Miller NC overpop since new year.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Strikejk, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. zukhov

    Friday night 19:06 TR world pop 39%.
  2. d3adline


    Started off even at 17:06 and became 39% because we were winning 5:2:0 on the Techplant alert.

    You had 35% despite losing, the only ones who have the right to complain are VS with 25% pop.
  3. Goretzu

    Pointing out that the whole point of this thread is false is hardly QQing. :confused:
    • Up x 1
  4. d3adline

    Hardly, if VS was winning the alert they would've had 40% pop. If there is no alert going on, NC is usually sitting on 40+.

    And it dosen't make your posts more "valid" just because you wirte certain things bold, and plaster them with those ridiculous emoticons like some sort of nervous tick.
  5. Goretzu

    Again though when TR dominated Miller for most of 2013, 39% was a non-alert low for the TR, 43%, 45%, 47% and even occasionall 50+% was an end of alert high.

    I don't think NC or VS got to 39% at all in that 6+ month period.

    So again the situation is 1) fine, and 2) much, much different to the unbelieveable TR population dominance Miller had for so long.

    Not QQ just cold hard FACTS! :)

    (TR is currently at 36% (the highest) at the moment, NC at 35% oh the imbalance! :eek: )
  6. Squeeck

    If they halved the continent maximum pop while TR overpop was happening, wouldnt you think the TR would get a queue faster than before? We rarely had a queue during the TR 'overpop'
  7. Vortigon

    OP is correct.

    On top of that Miller TR is a total joke now! a pale shadow of it's former glory!!

    - No leadership
    - Clueless outfit leaders taking the wrong targets/easy targets
    - Deals done with the enemy to base swop and to avoid the hard fights
    - Never in the right place at the right time allowing entire tech plants to fall to 3 or 4 enemy with no intervention
    - Pathetic faction hopping scum everywhere
    - Outfits farming certs instead of pushing back the enemy

    We need fresh blood in TR Miller
    We need Outfits with balls
    We need leadership who look at the map
    We need loyalty to the faction not deal making to 'give everyone certs'
    We need to crush the enemy!!

    In short - TR Miller outfits need to grow balls - learn some honour - crush the enemy to matter what!!
  8. Bluedragon

    Well it all sounds nice and pompous and meaningless. Not to be rude or something. I've been playing ps2 since beta and since beta there is still no point in doing it all unless it is actually fun for you, and it might be fun for the first... 3-4 month. Atm there is no real benefit for taking or holding one or another base, no point in cont lock. There is just no meaning to it all, there is no meaning for alerts, more xp for the victory? Really? So till the devs give us some normal goals in this game, normal mechanics, and normal rewards for taking over bases and locking continents and not this joke of a bonuses, then we can talk. Till then my outfit will be on the look for interesting fights and nothing more.
  9. jaktrobot

    Come join vs at cobalt server, lowest pop but best players and we win 95% of all alerts anyway even with 10% less pop then nc. Even tho most alerts are pretty close and normaly vs wins with like 5 mins left. Its good fun to be vs on cobalt, cant say the same about miller tho, i got 1 vs and cn char there....

    Cobalt got the best vs players in the world all stats show that, u will have a great time at cobalt i promise that, cobalt got more players then miller aswell.
  10. sauna

    I've been zerged to bits by TR for almost a year so this thread has little to no merit. NC had some increase in players, and now for a few weeks VS has had overpop.

    Again; tell SOE to implement restraints on how much players can flood empires and continents. Still ****** up that people can switch to any faction at will to the same server even. If SOE does nothing about this this will ALWAYS be a problem and it bores the crap out of me. It should be priority nr 1 for the devs. Nothing else matters if people get fed up by being zerged all the time, rage and quit playing.
  11. Bibibla

    Come on ! the devs are not gods, they can't makes 33% / 33% / 33% population happen. (also, it sums up to 99%).

    Time has proved the 4rth faction goes to the perceived OP faction, and not to the VS because they wear purple spandex.

    The only thing SOE can do is to balance weapons and esthetics.

    Furthermore, it's up to YOU ! If a faction is overpopulated, fight against it ! Simple as that ! you get bonus XP for being underpop !

    That's the reason there is 3 factions in the first place : anything below 51% of the population can be deat with by shoting at it!

    STOP demanding the dev to fix thing that would require godlike powers they don't have!

    CHOOSE to fight against the overpop ! And PS2 will become a better game !
    • Up x 1
  12. sauna

    Jesus christ. Can't tell if serious or not...anywhoo:

    No wonder PS2 hasn't been properly balanced nor had any really game-prolonging changes yet. When too many clueless people like you start ranting nonsense what kind of game do you think they'll make and what kind of audience will they cater to? Choose to fight against overpop? Godlike powers? Yellow text? Up to me? Blrrhggh? What the...

