Design it! Your perfect PS2 vehicle!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Aesir

    The gunmantlet is extended to the top to mount a weapon there, should that ever come ... and the turret is in the exact same proportions as the ingame Vanguard. Would they sit next to each other they would be exactly the same hit box.

    Personally, I would move that turret a tick forward, lower that engine deck a bit and scale the turret a bit different ...
  2. EViLMinD

    My vehicle would be a cross between a MBT and a Harasser. It would probably work best as ES versions, but all of them should have these same features

    - 2 seats
    - driver controls a light machine gun on the front (fixed position)
    - co-pilot controls a main gun (AI and AV varieties) which has limited directional control (like the Flash)
    - NS and ES utilities/weapons
    - armor that's on par with the Lightning (or slightly more)
    - speed and acceleration that's almost equal to a Harasser
    - not as adept at off-road/jumping as a Harasser, but can ram enemy vehicles with as much force as a sunderer
    - a high resource cost (equal to MBT)
    - engineers cannot ruse their repair tool while inside the vehicle - they must exit

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  3. Scudmungus

    For the glory of the Republic - Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!
    (..and it's more stable than a Flash)
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  4. furrywaffle

    I'd take a Thor/Summoner.
  5. EliteEskimo

    I want a 3 man crew Heavy Tank for the TR. I don't care if it costs 750 resources but give it turret stabilization, and make it look like this. I'm tired of the flawed off centered turret and lunch box design of the Prowler...



    Oh and it would have the ability to fire both shells at the same time if need be.:cool:
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  6. KnightCole

    Give me the Masakari/Warhawk....yes please and thank you.

    Ill take 2 Gauss Rifles, 2 ER Large Lasers, an LRM15 and a couple of Medium Pulse Lasers in the torso.

    Dont care how, I want it now!
  7. KnightCole

    Yeah, I would also move the turret a bit forward and then make the back a little big longer. It doesnt make much sense that a tiny turret is carrying any number of 150mm shells.

    Who cares about Hitbox, we can trade a slightly larget hitbox for better looks. Give our shield 1s more to compensate haha.

    Your tank looks like a much better T90. Small turret, big 24 rounds? lol. of course the M1A2 only carries like 40 rounds of 120mm. T90 has a what? 125mm? lol.
  8. Kedyn

    I want a light air transport variant of the Liberator. It will hold a pilot, a gunner (with the same kind of weapon as a Sunderer gunner - Basilisk, grenade launcher, Kobalt, etc), and 4 infantry in external seats similar to the Harasser backseat.

    It would be moderately fast (faster move/turn than a normal Liberator) with moderate armor (less than a normal Liberator) - it's not supposed to survive two or more good ESF's and requires teamwork to use exceptionally. Squad members can spawn on it and jump out of it. Spawn timer would be 30 seconds.

    A small transport like this would add a lot to the game - mobile spawn, quick response, teamwork - perfect for Planetside 2.
  9. Pikachu

    One gunner for eacv barrel and a driver? :D
  10. Serafine

    That thing looks like this:

    Make it look more like this:
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  11. Mefi

    Something like this (not my work):

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  12. Mhak

    [IMG]This is all I want as NC. 70kpm top speed (without any racer upgrades), 1600m/s muzzle velocity (suck it, ESFs) main gun, 3 turrets stock, main gun has roughly mag rider-equivalent stabilization while moving, and it's capable of firing canister rounds that would due the NC some justice and put the C85 Canister to shame.

    It's called the M1A2 Abrams and has been around for a while now...I'm sure Auraxis will catch up to old-news Earth tech any day now.

    Looking at you, lazy-azz VS.
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  13. ghostwalkn

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  14. randomusername146

    Somewhere I read MAXs are considered vehicles...

    Anyway, they could use a little love. How 'bout a NS one? you can nerf it later as usual :)

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  15. ChipMHazard

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  16. Takoita

    I always imagined that Harasser would be something like a Warthog. I was sad when it turned out not to be.

    ES buggies (and MBT, for that matter; I am a proponent of gunner/driver distinction) should have forward-mounted weapon slot for the driver. Ideally, it'd have a free-look camera without limiting it to the weaponry's traverse limit like the current Flash does. Same with co-axial weapons on the tank turrets. ESF can already have more than one weapon for one player, why other vehicles can't?

    I agree that Sunderer's troop carrier function could be given away to other vehicle(s). The thing can already do damn near everything. Would be easier to balance when you don't have to worry about making your AMS/resource carrier/ammo truck too tanky/fragile if direct combat functions were not in Sunderer's purview.

    More helicopter-like behaviour for the Liberator, with different weapon mounts' positioning and options and crew placement and all. Make it like Mi-28 or something. Or maybe, ES Liberator variants that can do that while the current Liberator remains as a baloon of death.

    Galaxy combat loadout choice that sacrifices troop carrying capacity for AC-130 type of fire support dakka.

    Galaxy vehicle transport, dammit!

    +1 to drone carrier idea. Radar jamming, area-of-effect cloaking field and other things like that would be welcome.
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  17. LordCreepy

    Lav25 BF4 version

    Stock Gun + Zuni rockets active Protection and reactive armor.

    Kills inf. ; Kills vehicles ; transport troops ; protected against rocketspam
  18. skyN3T

    New Empire specific "buggies" !

    For NC
    intorducing: "The Hardmode-Cruiser"

    A true NC real hard-mode no-terrain vehicle, equipped with sledge and ski to dominate the slopes of Esamir!


    For VS
    introducing "The Swagmobile"

    Bearing all faction traits, it is truly a pinnacle of alien technology! With retractable roof to give an edge at operations on Indar!


    For TR
    introducing: "The Bandwagon"

    Something that all TR soldiers can jump on and begin hating OP Swagmobile, and laugh at The Cruiser. Gives an edge on Amerish due to higher vantage point.

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  19. ArcKnight

    I want a Gundam, its has to be a merger between gundam Harute and Gundam Zabanya

    and I want my Lightning to be abkle to carry all its weapons, this way I can switch between AP/HE/HEAT/Viper/Skyguard anytime I want
  20. Liquid23

    I want a truck that tosses out what appear to be beer kegs but they actually contain high explosives and a proximity sensor... just for fun every 1 out of 10 will contain actual beer