Who needs ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. ViXeN

    Yes, that IS an extreme example and has that situation every actually existed in ANY FPS game? No. So lets stick to reality.

    As for these so-called top players, I can't speak for any of them. First, what is your definition of a top player? I have a hunch we may disagree. LOL Sure some really good players will use something they think is OP just to get more kills but my point is that any good player doesn't need to do that. They can play just as well without it. So suggesting that the person is only good because of that is silly. And suggesting that a lesser player can beat a better player just because they have a better weapon is equally as silly.
  2. Epic High Five

    As someone who just switched from the SW warpgate, I think you should prepare to buckle down and learn to love Regent Rock/Quartz Ridge because they both feature heavily in your future.

    Rest in piss, SW warpgate. Can't wait for our next week and a half in the north but I've never been so happy to jump over to the Land of Death Canyons.
  3. DJPenguin

    Foolish broad. You're doing it again.
  4. Jennabop

    She should play a support role for a week and watch her K/D tank.
  5. r1stormrider

    The weapon ive chosen for you to use next is also the knife. You said an HA weapon. It is part of the HA stock kit as well as all other classes. Minimum 15 K/D over 45 kills minimum in 1 hour. If you do it, thats wonderful! If you dont...well. how about you delete your character?
  6. Danath

    I farm, therefore I'm good :cool:
  7. Lamat

    Hmmmm guess we'll have to nerf that too. Mwahahaha
  8. Flapatax

    To be fair the average K/D in PS2 is like .8.

    That said, it's these blatant attention grab threads that are irritating. At least DA waits for someone to mention us in passing before we hijack and make the thread a shrine to our egos.
  9. WaaWaa

    Doesn't OP make posts every few weeks trying to get attention where she toots her own horn? I've skimmed through some before. It's amusing.
  10. ViXeN

    That's because you don't know what a good player really is... You think that having a high KPH makes a player good, even though there are so many easy ways to get a high KPH on this game that require very little skill. KDR doesn't really mean anything either and this isn't a person with a low KDR saying that. I've had a pretty high one on every game I have played and I usually do it without taking an shortcuts like stat-padding. But KDR still doesn't really matter to me. What DOES matter is winning and beating other top players and I do that. Go find one of your little 10 KDR idols that you worship on here and 9 times out of 10 I bet you I can beat him. And the reason why I know I can do that is because I have already done it on many other games, from Tribes to CA to BF3 and everything in between. That isn't just ego talking, that's history hun. :D

    So you can talk about your extremely unoriginal "attention-whoring" nonsense or you can try to prove me wrong in-game. I bet you can't do it. :rolleyes:
  11. Devrailis

    I nerd rage when my session KDR is less than 20. #MLGEPEENFLEXWANKAGE

    It's true, the weapons we use don't matter. You should see anti-Prowler kill streaks I get when I play infil.

    Oh wait. :eek:
  12. whiteshadow2000

    No offence Vixen but you spam Maxes and Heavies all the time, the 2 strongest infantry units in the game.

    If everyone did that their K\D's would shoot up no end too.

    Follow Jenna's advice, go play support role for a week and prove to us all how you don't need great guns or resist shield or fully certed max armor to get great K\D's while playing without your outfit buddies.
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  13. NinjaTurtle

    The point is logical though whether you except it or not. An OP weapon is an OP weapon and it has an effect on game play whether you accept that or not regardless of whose hands it's in.

    I don't recall ever fighting you in game but I eagerly await an encounter. If you're as good as you say you'll own me as I happily admit being bog standard average
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  14. ViXeN

    Its funny how most of the guys around here can make thread far worse than mine but I don't see any comments about "attention" in their threads and people don't get nearly as irritated as when I do it. I wonder why that is? As if I don't already know... LOL

    Like I said before, if you guys can't handle a female player being just as "egotistical" and skilled as any of the guys, then you can always try to take my ego down a notch if you think you're good enough. I've leave it at that. A lot of people have tried and so far no one has been able to beat me consistently. Most of them get squashed. :D And i'll admit, I do enjoy it. There is just something about sinking that knife deep into their fragile egos that makes me smile. LOL

    But anyway, now we're off-track and I don't want to let people turn this into a flame war that gets my thread shut down again.
  15. NinjaTurtle


    I'm therefore MLG pro compared to most.... yay

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  16. ViXeN

    Really? Then why don't they? Why is it that most HA and MAX players don't play as well as I do? Why would I play support role when I'm a rusher? I wouldn't be giving my faction the same amount of help that I would as a HA because I'm not playing my normal role.

    But fine... I'll tell you what, even though it goes against everything I am as a player, I'll play medic for a week just to prove my point yet again for the 1000th time. :D

    I never said it didn't have any effect on the game. I just said it won't make a difference to good players.
  17. Epic High Five

    Speaking of DA, good fights last night during the Amerish alert. Until the VS zerg closed in on you and it was just overwhelming numbers.

    Just breathe deeply, focusing your full concentration on the Prowler. BE the Prowler, THINK like the Prowler, LOVE the Prowler.

    Now, when your chi and the Prowler's chi are aligned and vibrating on the same wavelengths, imagine that the Prowler is a man. Imagine it so hard that you believe it fully.

    Then, shoot that man in the head.

    Boom, dead Prowler. You get exp for transcendental killstreaks right?
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  18. SharpeShooter

    funny! looking at your kill board! kills 71 deaths 29 ACTUAL K/D 2.4 NOT 5.8. Got to love them medics! The arrogance on this one is staggering.
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  19. shd

    Wow honey, if you yourself can't see how every single one of your posts is a huge cry for attention, then you have far bigger problems then trying to prove a bunch of unknowns how good you are at games.
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  20. ViXeN

    I'm thinking I need to make a character on Connery then just so I can get away from the boredom of Quartz sometimes. I'm really starting to hate that base.