OK, the harasser is way to hard kill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Hatesphere

    The counter to X is just to pull more X, that's balanced right guys?
  2. Mhak

    A harasser with a halberd and a ZOE MAX with Blueshifts riding in the back gave me cancer.
    True story.
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  3. Kukuguy

    I don't recall saying anything about harraser being balanced.
  4. deggy

    A Vulcan Harasser with a Fracture MAX in the back gave the whole HEX cancer.

    Also, ZOE can't be activated from inside a rumble seat, sadly :p
  5. Hatesphere

    I know, I'm just being a **** disturber. I did not mean any offense.
  6. Conflictt

    The biggest problem with the Harasser is the ability to repair it while it's in motion from the back seat, but i'm fairly certain that's already getting nerfed.
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  7. Camycamera

    i killed a Harasser with AP.
  8. Cham

    Remove the ability to repair it from the rumble seat and you'll perfectly balance the Harasser. Its hard to kill one when it can repair while on the move.

    P.S. I'm one of those "level 90's" that guns a Harasser (vulcan mostly).
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  9. JudgeDeath

    This reminds me ... I saw a guy franticly teabagging someone yesterday, I shot him down with a revolver. You have to wonder, how much of a codkid you need to be to get yourself killed doing something like that. :confused:

    First time ever in this game i saw stupidity like that.
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  10. K2k4

    Tbh I solo harasser from time to time with a marauder and the biggest problem I see with harassers is that the targets don't bother trying to shoot me to death and the ones who do try become priority targets. I don't have a Vulcan but I have tried it on other people's harassers and I actually didn't like it as anti infantry. I find the halberd to be the best mixed target harasser weapon for me. I can't talk for non TR faction weapons because I don't know enough from a gunning standpoint for them but I will say I don't usually find myself on the receiving end of a harassing unless I am cruising around in an AI lightning or harasser when I have nothing to effectively counter them. Its times like those that I seem to rind all the non TR harassers.
  11. dstock

    You missed:

    AI weapons getting buffed vs Infantry and Light Armor (Harassers). This one means nothing, except people may finally recognize the Kobalt for the anti-Harasser monster it is.
    Damage fall-off to directly manipulate effective engagement range. "Strings, mother ******," said Geppetto.

    As a dedicated,tryhard Farmer Joe, the scariest part is definitely:
    I'd also add it doesn't specify ESAV weapons getting nerfed, but rather all AV weapons. Who wonders where the line is drawn here? This reads anywhere from ESAV + Halberd to everything minus Kobalt/Fury. I mean, all secondary turrets damage some vehicles, even the Ranger! I have a soft spot for the M-60G (likely in my head), please don't make it worse. :(

    You're getting better, just a touch more subtlety :)
  12. Paqu

    Iam worried that if all those nerfs on the Harasser goes throught it will become useless and simply disappear from the battlefield.

    Yes its currently too good against infantry and just by removing the ability to repair on the rumble seat would have been enough to make it balanced. Or at least thats where they could have started and then maybe reduce the HP or the comp armor.

    Against MBT's, well at least from the perspective of an AP/AV Magrider Harassers are no more than just fun targets to chase and collect easy certs. Especially the Vulcan harassers as they need to get close which means they just sealed their fate by doing so. Halbert harassers have a bit better chances of escaping if they keep the distance and pull out immediately after eating the alpha damage from the Mag.
  13. Epic High Five

    I'm not sure the Enforcer Modified-H gets 2.5k kills a month, across all servers.

    I know for a FACT that all the kills for the the Enforcer Modified for the Vanguard, across the entire game, don't even add up to a single auraxium medal.

    It was almost certainly the normal Enforcer, though the Halberd is a much better choice for the alpha strike vehicle that is the Harasser

    Vulcan Harassers make me glad I have a Vanguard and not a Magrider
  14. huller

    Like the M40 fury, Anihilator and two hit comets (instagib)? And having 45 more RoF than any TR carbine on the serpent isn't enough for you? having a full second shorter reloads isn't enough for you? Having full auto 167 tier carbines isn't enoug for you?

    You get NS equivalents of TR weapons, where are my NS equivalents of VS weapons? Why isn't there an NS version of the lancer, PPA, saron, phoenix or any of those faction specific weapons?
  15. vsae

    OP, Did you mean that harasser is way too hard to kill with 1/2 default MBT while driving at full speed? Otherwise I find It quite funny, because unless harasser is completely hidden behind something so only his halberd is visible you are able to hit him and after two hits it will run away fast.
  16. Alarox

    Edit: Not sure if you play TR and use the Prowler exclusively, but that is much more forgiving versus a Harasser than any other tank. That aside.

    It would be easier if they didn't have the capacity to turn on a dime, and didn't move so fast that I sometimes can't even see them on my screen because of how far off I have to lead. But that's not the issue as I usually have high accuracy versus them. The issue is that even if I do hit them twice with my AP cannon and my gunner hits them once with his Halberd... they can still heal through it and escape, then come back and try it again.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

  18. MasonSTL

    lol both the driver and the gunner where awful. I mean he didn't even use the vehicles best weapon, high mobility.
  19. Liquid23

    a few months ago I saw someone (a friendly) run over an LA that was trying to C4 his tank then he stopped and actually got out of his tank in the middle of the battle to t-bag the guy... he was of course sniped and nailed with rockets and I got a good laugh but come on you have to wonder what was going through his head when he made that decision
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  20. Goretzu

    Balanced isn't the same thing as easy, never has been never will be. :)