What is wrong with having WW2 German looking helmets?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. Hoki


    Too Germanish! All Germans were National Socialists party members amirite? I think my mickey mouse history book said so..

    Moving on.


    Master Tramel: "Too similar"



    Master Tramel: "keep pushing it"


    Master Tramel: "you are holding to that helmet shape. thats the part that has to change"

    Nevermind that thats a large part of WHY IT LOOKS COOL..

    Master Tramel: "swoop the visor piece back over the helmet. create a raised ridge on the top of the helmet"

    I don't know if there is a technical reason for this, possibly the front sticks out too far to match up with the player's hitbox?
    Couldn't possibly be worse than my commissar helmet's hitbox could it?

    Anyways at this point it no longer looks german at all, but it still looks cool. Not as good as the previous cause those make you think of a german WW2 soldier.

    Anyways after Tramel's suggestions it evolved into this:

    Which still looks cool, great job Arctorn!

    But to the point of this thread, why isn't a helmet allowed to remind us of WW2 germany? The german military wasn't associated with the warcrime of the National Socialists regime. There have been plenty of games that allow you to play as german soldiers and nobody has a problem with it.

    My commissar hat that I mentioned earlier reminds me of the USSR.

    Or was the reasoning for requiring the reshaping of the helmet for some other reason?
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  2. Vinakis

    The last one resembling a futuristic WWII German helmet seems to suit the TR pretty well, even without a notable gas mask. I'd gladly buy a finished version of it for my TR characters, especially since I don't particularly care for their current stock of helmets.
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  3. SolLeks

    If you ask me, the first pic does not look german at all, it looks more like a modern US kevlar helmet (I have one, and I have handeled WW1 and WW2 german helmets but do not own one[side note, I do own a WW2 german Panzerfoust]).

    WW2 German


    Kevlar helmet w/o cover


    Edit~ I guess it kinda -kinda- looks like a WW2 german paratrooper


    Edit 2~ (Could not find a good pic w/o a swastika, Plz dont ban me for it, its history, not hate)

    If you ask me, the commisionar's hat looks more german than this helmet

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  4. LordCreepy

    implying gasmasks of any nation looked any different...

    and the helmets looks like.. you know a helmet

    I'd kill for this helmet + armor tough

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  5. Turkeys!

    Those look awesome
  6. Sordid

    For the same reason that painting swastikas on things is frowned upon, i.e. because people are uneducated baboons who don't realize that the swastika far predates the National Socialist movement that made it infamous. Same with the distinctive stahlhelm, which was introduced in WW1. It's not a National Socialist helmet, it's a German helmet. Saying the stahlhelm is bad is not saying the National Socialists are bad, it's saying the Germans are bad. And that ain't cool.
    I for one am absolutely sick of this... this culture of deference to ignorance and stupidity that seems to permeate today's society. Let's not have anything remotely interesting or controversial, some uneducated baboon might be offended! And that would be the end of the world, surely! Admittedly a silly helmet in a videogame is one of its milder symptoms, but hey, any excuse to rant is good.

    Edit: Apparently the four-letter word is filtered. How interesting.
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  7. Vinakis

    If you're referring to my remark on gas masks... The only nation I was speaking of was the TR. Their helmets just don't look right to me without their iconic gas masks and goggles.
  8. LordCreepy

    Ah well I can't access the player studio items with my Pro7 account anyway...
  9. HadesR

    Maybe it was to close to looking like Killzones Helghast Helmet ..

    Dunno *shrugs*
  10. ironeddie

    Is it as simple as not wanting a historical ww2 helmet design in a futuristic sci if shooter.
  11. vincent-

    Sick *** armor there kudos.:eek:
  12. PanzerShrimp

    German helmets in a sci fi game based....**** knows how many years in the future? see this problem?

    On top of that it can be disrespectful to some people and SOE seems to want to avoid that.
  13. Taemien

    The reason why the German WW2 helmet looks like the US kevlar (and newer ACH at that, we don't use kevlar anymore), is because we copied the design during the Cold War. The German helmet was a superior design compared to what we used to use, so we used what worked.

    Dunno why they wouldn't allow something like that. Because the US uses that design currently.


  14. Posse

    This, in fact it was used in Buddhism way long before Germany was even a country. Besides, the symbol is way too cool, who cares if it was also used by national socialists (not being able to use the 4-letter word is really annoying btw)
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  15. Amouris

    Way to poison the well. Symbols represent something, whither it represents something you agree with or disagree with. Certain events in history are powerful enough to change what a symbol represents, the events during WWII were obviously powerful enough to change what the symbol represents to those who see it generations later.
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  16. hansgrosse

    Why the hell not? From a cosmetic standpoint, shouldn't it be about what the players want? I'd buy the hell out of that original design. Besides, if we can't have historical looking helmets then why can we have historical looking military hats?

    No, I'm far more inclined to believe the idea was shot down because of its resemblance to the stahlhelm, as the OP implies, and that's crap. As has been brought up, that's like calling every German soldier who fought in World War 2 a <4-letter word word starting with N> and that's not cool, because many of them weren't. Incidentally though, every-German-soldier-a-<N-word> sentiment seems to be prevalent these days (at least in the states), and I'd venture to guess BS like this is part of the reason. If we're going to go that far, then we might as well consider every Soviet soldier that fought in the war to be Stalin's BFF, because that's just about as accurate. Ironically, I seriously doubt Soviet themes would be regulated to the same degree.

    Yes, I'm mad bro, because this is a touchy subject for me and goes well beyond shooting down of the design itself. To get back to the point though, it was an awesome design that I'd have loved to have available. Shame it isn't.
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  17. Axehilt

    In before Commissar hat gets retroactively removed for associating with WW2.
  18. ironeddie

    what the players want doesn't always count. The devs or suits at soe have a vision or theme for the game & I could well see them rejecting things that don't fit with the theme. Just saying its a possability.

    I hope it's not due to any possible ww2 **** connotation that someone at soe is being overly cautious about. I surely hope every right minded adult can tell the difference between a German & a ****.
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  19. Hoki

    I'm not gonna lie, thats really why I posted this. I don't like the final version enough to buy it, but I'd have bought the first version in a heartbeat.
  20. Ryme

    I would also wager that the designs look too similar to that of Killzone Helgast helmets. They are likely trying to proactively avoid any legal issues. You don't have to end up in court for a lawyer to bill you for hours.

    Mainly this guy...

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