[SUGGETION] Water shouldn't kill you and you don't need any swiming mechanics.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by MorganM, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. MorganM

    Just make it so if you fall into water you fall to the ground. Don't make them so deep you always die but I guess that may happen in some places like falling from a bridge into the deepest part. Then people can run out of the water or run across along the bottom. Probably need to make the water somewhat translucent so we can see and spot enemies down in there. Maybe do some sort of damage field for vehicles so people don't hid sunderers and tanks down in there.

    We don't need any fancy swimming mechanics or animations. There's no need for holding ones breath; ostensibly we have these fancy futuristic suits that we can pretend allows us to breathe under water =)

    It just seems counter intuitive and rather silly that falling even waist deep into water instantly kills you. Most people I would say would assume, based on past video game experience, they could just jump in. Then you are like "Uhhh... what?" as you stare at your death screen.
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  2. Malorn

    Only the ugly green nasty water at Heyoka Chemical is lethal. The NC terrorists dumped a bunch of nanite-deconstructing crud into it, turning it into a moat-of-quick-death. The deadliness is by-design to force infantry and vehicles to use the bridges and create interesting gameplay with the light bridges.

    The rest of the water on Amerish is clear, pollution-free, waist-high for easy traversing, and most importantly....not filled with nanite-deconstructing crud.
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  3. o.Solei.o

    "Hey! We were pinned down, outnumbered, and without support, I'll have you know! If we hadn't wrecked that pond to bog down the TR assault, that entire flank would have folded and Amerish would be all red, all day, every day. It wasn't our fault that the TR just happened to have a few field-tanks of secret, anti-nanite chemical weapons laying around what public records assert was a waste reclamation facility."
  4. Metalsheep

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but i have never seen it answered: Will VS vehicles (I.E. The Magrider and any future Floating/Antigrav vehicles.) ever be able to float across water at a lower topspeed like in PS1?
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  5. Oblomoff

    Well, if it does kill magriders there's an explanation, even two: The magrider's anti-grav platform sucks nanorobots from those green moats or it raises some splashing water droplets with nanite deconstructors, they eat up into the machinery and the mag falls to their doom.
  6. Heyitsrobbie1984

    thats "balance" for you

    in saying that i believe that Vanu should have a tracked tank instead of a hover tank, cos it looks stupid when your so called hover tank can hover over everything but cant hover over toxic slime. and besides i never liked those hover tanks anyway
  7. Arquin

    Malorn, I can't have peace of mind before this: I need to know if swimmable/traversable liquid mechanics will EVER come?
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  8. MorganM

    Thanks for the clarification and I see why you did it; totally makes sense.

    However could it be more obvious that it's a very very bad idea to go into it? It didn't really look ominous to me. Maybe a more gross color and some fumes rising off of it?
  9. BoomBoom4You

    Nice try. Everyone knows it's industrial runoff from TR nuclear experiments.
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  10. daniel696

    And at the same time it's not even water, is just a texture with distortion. Let's call this kind of water now water texture, to make sure we don't forget.
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  11. FrankHH

    Why don't we have such informations in-game?
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  12. o.Solei.o

    Honestly, I'd love to have that kind of info in-game.

    How about 1 or 2 overhead screens in the WG spawn that have a variety of short messages conveying in-setting lore or new features/content presented as little news briefs or empire field reports?
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  13. Puredeathnight

    I doubt most people will or would have thought of this when seeing it for the first time, mainly because this is what they now as water in game. The normal water is really only seen in the smaller bases as just a stream or small pool, towards the outer edges of the map, why not add a actual river in a part of Amerish that runs through a number of hexs with a significant base or two along it, so that more players will see what clean what looks like on auraxis. The river its self does not have to be deeper that waist height to seem realistic either, a shallow slow moving wide river could fit in to the new Amerish in addition showing what clean water is will set the stage for a better since of understanding for when Hossin is released, potentially reducing the number of obnoxious posts about why they thing the water at the dam should not be killing them.

    I have many ideas for how water could be added to the map to Amerish to improve it further and wow players. All of the maps so far (except hossin) are dry even the map that is seeming supposed to be full of life and like the forests in the eastern United States. I will make a thread outlining my ideas if interest is shown
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  14. Rohxer

  15. Maelthra

    To be honest, this is really the only reason why I even want water in the game (I don't intend to go swimming!). I miss floating over water with my Magrider and making all the other tanks jealous!
  16. daniel696

    If you are waiting for this, make sure to prepare a coffin to wait.
  17. Zorro

    It is a dream to have real, functional water. Hossin just does not seem right without it.
  18. Malorn

    I'll look into a skull and crossbones sign that I can put near the water in a few places as a warning like one might see at a minefield. It might double as shoreline cover. Can't guarantee we'll have it, but I'll see if it's feasible.
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  19. WyrdHarper

    Any advice for dealing with our soldiers who have been so traumatized they refuse to go near water anymore? Our cannonfodd--errr, footsoldiers keep dying from dehydration instead of shielding their superior officers from bullets as they should be.

    This would be great. Maybe the signs could have some kind of lore-based text on them for a bit of immersion, too. Like "Warning: NS Chemical Runoff" or "Caution: Nanite Reclamation Pools Ahead"
  20. Malorn

    To avoid localization issues it is preferable to use universally-understood symbols - like the skull and crossbones. Everyone knows what that means :)
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