Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. PaperCutWeasel

    Hell, Sony might as well refund all the certs! Storm the capitol!!!!
  2. Vanunator

    Been playing on Ceres for about 5 minutes, everything seemed fine, great ping, people rolling in, then I got disconnected, now game tells me again that Ceres is down =(
  3. LiezenKap

    pls Soe i want my certs from the prowler back, i will not play it anymore after the nerf
  4. Alizona

    Me either. I got about five minutes in on Connery before a SOE message rudely interrupted my game and booted me to desktop.

    I saw a LOT of people combing the windswept icy plains of Esamir, obviously doing the same.
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  5. mogveil

    I was on for a few minutes and I was told all my nanoweave armor was removed from all characters, I don't see why.
  6. Nahwel

    Como on!! I just finished my last final today and was looking forward to hunt some snowmen and cannot even play because the servers are down still??? I wanna play!
  7. obr79

    All servers down?
  8. McFly

    so you be telling me that im gonna snipe a turret thats 200-300m away with a lancer? what kind of low mouse sensitivity are you playing on. Even with the clutch option on gaming mouse wont be easy
  9. Tenebrae Aeterna

    They're my snowmen, you stay right the hell off of them. MINE. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmine.
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  10. pizo1

    I simply want mini nuke launcher for my NC max so that all can whine how NC max is OP :p
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  11. Teslaburn

  12. Cigg

    Servers are all down still across the board patience grass hopper
  13. InvitroCanibal

    It's funny, they basically put in golden snowmen to distract everyone from being angry over the patch.
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  14. ShiroSan

    Server Locked: Connery
    Server Locked: Waterson
    Server Locked: Mattherson

    at least that's what I'm getting although I did get in a couple mins ago on Connery to get instantly disconnected and saw the message about being refunded for nano armor xD
  15. UnluckyFriedKitten

    I give you points just for the respectful tone. Shame it will get lost within the miasma of whining :)

    I do agree though that they should either hit everyone with the same "no refund" or refund everything they change. It seems a little unfair to do one and not another. Especially where people might be investing real money or alot of time in something which has been changed to "perhaps" perform in a completely different way to what they invested in.
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  16. Gooey Engineer

    For all who haven't seen a snow man, they do not move and are slightly bigger than a player, they have nc hand gloves and a knife nose :p the normal ones give 500xp without boosts as well
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  17. jOGI

    Woodman is down again. 2nd time - a few minutes all Looks fine - disc - Server down again. SOE? Slightly it`s getting ridiculous....plz stop doing such experiments at Primetime EU...
  18. Ranik

    "Hey guys we don't have a ******* clue how to balance but here are some shiney's"

    Sounds about right
  19. patz

    only exception was Vortex which already did almost nodamage to Infantry (in VR, a dummy could easily take 10 shots before getting killed - and i am not talking about MAX dummies!)
    Comet was nerfed like all others...

    reason for refund most probably is that they completely changed the ability - so it's more something completely new than something changed...

    "older" nerf for fire rates, min/max damage or min/max range, lockon time etc. does not compare to the kind of change they did to ZOE
  20. Alizona