Is this guy with a 10-1 K/D ratio (playing HA) best player in PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BozoDaClown, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    K/D is meaningless without knowing Victim Time On Mission.
  2. CaptHaddock

    Bingo. KDR by itself has little meaning. But the KPM of 2+ is insane. Combine the two and you have a cheater.

    I challenge anyone that thinks otherwise to achieve *just* the KPM of 2 for a one hour play session using only infantry. He's done that, non-stop all the way to BR100. Impossible without external aids
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  3. BoomBoom4You

    some people are super competitive at gaming and are just very good. it's a bell curve, there are going to be those skilled players at every game. 10:1 K/D seems a bit high to me, they probably only engage in certain situations / certain facilities that they are comfortable with to get an edge. They def aren't playing the game casually like you or I, and say, oh geeze, I have a 10 k/d! How'd that happen?!
  4. Paperlamp

    Some players firmly believe members/people who throw a lot of $$$ at the game are allowed to get away w/minor forms of cheating, or just get repeated slaps on the wrist instead of full bans or even significant suspensions.

    I don't know if it's true but there've been a fair number of threads on it, hackusations being what they are it's hard to tell whether they're just pissed at a certain player or whatever.
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  5. Rogueghost

    As far as I'm concerned being banned before is pretty solid proof you're not cheating, unless you can prove to SoE you are not cheating, normally by showing which program caused the false positive, you're staying banned.

    On a side note I've gotten more hate tells about myself cheating this month than I have during my entire career playing Planetside, paranoia is on the rise.
  6. Posse

    The problem is not the KPM of 2 by itself, the problem is the KPM of 2 with a KDR of 10+, I did get those KPM numbers in some sessions, but it usually involved me playing in an excessively agressive manner (which isn't something that helps KDR btw)
  7. BozoDaClown

    Maybe he's some bigwig at SOE who cannot be touched lol. :D
  8. TheTreeness

    It's possible to maintain a KPM over 2 but in order to do so you never waste a second and you need extraordinary positioning skills. A battlefield FPS veteran was playing PS2 earlier this year (Glorin, Glorinn and Glorinnn (NC/TR Alts)) and he had no trouble maintaning a KPM over 2 with a high K/D. It is hard to believe when us average joes are so far down the ladder but if you watch Glorin's stream you see what FPS skills really are.
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  9. Saool

    I don't know a lot about hacking, but from what I have read in these forums I would say:

    - radar
    - wall hack
    - aim bot
  10. Flapatax

    He's just good, and knows how to pick fights.

    But your scientific analysis was very compelling. The evidence of "because I said so" was particularly insightful.
  11. CaptHaddock

    Then please go ahead and achieve those kills, just try do what he does in a single session.
  12. Stealth Waffles

    Requirements for thinking 2 KPM and 10 KDR is legit gameplay:

    1. Young and naive
    2. Uneducated
    3. Not a long time gamer


    This person is obviously a stat padder of some sort, hands down
  13. Posse

    But Flap is really bad, don't ask for impossible things :p

    <3 Flap
  14. CaptHaddock

    Sure. That's why the leader of your outfit thinks the same as I right? Convenient when you play on the same side on the same server and don't deal with his trash
  15. BozoDaClown

  16. Yaj

    No way in hell are you going to have 50% of your kills with a Heavy and be at 10:1 KDR; legit. That's impossible without some sort of cheats especially with only 21days online, and being able to play "camp" and maintain those kinds of stats with such short time spent on the game. He must be running with a zerg, aimbotting the hell out of people, and dropping clips at nothing to maintain that sloppy ol' accuracy.
  17. ST4LK3R

    You can just sit in Spawn Room and farm high KDR without leaving the Spawn Room at all if your high KDR makes you feel good. Might as well go and play whac-a-mole.
  18. GRiMtox

    "omg, a 101:0 KD, he must be god!!" - No, just a good farmer.

    KD means NOTHING in this game except that the higher the KD, the less you play in a coordinated team and therefor high KD = ineffectiv for the faction.

  19. Kamikaize

    You should ask 50 for that Nivx video he has on twitch.
  20. BigIronRanger