Crossbow : Explosive Bolts, The new universal AV

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Stanis, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. SharpeShooter

    ummmmm no!
  2. SharpeShooter

    the new sniper rifles and the new cloak is the infil update the crossbows are for everyone, get used to it!
  3. lNeBl

    Pretty obvious that giving every class a ranged AV weapon is the end of vehicles.
  4. SHOCK_and_AWE

    Seven shots to rear armor to kill a Prowler? I'd say that's too much damage for a ranged AV weapon that everyone can use that can go in your secondary weapon slot.
  5. BioPhysics

    Which is why it should be an infiltrator only weapon.

    To encourage more people to play the class, and reduce the av spam that would occur if every class had access to these.

    Infiltrators need a vehicle counter weapon, every other class already has access to C4, plus let's not even get into the vehicle killing capabilities of the Engi and Heavy.

    We need some class diversity SOE, please.
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    You're going to find it terribly difficult to convince the majority of Infiltrators to get used to the fact that everyone has access to a silenced bolt-action sniper rifle sidearm with Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Stealth ammunition. This weapon needs a LOT of work if it's not Infiltrator specific, namely a removal of the alternative ammunition types or giving each class their own unique optional ammunition type. Then, the damage needs reduced and the weapon turned into a semi-automatic pistol that shines through the fact that it's still silenced and has a scope.

    Even if it was given to us alone, I'm a bit cautious about the Anti-Vehicle ammunition. I know that many of us want an answer to armor...but how long do you think before we're nerfed even harder for being able to stealth up to a tank and start blasting them...claoking...blasting them...cloaking...etc?

    I like the weapon for its potential with Stalker Cloaking...but I'm not sold on the anti-vehicle ammunition. The detection darts have potential in tagging people to expose them on the radar for a limited duration, but that Anti-Vehicle ammunition...that's something that probably shouldn't even be in the game.
  7. SharpeShooter

    Its not a bolt action anything! its a silenced pistol that takes 2 shots to kill and has an extremely slow bolt/bullet speed, which means it would be worse then terrible used as a sniper rifle! why do infiltrators have a say on whether other classes get to use them? The dart it has is a "tag" dart and only tags one person as far as I know! (I'm downloading the PTS now). as far as it having an explosive dart part of it REALLY has nothing to do with infiltrators!

    I hope the crossbow will be something fresh for the light assault which after all is the least played class!
  8. Tenebrae Aeterna

    It's a silenced pistol that will kill an infiltrator in one shot to the head, and has the scope options to do it!

    You know what us Infiltrators call that sort of thing; we call it a bolt-action sniper rifle...pretty cool isn't it? You ask why Infiltrators should be the ones who decide who gets this weapon,'s pretty damn obvious don't you think? It's a silenced sniper rifle when used against infiltrators that has an optional sensor dart mechanic.
    • Sniper rifles are supposed to be Infiltrator only.
    • Radar detection tools are supposed to be Infiltrator only, unless attached to vehicles.
    As for the explosive darts, I'm meh on those as a whole. If the weapon is given to all classes, we should all have class unique darts...the detection darts being our option, the anti-armor darts could be provided to another class, so on and so forth.
  9. SharpeShooter

    Its not even CLOSE to being a sniper rifle! It one shots infils when shot in the head and its silenced! so if the commissioner was given a suppressor infils would be upset by that? don't be ridicules. Like I said it has a VERY slow bullet speed and so its not for "sniping" its a close to medium range weapon!

    You're so clouded by you're own desire to be selfish and keep a weapon for the class you play most you have convinced yourself it should be infil only which is stupid!

    also how does it having a "scope" option make it only infil? I can put a scope on my carbine does that mean it should only be infil? ofc not!
  10. Tenebrae Aeterna


    The Commissioner does not come with a scope, nor the ability to equip one. I've been playing with the Crossbow all day, I can tell you right now that in its current's exactly like a silenced bolt-action sniper rifle when used against Infiltrators. You have a scope, you have one-hit-kill capabilities against Infiltrators, and it's silent to boot! It's a sniper rifle, no matter how you look at it...that's what that kind of damage equates to.

    As for being greedy, I already said that I don't mind if it's given to all the classes...but it needs work before this can happen.

    A: The damage needs reduced, magazine size increased, perhaps the velocity increased, converted into a semi-automatic and the detection ammunition needs to be either converted into an Infiltrator specific option...or removed completely. Unique class specific ammunition for the weapon would actually be pretty interesting, and ultimately...a silenced semi-auto pistol with a scope is useful for all classes.

