After 1 year, is there a 'reason to fight'?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadAlive99, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    That is the one thing I like about PS2. I hate it when other games tare the controls away from me to say "good job team X. *clap* *clap* *clap* time to reload the map" in this game it pops up and pretty much says "the facility is yours, clean up the stragglers and keep kicking their *** down the line"
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  2. Nephi1im

    I don't wanna go here, but I'm going to..... There are two, LITERALLY 2 times when spawn camping can even possibly happen in BF4. 1) in rush, where the spawn is very defined 2) certain(I can think of 2, locker and zavod) conquest maps where the objectives are very linear.

    EVERY other mode has random spawns, and spawning near a randomly spawned enemy is not spawn camping, it's bad luck/bad skill of not killing him first. On top of that, even when "spawn camping" is available in a map/mode it takes a team of super terribads to get honestly spawn camped since all maps have multiple flanking routes nowadays.

    I am of the opinion that anyone who complains about spawn camping anymore, even in PS2 where you can spawn freaking ANYWHERE, is just bad and likes to spawn and run up to the zerg line..... then come cry on the forums about it. That is all.
  3. Rogueghost

    "No appearing a full second in the past to your enemies in a busy fight"
    Yea, you appear a full second in the past no matter the scale of the fight in bf4, I regret every cent I spent on it.
  4. Giggily

    I play to have fun.
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  5. Nephi1im

    I hopped on PS2 to get away from BF4 and here I am talking about it :p

    I, and anyone I played with had little to no issues past the first couple of weeks in BF4. Forumfield made it seem as though the world exploded and literally African children were accidentally dying by netcode bullet misses in BF4.... It's funny because everyone who made a thread in forumfield about how the game was "unplayable" always had 150+ hours played within a couple of months of its release. Seems odd right?
  6. M2_Bradley

    I literally had next to no experience with any other game mode except rush....And the only times when I played other game modes was at the beginning of release and then hardcore rush on one server...XD
  7. Rogueghost

    I couldn't make it anywhere near 150 hours, stopped playing at about 8.

    Netcode wasn't my main issue, my biggest gripe with it was that it wasn't planetside, which is something I knew coming into it, and is why I shouldn't had purchased it.
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  8. Wylie28

    They were working on a new continent, Hossin and 3 smaller Battle Islands.... Then a half of SOE got fired and they decided to work purely on optimization for 3 months... just wait a little but longer and there will be continental lattice which will take away the pick a map thing that ruins the want or need to capture bases...

    also keep in mind this game is still in beta... SOE claims its not because they cant sell anything in a beta product but ask the developers the game was no where near ready to be released yet... Things like continental lattice was the plan from the start but SOE pushed it out too early
  9. Wylie28

    ya I liked the ttk and recoil mechanics in planetside so much better... but I really do like the suppression in BF4 and I hope something like it is added in PS2 once they get the game out of its beta state
  10. BoomBoom4You

    What does the OP want, a medal or trophy? The game is fun because you enjoy the gameplay -- of course there's no "reason" to fight, it's a game.

    If you don't enjoy it, don't play it.
  11. Nephi1im

    I hop between the two depending on my mood. Honestly, BF4 feels like a shooter to me, and PS2 feels like skyrim with guns. Best way I can think to sum it up is that I feel like I am a dude with a gun in BF4, but I feel like I'm a square within a monitor with a gun in PS2 :p
  12. Nephi1im

    PS2 could use a HEAVY dose of "fluidity". It just feels clunky compared to most other popular FPSs. Compared to BC2 and BF3, BF4 suppression is almost unnoticeable. I appreciate the idea of suppression, but I also feel like it rewards spray and pray. It was supposed to be tactical, but it just never panned out as such.
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  13. EmmettLBrown

    Not sure if it's the suppression you mean, but last night I was keeping TR from poking their heads out and rocketing our AMS by the Sandstone Gulch Mining bridge. Just sitting there in the front gun of my repair sundy not really killing anyone. It kept our spawn alive and allowed us to finally take the bridge and move south.
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  14. KnightCole

    IkR, totally sums up PS2 atm.
  15. Rogueghost

    They both felt a lot like shooters to me, but I feel that Planetside rewards me a lot more for aiming than BF4.
    The best example I have of this is if someone gets the drop on me, I'd say about 40% of the time I manage to turn around and make however got the drop on me wish he decided to shot at someone else.

    Because I aim for the head, and Planetside's TTK is long enough that if you're aiming for the head you can more often than not beat those that are not, even if the end up getting the drop on you.

    In BF4, and BF3 too, if you get in the same situation, there isn't much you can do, most of the time you end up dying before you can turn around. Which is fine, they out flanked you they deserve the kill, but mix the short ttk with the random spawns and it feels like BF4 is a lot more luck based than it is about how good you are at the shooter element.

    But I knew about all of this before buying bf4, and I still ended up wasting my cash on it, so I don't have much of a right to complain.
  16. AssaultPig

    there never was a point and there never will be a point

    adding some 'win condition' won't add any more meaning than already exists
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    The eagles have not yet delivered my bonus checks; so yes.
  18. Alarox

    The problem with this game is that, beyond simply alerts, there is nothing to work forward for as a group (I'm not talking about character advancement).

    There's no in-depth mechanics like resource logistics so all fighting simply falls into:
    1.) Looking to farm/fight for the sake of itself
    2.) Trying to take territory

    It is a sandbox game, so the players make their own goals and fun. However... a sandbox game still requires the developers to put the tools in place for the players. There's no real goals and no real depth, so there's no reason to fight beyond for the sake of fighting itself and certs.

    There's continent locking, continental lattice, and a revamped resource system planned in the future. Once those are implemented you may find what you're looking for.
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  19. Shockwave44

    The goal in BF and COD is to win the round. You know this before you buy the game. In PS2, if you capture a base, so what? BTW, it doesn't matter how large of a scale the game is, if there is nothing to do then there is nothing to do.
  20. Alarox

    There isn't much satisfaction in victory when you yourselves don't believe it means much, whether because the enemy didn't care about winning, because there wasn't much strategy to implement so all you did was bash your head against a wall till it broke, or because you yourselves believe it isn't significant. Most of this game is like that for many people. Things like alerts are the exceptions.

    So yes it is a problem with the players, but it can be fixed by the developers adding mechanics that negate the above for many people.