Week One WDS Winners & Friday Night Ops Goodness

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. LibertyRevolution

    There is some serious funny business going on with the numbers posted in the start this thread..
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  2. Nightpain1

    Wtf!!? How are you supposed you count these points? Current points on MIller are: Tr: 255317, NC:214754 and VS:201478 with the least amount of points??
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  3. 56k RicK

    I have always thought that the developers of this game are VS. I sure hope justice is done to the PS2 slaves that play/pay this game before we get tired and go on and do something else with our time.
  4. Blaze81

    Also, can someone explain the scoring? In game on Miller the TR are top with 25000 but the score above is 35000.

    Infact, in game the vs came last.

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  5. deggy

    Something's up.

    These may be something screwy with the point resets, but something is definitely up.
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  6. LibertyRevolution

    Maybe they took the score, then divided them by some pop% number and end up with these lower numbers?
    Either way we need an answer on this now, not monday.

    Someone that uses that twitter/redit thing get on it and start the rabble rabble.
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  7. Zeverouis

    What the absolute **** is going on here? I knew the devs were screwing up with this game (basically chasing a lot of older players away in favor of literal 12 year olds) but this? You can't even bloody read the scores correctly? Really SOE? Really?!
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  8. Nelsonis

    Not cool SOE, not cool.


    Woodman NC
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  9. Cakie

    So you're telling me the Woodman NC worked their ***** off just so you can hand the victory to VS? Bad hustle, SOE.
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  10. AlephZed

    Actual scores and winners:


    Week 1 "Winners"

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  11. Tayumpee

    That can't be it. I'm VS on Waterson and let me tell you, no amount of compensation could make up for that performance (or lack thereof), yet we won. On top of this, I checked all my characters whose faction had the highest score, or were listed as winners in this thread, and none of them received the boosts.

    The devs will notice, just get back into the fight while we wait.
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  12. Dr.Destro229

    were are the devs!?:mad::mad:
  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    uh oh. "nerf vanu" requests incoming
  14. S7rudL

    From where were those numbers pulled from?
    They seem be somewhat unrelated to what is being displayed ingame and on the website,...
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  15. Redsun

    Someone don goofed
  16. TMGMaster

    I have never even bothered WDS in the first place, knowing too well what would happen to TR...again.
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  17. ShadowSage19

    To be fair, my primary characters are on Connery & Waterson, and there were VS population spikes in the closing hours of Week 1.
  18. Prudentia

    To those claiming that the ingame scorboard can't be used to check the WDS scores of last week:
    Total points minus week 2 points equals week 1 points
    SCIENCE :eek:
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  19. nallar

    Good news, you got the right winner on Cobalt.

    Other than that, the points are about 1/10th of what they should've been for all factions, and NC should be much closer to VS's points, with TR significantly behind.

    At the end of the week, TR were more than 40k points behind VS/NC who were very close. Now, no faction even has 40k points.

    What happened? :s
  20. Tayumpee

    Since TR passed VS on Waterson a few days ago, VS have stayed in last.