    B: The alternative option would be to give us Infiltrators back our full health so that the pistol no longer one-hit-kills Infiltrators with a headshot. Even were this to be done, that detection ammunition should be class specific...but, as I said previously, the idea of each class getting their own unique ammunition is a cool idea that I think could really make this weapon shine if it's provided to all classes.

    C: It becomes an Infiltrator specific weapon.

    So, I'm not greedy at all...but it's not going to work as it's currently being presented.
  11. Jogido

    the bullet drop is pretty bad last I tried it. it's not like a long range option at all. At this point, it's at best a weapon that can contribute to the fight against a tank as long as you are within 20 meters. It'll be hard to solo a tank unless the driver is ultra stupid.
  12. Nephi1im

    I tested it. The only way it is going to kill any vehicles A) not unoccupied or B) not sitting somewhere AFK, is if you manage to get 10 guys within 20 yards of the thing and they all hit it at the same time. After 30 meters, the arrow drop is insane. If you're a tanker and you let a pile of dudes on foot get within any kind of range to kill you with it.... you might need to change professions
  13. SharpeShooter

    SOE have already said they are going to introduce scopes for pistols, so moan away when they introduce that!

    and no its not a sniper rifle, I don't know why you keep saying it is! Just because it one shots an infil when shot in the head does not mean its a sniper rifle lol.
  14. Stanis

    Right now my outfit is having a great deal of fun jumping out of galaxies with C4.
    Getting into range isn't a problem.

    An entire platoon of players with AV in their back pocket if they might need it is a huge issue.
    3 shots per mag - before a reload timer.

    That's a huge dent in armour falling out of the sky every 30 seconds ..
  15. Xebov

    You guys realy should calm down a bit. The Patchnotes stated that the Crossbow is not entirely ready (like all other new weapons). In addition to that they added a new Patch some hours ago that changed and fixed some stuff. To get all of you guys in line with the current state:

    Crossbow is available for all Classes and will stay that way, there are 2 valentines day Crossbows available so you can guess that it will stay for all classes.

    Default Ammo currently does 450dmg all the way. The weapon itself states 600/30m 450/50m, but that doesnt match with the current reality. The projectile speed is 150m/s wich is very low. Even on 50m its realy hard to hit a head, verything beyond is nearly impossible.

    Explosive Bolts do very low dmg to armor. In the current build you need 20 Bolts into the rear of a Lightning. There is no way to pose any kind of thread to vehicles unless they are allready burning. It might be an option for Lights to finish off burning Vehicles.

    Sensor Bolts are Sensor Darts, but there Lifespawn is limited to ~15s. They can act as a recon tool for everyone, but are much weaker then the Infiltrators Recon Darts.

    The Crossbow can add new utility for everyone, but like everything it will have its up and downsides when using it.

    Infiltrator Recon Darts are still much better then the Crossbow version. And speaking of Infiltrators, it would be ncie if some of them would start using Darts. Everytime i get to a point into a Base i place down ammo and i have 1-5 Infiltrators around and noone is placing any Darts. This addition to the game will allow me to place some Darts myself to do the Job that others wont do.
  16. Nephi1im

    So, I'll go out on a limb here and say that if 1% of the game pop is coordinating with explosive darts to kill tanks on foot.... I think we're alright. As the post below said, apparently they've already nerfed them into oblivion (20 darts to kill a lightning in the rear lulz). This has been said time and time again, but why does it bother people that a tactic that requires 5+ whatever people counters 1-2 dudes? I would hope anything tagged as AV would be able to easily handle armor with more than double the players required to make it effective.
  17. HadesR

    That's not really to limiting when everyone and their dog can be spamming a base with them .. Granted I feel the game has to much radar any way with out adding more ..
  18. lyravega

    Each class should get a different type of bolts, loosely based on the types of grenades they get to use. Infıltrators or Light Assault should NEVER EVER get a(nother) tool to shoot at the vehicles.

    As someone else said above, tankers/drivers already have enough **** to worry about, and infiltrators running around with explosive bolts is enough to make me stop playing the game.
  19. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Unless I'm horribly mistaken, the Underboss and Comissioner were never included within these plans for the very reasons expressed. With that said, in regards to the Crossbow not being a sniper're seriously going to try and claim that?

    What defines a bolt-action sniper rifle?

    - One-hit-kill capabilities on a headshot? Check.
    - Scope options to nail that headshot? Check.
    - Re-chambering of a round? Check.

    ...and it's silenced atop of all that. What's the difference between a bolt-action sniper rifle and the Crossbow, expect for the fact that the crossbow has additional features of course?
    • Up x 1
  20. Admiralty

    Would you be able to link to the post regarding scopes on pistol ?