Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. seregloki

    Awesome patch! I don't play infiltrator but the improvements seem really great, like all the changes this patch bring to us, thaks a lot!
  2. Priest2386

    this shouldn't need to be explained bro...12pm means only one thing, midnight is AM. least it is in MY universe, c'mon people!
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  3. Xeniz

    Apparently you don't play much of the infiltrator class.

    First of all, in larger battles Infiltrators have that many more enemies that could spot them, and since they have lower overall health than any other class it doesn't take much for a Heavy to look at you the wrong way, throw up his I Win shield, and spray an Infi to death.

    Two, many people play on low graphics where the shaders for Infiltrators are far more visible, even at night. Many many times I would be walking (imagine that, not sprinting) and even though the shader was barely visible from my perspective, a Heavy from 50m away would have laser-like precision and an eagle eye and...that was that. Hey, protip, you can apparently still hear our cloak from a thousand miles away.
  4. Zerky

    That would make infiltrators overpowered.
  5. ZeroErrorz

    stalker+crossbow+6x scope=nerf nao thread lol
  6. Krinkels

  7. Ovidius89

    Why just the M9 SKEP? What about the other lock-ons?
    Most of all, why force people to get an extra THOUSAND KILLS with a weapon?
    I, personally, was really looking forward to getting the auraxium medal on my Hawk, and had a really bad surpsire when I found out that there was no medal for it.
    Now that you are, hopefully, adding them all in, although it seems strange to start with just one of them, I very much question the logic behind forcing players who have already grinded it through to start all over again. What will this accomplish other than to piss people off?
    There cannot possibly be any technical problem in automatically assigning the medals to those who have earned the corresponding amount of kills as it is all data that you already have, data which each of us can view.
    Please, don't do it and give us the medals we have earned!
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  8. themayorofspace

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand they failed.
  9. nooblet91698

    yay, 12 oclock....and the servers are not up yet...
  10. BravoDown

    lol true dat
  11. FlamingSquirrel

    This looks a great update, good job SoE and grats infiltrators.
    Only issue I have with it is the WDS changes, these will solve nothing. Defending a base will always be pointless for gaining WDS points because we still need to let the enemy cap a point to get anything!
    People will still zerg in exactly the same way, they'll just get less points for doing it, which means it'll go on for longer each week before people hit tier 3 and start playing normally again.

    Honestly, you have a system that tracks when battles start/stop (scoreboard screen). Just reward people with points as they contribute over time in battles. Perhaps give them more points the higher up the scoreboard they go.
  12. Clay

    One minute after ETA and Servers are locked. Where are the forks and torches? ;)
  13. Magicool

    2 more hours to go! :)
  14. Naztiva

  15. Detsl

    saw this coming
  16. Naztiva

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  17. B3cker

    Give them a couple of minutes. They can't tell the exact second servers will go live.
  18. TommyXXL

  19. themayorofspace

    Who didn't. :(
  20. tutle64

    wait for it.... wait for it.... (10 hours later....) keep waiting its coming...