    I'm not saying there should be 33%*3 world pop and on all continents (that's the most fun scenario, yes, but not entirely hassle free).
    I'm saying SOE should implement a system they used in PS1 which was you had to queue up for continents (they already have queues now) based on YOUR empire's population on that continent. If one empire has 40% pop (or whateverthe**** the limit threshold is) on that continent you can queue up to go there, sure, but must wait until the other empires get more players to level the playing field and give everyone a fighting chance. You can still play on other continents meanwhile. If you're subbed you get priority which means more money for SOE.

    I'm also saying SOE needs to disallow jumping ships during alerts and whatnot. Using a timer would be easiest to sort that out. As it is currently you can have all your characters on the same server and simply switch to the character that belongs to the empire already with the upper hand. There is no incentive to keep fighting for YOUR empire since everyone who gets tired of getting zerged can simply switch to the zerging empire.

    Ah hell, what am I doing? Never try to reason with trolls. I fail again at forumside.
  13. bPostal

    He's not trolling. Matt Higby mentioned early in the development that one of the benefits to having three factions is that doubleteaming CAN happen. It's the solution to overpop and it's what the NC and VS have done to the TR on Miller for months.

    Does 4th Faction suck? Yes. Could SOE put in a timer or something in the game? Of course. Should the overpopped faction get a special queue on a cont until the population balances? No.

    Hope that clears up any confusion.
  14. sauna

    Of course he's trolling, he's not making any sense whatsoever. And neither are you, I'm afraid :). Three factions, of which two are double teaming is not the issue. The issue is, which it has been for a long time, what I've seen every other day is: 60% TR Esamir, 60% VS Indar, 60% NC Amerish or whatever. This FORCES me to either get zerged on two continents or be the zerger on one continent. OR it forces me to switch to another Empire on the same server to "fight the overpopulation" (which was it seemed your friend was suggesting, which is ludicrous to me).
    I've been NC since PS1, I was NC on ONE server until I quit, this is how I want to play PS2 and I know lot of people are like me on this. But due to lack of restrictions and a system that at least TRIES to balance the overpopulation and zerging WITHOUT making the game worse in any way I have a hard time often to play like that.

    There is nothing special about such a queue, it's an easy way to sort out ALL of these problems and why you would be opposed to it I don't know. Right now there's a queue when the continent is full to the brim in max players, why not just set maxplayers with throttling thresholds for the empire's on a continent? I can't see one bad thing about it. Perhaps you enjoy joining continents where your faction already has 60% pop, I do not.
    Tons of people, especially new players, rage about this every single day and many of them quit due to this problem. Would PS2 gain more players than lose them if a similar system to the one I suggest was implemented? Yes, I believe so. The ones that see a problem with this are probably the ones in 100+ member outfits that are afraid that they can't zerg with their friends and don't want to buy a sub to get queue priority.

    I'm not feeling very confused at all. I'm sorry if I'm not making myself clear or if I'm easily misunderstood, english is not my main language and I might miss some overclarification that seems to be needed here.
  15. vanu123

    NC have over pop on connery as well.
  16. bPostal

    If I'm not making sense that's because your refusing to see that doubleteaming is, in fact, a logical solution to the problem (unless one faction has over 50% pop).

    WORLD population is what needs to be balanced, not continental population. If the TR sit on Indar, the VS on Amerish and the NC on Esamir then we're all bored but it's our fault to begin with for zerging a cont instead of fighting each other.

    You say that being forced to switch factions to combat overpopulation is ludicrous. I agree. It is equally ludicrous to suggest that I may be stuck in a queue simply because I logged in during a territory capture alert and now I want to play with my friends.
  17. sauna

    No, I disagree, double teaming is not a solution. It's a cop out. There is only one solution to this problem which shouldn't exist in the first place. SOE should have designed the game with population imbalances in mind and have a system in place to combat it.

    Yes, world population needs to be balanced (which we've seen lately when entire outfits suddenly switch servers and turn the tide entirely to a zergfest everywhere) AND continent population needs to be balanced. Which I've suggested and stated many times previously.
    Our own fault? Don't you realise what zerging and the sense of futility and meaninglessness it brings to a persons mind? Noone currently gives a rat's *** about a continent if one Empire has locked it down already with huge overpopulation numbers. It doesn't matter if it's an alert or not. People want to go to places where they stand a chance and have the highest chance of getting fair and fun fights.
    If you don't balance continent population you will say "yes, it sucks, but it's our own fault for letting it suck" until the game ultimately dies. I can't fathom how hard this seems to be to understand.

    I can only see one reason that someone is opposed to this which is perhaps a hard one to admit; that farming kills/certs and worrying about their K/D on some leaderboard have become such a common thing that it is all the game is about for them. Very sad indeed. There are still players that go for objectives and try to help out everywhere, though, it's about winning and teamplay for them, not farming. I was one of the guys that could take the zerging and being apart of that 15-20% population just to "fight the overpop". That grew quite tiresome and boring after 7-8 months however. I think it does for most players.

