and lasher/PPA variants.
  10. KnightCole

    that Tank, YES PLEASE!

    I think I would actually have to cert into my prowler if THAT was the tank...dayum.
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  11. BeyondNInja

    Its too late to change this now, but I actually agree with this. Instead of going for bright colours with VS in purple spandex, NC with a colour scheme invented by a preschooler and TR all wearing goggles, they should have gone with themes based on their backgrounds.

    VS are clinical and scientific - hence probably lighter grays along with the alien tech look they have on their vehicles
    NC are corporate backed rebels so they should have had an industrial look but with a 'jerry-rigged' style
    TR are the professional military so they should have looked the part, with futuristic-modern tech (HUD visors etc)

    In every other shooter (except TF2) factions are easily distinguished by their style, rather than bright colour schemes...
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  12. cruczi

    U kidding me? The T16 is awesome. I run with iron sights, suppressor and adv. forward grip, it's a headshot machine. It's also extremely accurate at range
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  13. Littleman

    Take the armistice, no fore-grip, just to exacerbate this, also equip a 3.4x or 4x scope. Fire the weapon full auto while ADS at a target in the distance. Try standing at the first visible corner of the VR from the spawn point and shoot at an NC dummy near a tree. Try to keep your aim centered on the target...

    The NC gauss rifle has a single directional pull: it pulls to the right, always. Yes, it pulls up as well, but all weapons do, so horizontal direction is what matters. The NC gauss rifle can be countered by pulling gently to the left. It's a simple concept, but it's why a lot of newbie NC seem to hate their weapons. The SAW and MANY TR weapons have a different curse: they pull BOTH left and right at random. Like the armistice, they could pull to the right 3 times, then to the left twice, to the right once, and then to the left again twice. A human being can't realistically counter this recoil pattern, because it's unpredictable and by the time One begins countering the rightward pull, the weapon is pulling to the left and they'll easily over compensate as a result.

    I get what SOE is trying to do here though: it's to encourage burst firing (like real military professionals would.) The problem comes in when no one else has to. Additionally, the weapons sit in a sweet spot where before attachments, they're crap, but after attachments, they excel, simply because of their ten extra rounds. They still lack the accuracy of their VS and NC counterparts, but they still excel because of the breathing room those ten rounds afford, until the TR has to reload... If my character at least checked the bolt before reloading - again, like a professional soldier with a weapon that ejects cartridges would - it would justify the reload timing (and feel appropriate, it's the little things, SOE.) NOTE: The NC weaponry DOES NOT eject cartridges, and obviously VS weaponry doesn't use cartridges, so their reload times are justified in lore: they skip that step.

    Other than that, TR need a second look in functionality. The striker is a variant of the annihilator, when it could be an improved version of PS1's rocklet rifle (minus the infantry effectiveness.) The TR weapons largely feel the same: the T5 AMC should have been a 167 weapon, honestly. The jaguar versus the Trac-5? Jaguar > Trac-5 in all aspects but one: recoil control (so put a fore-grip on the Jaguar and abuse the .75x ADS movement multiplier.) It doesn't help every single carbine and LMG the TR have use the exact same barrel. Mind... the VS are in the same predicament (weapons visuals need a serious looking into, WTF is the art department working on? It feels like they're a three man team.)

    If SOE would just SHUT THE F*** UP AND LISTEN, and you know, actually followed the whole "we want you to be a part of the design process" mantra, they could have avoided a lot of these f*** ups. How game flow should be handled, that's something they should judge by metrics. How equipment should perform, that's something they should really be considering player feedback in tandem with their intentions for said equipment.

    Finally, the last straw:


    They're charging money for this when the NC and VS actually got new armors.

    Honestly, someone earned the walk. Surprised Smed or Higby haven't been slammed with tweets regarding this tragedy. Must not be a whole of TR left that give a damn to go even that far.

    By the way, there was even an in-game video from SOE for this armor:


    So, yeah... someone needs a stern talking to.
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  14. BeyondNInja

    There's also this magical attachment called a forward grip which on many guns almost entirely removes random horizontal jitter.
  15. Hatesphere

    depends on the gun.
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  16. EliteEskimo

    That tank being the Prowler would be epic. In terms of the Prowler I really feel like they acted lazy about building it, it looks like a dang lunch box, and the turret design is totally flawed in its current state. I think Black and Crimson red fits the TR fine personally. The old red and gray look of the TR wouldn't be too bad either.

    The thing was our stuff was powerful and boring, now it's UP/Balanced and boring so there isn't as much fun in using it. The Striker was powerful, but at the end of the day it's just another lock on which the annihilator can easily replace.

    Anchor mode got nerfed, and it's still decent, but it's an ability that makes you immobile is boring and situational. Another thing about Anchor Mode, it doesn't fit with our tank being fast, we should've had an ability that complimented the speed of our tank. Lock down on our Max? Lol fun fun fun.

    We have a Gatling gun which fires slower than an NC smg, and is basically a shotgun shooting one pellet at a time and is extremely situational to use. The Prowler looks like trash. Our guns sound bad and not very powerful. I'm not saying OP should've been what TR was all about, but dang a lot of our stuff doesn't have a lot of love put into it.
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  17. KnightCole

    I kinda think SoE should make 2 color combos for each nation and let us choose which one we want.

    I kinda like the Grey and red in ur post. Keep the armor look, but let us pic kour armor color from a set based on faction.
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  18. Taemien

    I can't see what the issue with TR is. It can't be their personal weapons. A good number of them do 1900 dps over the NC's 1600 dps, and I think the VS overall is lower than or the same as NC. They're MBT isn't horrible, isn't great, but isn't bad. Their ESF is pretty decent, better than the Scythe IMO (Scythe has best weapons on worst platform, Reaver has worst weapons on best, and Mossie is about average in both, course this is opinion, different styles and all).

    I think its just population. Even when TR has an advantage in buffs and patches, they still are much lower than the VS. Something about totalitarian and red equals bad guys and people not wanting to be bad guys. Or the rounded looks are boring. Alien and grit might just be more popular than sleek.
  19. BeyondNInja

    Which guns do you find it doesn't work for?
    I know for a fact the grip removes most of the CARV's jitter, which is the gun TR most often complain about balanced horizontal recoil on, although to be fair even the Adv Grip on the Carnage leaves too much jitter for my liking.
  20. Kaegix

    Before the nerfs started raining (Some of which I do agree were needed, but not to the extent that they were made) we had the highest population out of the 3, so I kinda doubt that it's just the story behind the TR. We lack fun mechanics on our weapons and abilities, they're all the same bland thing.
    -Weapons all look/sound the same
    -Prowler is weak in tank vs tank situations
    -Striker is garbage at the moment
    -Lockdown for both the max and prowler is extremely situational, to the point where it's not worth using
    -ES weapons like the Vulcan are underperforming

    Honestly, I don't think I mind the on-paper stats as much as I mind the fact that our weapons are simply lackluster. Would you rather have a sexy looking tank that can generate a shield and charge into battle and wreck people, or would you rather have a tank that has the ability to sit on it's butt and prod people at a distance? Would you rather have a max that can generate a shield or charge into battle with powerful weapons, or would you rather have a max that can sit on it's butt? Make our stuff fun to use, and actually useful and I'm willing to bet that we wouldn't have this much of a population issue.
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