2014 Membership - Update from Smed

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Bindlestiff

    An official, and public, forum for discussion about the planned changes to the subscription is no place for a silent majority. Opinions need to be heard. Those that could be bothered voiced their opinion, for and against. This doesn't make thousands of people across the SOE portfolio outspoken individuals, it makes them involved in part of the process.

    I do agree that a choice would be a great compromise though, to be fair :)
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  2. dephekt

    I saw the pictures and read the post, but have absolutely zero clue where you were trying to go with this. Old screenshots from a 2003 beta? I don't get it (your unspoken argument or point) or see the relevance to this thread or PS:2 in general.
  3. Parz1va1

    I forgot to say thank you when I mentioned I would be keeping my sub going following the proposed changes. Thank you!
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    sorry but i dont have to. your post on the first page asked for purchasable cert items from the shop, and i've replied to it by telling you that this isn't needed as you can already gain more certs by buying boosters or membership

    let me tell you, we all started small. in fact when i started playing in december 2012, gaining certs was very hard. there were no extra cert bonus from ribbons, i didnt have membership and i didnt have boosters. but still i got most stuff (all classes plus most vehicles) certed out by now for my vanu main char and i am still enjoying this game even after all the cert grinding

    therefore, introducing purchasable cert items would
    1) be really unfair to people who had to earn all their certs the "hard" way instead of relying on their money to do the work for them
    2) make players with more spending power be able to purchase more certs and gain a disproportionate advantage over people who dont
    ^both of these things arent correct and thus i am highly skeptical regarding your idea
  5. Ixiawn

    Thanks SOE. I'm glad to suit the the suits do actually wear human beings.

    Of course though, as I said in the other thread. I'll not be resubbing until this is implemented. A promised revision means crap when its 'Unscheduled'. Yes Roadmap, I'm looking at you.

    However once SOE's end is upheld, I'll uphold mine.
  6. Hatamoto

    Sounds like a fair deal .. I trust you will be asking the players next time before proposing changes that are offensive and suggest we are mindless spenders. That and some work on the roadmap + a fix for the reduced performance of PU2 and i will consider a resub.
  7. BloodyG

    Nice, can't wait to see what u have for us EU player's.
    But i hope u won't force us to a ProSieben account.
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  8. Safiras

    Giving People who spend money on a game a benefit without making a game pay to win is not quite easy.
    If you have a Cert Item that you can buy from sc, it would make the game more pay to win in my opinion because there is a lot of stuff like zoom/attachments for weapons that you can not buy from sc right now.
    But i appreciate the changes
  9. Bush82

    nice. add a paypal option to pay for it and il sign up right now.
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  10. S7rudL

    We would like to give you our money, as we already do, although a x2-x3 sale would motivate us further to invest in our beloved PS2 - hobby, by basically hoarding SC for future 'good' deals

    But, if you do that then your spending's wont be invested into the game but rather be banked/put on hold for some reason, until you actually spend your SC currency on items.

    On top of that, they have to pay taxes. Which is then a burden if you don't spend your SC.

    No wonder then that 2x and 3x SC sales would murder them.

    This sucks for both sides, not sure if I understand it at all,.. if not then nvm. :confused:
  11. Pootisman

    Sounds good. Does the 10% member discount stack with the daily sale/bundle discount? (-60% in total)
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  12. GamerDJ

    The only problem with including this kind of item will be that some F2P players WILL undoubtedly say that it is a P2W game. Now, as an individual, I would be okay with this change, because I'm also completely willing to spend more money on this game (as crazy as that sounds :p ). However, most F2P players who don't want to spend money will complain about people who buy certs. That also defeats the purpose of having upgrades, attachments, etc. cost certs only. In fact as far as I know the sole reason those items are purchased with certs only was to avoid a P2W kind of thing.

    TL/DR (because I know I managed to bore somebody): While this idea isn't bad to myself as an individual, thinking of the whole player base, some F2P players will see this as P2W.
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  13. TheRunDown

    When can "We" the "EU" player get in on these Store exclusives?
    It's pi**ing me off, that there's like 4 items I can "Never" acquire...

    Unless I a** around and find a friends to buy me a Station Cash card.. in the US.. but that's not the point, it should be available to "ALL" members.. I'm Paying for my Sub too..
  14. TheRunDown

    *Double post* Connection was too slow to respond..
    But it still posted.. o_O
  15. Wych

    I am a European player with an SOE account not Probien and am happy with this situation.

    Currently this is SOE's stand point:

    Can European players still purchase an All Access plan from SOE?

    European customers will no longer be able to purchase new SOE All Access subscriptions beginning March 29, 2012. European customers with existing All Access accounts in good standing will be able to continue playing the All Access games until ProSiebenSat.1 Games begins to provide its multi-game plan. We will share more details as available.

    Id hope and presume now this barrier will be lifted and that because I subscribe to Planetside 2 through SOE that I will make the transition to AllAccess member?

    Some clarification would be great. I will not move to Probien as I am happy with the service I receive from SOE and I do not want to loose my long standing account, ever period end of! ;).

    If you do move all SOE accounts into this new pass then you will gain more loyalty from me for SOE's stable of games, if you exclude your still standing European accounts, then I will just keep my Planetside 2 subscription and play other games. But I will be quite frankly flabergasted open mouth, head shaking and hands in the air type stuff , if you do exclude us.

    Although Im sure you would be fair to all your customer accounts regardless of country? ...
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  16. Cotoi

    for the 4th or 5th time today... that was just a basic ideea and it was just something that could be worked on :(
  17. TheRunDown

    I don't think I could put up with being on a prosieben account..
    I think I would quit PlanetSide 2 due to the prosieben limitations (server and client splitting) and lack of content offered by prosieben services such as game code exclusives..
    I also don't like that prosieben and SOE are splitting servers so US and EU players can't play with each other, I have a lot of US friends because of PlanetSide 1.
    PlanetSide 2 isn't one of those games where US and EU can't play with each other, but DC Universe does, and I can't be arsed with that game.

    Region locking games/servers is a quick way to kill a MMO in my optinion..
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  18. Ultramarine

    I'm actually quite upset about this. 2000 is 4x 500. So a member would be getting much more than they previously were, (assuming they chose wisely) and access to all games? that was a straight upgrade! So what if I had to claim it? even if you were lazy and never did, claiming one in 3 months was STILL MORE THAN WE WERE GETTING BEFORE. :\ I was looking forward to actually getting enough SC equivalence each month to be worth blinking at. There are so many things that are so deliberately priced just outside of our 500SC cap.
  19. Bindlestiff

    Where does it say that is happening?
  20. Boogalo

    The 2000 SC item per month sounded good to me. A choice between one 2000sc item, or 500 spendable cash is a good compromise.

    I still don't understand if the 500 is claimable in each game and game specific like the item vouchers are.

    Another question: I have an all-access pass that recently renewed and goes through April. Will we get a pro-rated refund on the difference? I would be fine with the refund coming in station cash :)
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