    No, I don't agree, it's not ludicrous that you are "stuck in a queue simply because I logged in during a territory capture alert". You already get stuck in queues a lot of the time if these alerts happen on prime time but that is due to the whole continent being filled to the brim. There is NOTHING bad with SOE telling players "no, your guys already outnumber the others with 50-100 players, you have to wait for the other guys to join in for balance sake and meanwhile you're welcome to play on any of these continents which are already underutilized".

    Imagine when SOE releases Hossin and then Cyssor and then Searhus, etc, etc. Right NOW we don't even go to Amerish very often because it's often barren and if we get even more continents and there STILL isn't a system for making people queue up, shut up and spread out, there will be ghost towns everywhere.
    When other continents come, you and your friends then have the choice to either queue up for a very active continent or bring ALL your mates to another place, which in TURN will bring a somewhat equal amount of enemies since they can easily see that "oh, enemies on the march on Hossin, I'll take my guys there instead". Presto et voilá etc; everyone has a good time on multiple continents.
  18. bPostal

    Well we're going to have to agree to disagree and if we can't do that then someone will have to admit they're wrong. I will only sit in a queue if you're forced to play another faction or on another server. My guess is, however, that neither of those solutions will be acceptable to either of us.

    Doubleteaming is and has been a part of the three faction system, at the very least it was present when I briefly played in 2005 and it has certainly been present during the last couple of years in Planetside and all throughout PS2. Doubleteaming negates any major advantage that population can bring by forcing an overpopped faction to fight among multiple fronts.

    Don't think for one minute that I want anything other than equally balanced populations. You may recall the fiasco that was the Esamir launch. If someone wants to go ahead and tell me that was fun for ANYONE (except the Araxium ******), I'll call them a damned liar. Imbalanced populations suck but they can only get drastically imbalanced on a continental level if we let them. Can you give me a reason why, if the world population is equal, the continental population can not be equal?
  19. sauna

    Yes, I can. Imbalances for population on a continent level will always exist in one form or another since people that are in big outfits will pull their big outfits to one continent. They start taking hexes and locking down towers close to warpgate and wait for the farm. Unless a similar force (in both numbers and organisation) take them on and stand a chance it will be a farm fest. Then people will drop from the continent and more and more people who like easy certs and kills will join there.
    Which is exactly like it often is now, with just a few percentages difference in world population, all three continents are still often very biased in population. The other day I saw 33/33/34 world population and it was 60/60/60 on all continents, each Empire had one easy continent which was zero challenge and just farming.

    When I see this, which happens more and more, I quit and try the next day. If this becomes the norm, which it CAN unless some balancing is done, I and many with me won't be playing any more. Imagine then, the new player. He is told that he is supposed to fight for his Empire and he thinks the opposite of the veteran farmer douches so he naturally tries to "fight the overpopulation" but when he get's farmed for the 38973 time he quits and never looks back. Friends who ask him "was it any good?" get this reply "no, just a zergfest".

    I see your qualm (it's a word iirc!), you want to be able to play with your friends everywhere all the time without delay. Fine, I do too, but can't you make that small sacrifice and bring your friends to other continents on which you all can fit if it means everyone is having a better time all the time? I don't have a problem with it, I and my friends can start a ghost cap on a continent just to get enemies with similar numbers there.*

    This was what we did and how it worked in Planetside 1, iirc. You waited to port to a busy continent or you went elsewhere, there wasn't even a problem. Not saying that zerging didn't exist, it did. But the continent population was balanced to the point that people COULD relocate on the continent itself to combine forces against bigger threats. You CAN'T do that if you only got 20% pop on a continent. It's like playing without team balance in any FPS game. Noone would join a server in another FPS game without team balance if people only stacked one team all the time. How fun is that?

    *Base cap system in PS1 was much better as the longer you fought in the base's Sphere of Influence the more exp you got - up to a cap -, so people actually sought these battles and hoped for a long and fun fight. If you didn't do anything to help out in the SOI, you didn't get any exp either.
    Another thing I wish PS2 had. Brought meaningful battles in which people invest time and effort and not people zig zagging to get cap exp everywhere.

    Excuse the long posts, I like to discuss these things and I hope more people see my side of it :).
    Time for bed here, will read later!
  20. Sworaven

    First of all, A++ post. Would read again.

    I giggled when I read this sentence: "Deals done with the enemy to base swop and to avoid the hard fights". Nobody 'swops' bases to avoid fights. Why would anyone want to avoid fights when fights are the only thing in this game that matter? Or are you one of those people that still think capping territory outside of alerts actually means something?

    What outfit are you?