OK, the harasser is way to hard kill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. FigM

    Harasser is the most interesting thing in the game after ESF.

    Magrider used to be very interesting aswell till they nerfed it to hell. Every time there is a "balance" nerfing, the game just becomes less interesting. I'm sure eventually the game will be nerfed so much that it'll just turn into a boring drag, not worth playing more than a couple weeks
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  2. Goretzu

    This is why the US Government has been trying to develope a "Rambo" for 30+ years now, so far they best they've managed is a Wesley Snipes. :eek:

    The orgin of the word tank comes from the British shipping them over as "water tanks", doesn't it.

    So bows were used to hunt water tanks in neolithic times? :confused:
  3. Goretzu

    Maybe less "interesting" (i.e. OP'd), perhaps.......... but certainly more balanced.

    To be honest anyone that regularly drives or guns Harrassers should really be greatful that they go away with it for as long as they did. As it's amazing that these sorts of changes weren't brought in within 3 months of the Harrassers being released.

    Personally I'd have left their firepower alone and massively reduced their surviability though.
  4. Slandebande

    What? And you seriously think you were the only one doing damage to the Prowler then? You must be trolling or something.

    I cannot recall the amount of dumbfires a Harasser needs so I cannot comment on that.

    That video generated a thread of its own, where it was pretty much accepted that the VS shown in the video, didn't really show their A-game. In fact, they were terrible. 1 Magrider (MBT) is enough to take down (or at least scare off) a single Harasser if played correctly. That those Magriders got destroyed was due to lack of situational awareness, lack of ability to hit a Harasser, their infantry not doing jack**** about it, and lastly, that Prowlers were firing up on the tanks as well (if I recall the video correctly, been a while since it was posted). One of the things that should change about the Magrider is the scenario where enemies "burrow" under it, which is quite lame.

    The posts I write here, are at least based on my own experience against the MBT crews of Miller. We have some pretty excellent crews here, and they do NOT go down to a single Harasser, neither do I in a 2/2 AV-kitted MBT. Usually my secondary DPS is enough to scare them off, and if **** really gets bad, we simply take turns repairing, forcing them to close the distance to try to flank, making them easier to hit. Rough explanation, but it works wonders. Losing a 2/2 AV MBT to a single Harasser, means you are doing it wrong. Then again, my crew has also won Halberd Harasser duels where we didn't run Comp Armor, meaning we get put on fire after 2 Halberd rounds, and the enemies require 5 Halberd rounds to die.
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  5. Slandebande

    I do agree the weapon is forgiving to use for the gunner, however, for the weapon to be effective you have to get in closer than you normally would like to, and that brings quite a few inherent risks. One is a stealthed MBT just waiting for you to come (since it can see you on the minimap), this is something I often do in my MBT. It also puts more pressure on the driver to keep the Harasser alive when you are close, rather the far away, simply because cover is more limited, and tanks can actually chase to a moderate degree (at least Prowlers and Magriders can).

    Also, the when you talk about the "Sniping mode" of the Saron, at what ranges are you talking about? If you are up close and personal you can fire them pretty fast. If there is any sort of range, the Vulcan will have issues, even with the infantry standing still, without cover and doesn't react to being plinked to death. Yes you will hit, but you are not guaranteed a kill.

    And in that video they kill what, 14-15 infantry and a Magrider wounded by a Prowler? Wow, so OP! I have no idea why you include the Magrider kill as it proves nothing. The infantry you are referring to a 2:57 was an infiltrator (less overall HP) and he might even have been wounded previously by a sniper bodyshot. Also, he was standing still, on the top of a hill not paying attention. I would have killed him faster with a Halberd. In fact, most of those kills they got could've been gotten easier with a Halberd, as not many of the kills were super fast.

    Also, are people seriously still using the WDS argument? I thought we had already proven that invalid such a long time ago, hilarious :) The WDS was skewed heavily (in both directions) over the course of the season. In the first part population was such a huuuge factor (especially off-peak population as they could ghost-cap entire continents for free points). After they corrected for that, TR on most servers, even Miller (a former TR-heavy server) had a hard time competing on the scores, usually ending up 3rd in the daily score, with VS catching up to us very fast. The same picture is seen on alerts on Miller, TR are in no way dominant in equal population alerts. Yeah, we are so OP it doesn't even show! Right.

    Harassers are not able to beat a competent MBT crew, which has experience in defending itself against such vehicles. The reason people are having problems defending themselves, is that they haven't adapted their play-style yet to accommodate for the new vehicle. The Vulcan-H is just so limited compared to the much more versatile Halberd.

    Also, destroying competent MBT crews is easier with a flash than a Harasser in my opinion. Just get a cloaking device, stealth and smack on some C4 and blow them up, simply stuff really.

    A 2/2 AV MBT shouldn't lose to a single Harasser.

    I would KILL for a PPA on my MBT, it is much better suited for that role than the Marauder is. On the Harasser it is a different case. The PPA is definitely not useless at least. Also, the video you linked to didn't really show much. 4 minutes of driving around, killing 14-15 infantry and a single (wounded) Magrider does not make a weapon OP. I would've been able to use the Halberd in that situation, to AT LEAST the same effect. Try getting a video of a single competent Harasser crew beating a competent MBT crew. Oh right, it doesn't happen (at least very rarely).
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  6. Corezer

    TR won the ENTIRE UES by twitter vote, their equipment is clearly OP!!!!!
  7. Astoral

    Just remove the fckg things from the game! Why the *** these Game Spoilers were ever introduced, I'll never know!
  8. FocusLight

    The post you made that I originally replied to said that a full mag of Vulcan rounds can kill "6-7" infantry before reload, I called you out on this and described how

    A) You are exaggerating quite badly
    B) The Vulcan is an awesome AT weapon and how I'm not denying that
    C) That it's rather hard to hit infantry with the Vulcan under normal circumstances and why this leads to no-where near as high kill-per-mag ratio as you claimed
    D) How the Marauder is a clearly superior AI weapon and how, any intelligent TR who knows they are up against loads of infantry will take it, or even a Fury, over the Vulcan
    E) Finally I find it highly annoying and rather sad that an NS weapon available for all factions does the exact same thing as the Marauder, only slightly less effectively even if it is somewhat more accurate - but hey, this is nothing new.

    In reply to this you first show me a video of someone testing the PROWLER's version of the Vulcan - as well as the Saron and Enforcer - on stationary VEHICLE targets, where all shots hit in the rear for maximum damage, minus the Sunderer, that has more armor in the rear than anywhere else, then a video of MATTIACE OF ALL PEOPLE suing the Vulcan Harasser on flat, even terrain inside an Amp-station where they have plenty of available cover, predictable infantry approach angles and no bumps to throw off their aim, and still can't reach the numbers you spoke of under ideal conditions with a highly talented gunner.

    THEN you go on some sad tirade about a pair of fictitious devs talking about how they can possible **** over two factions by empowering a third one, another classic, tired "devs are biased and out to get us" BS outcry.

    You clearly have a bone to pick with Vulcan Harassers, to the point where you even respond to another player's post with, and I quote:

    "Harassers in themselves are only slightly overpowered, it's Vulcan's that are a problem!"

    Yeah, welcome to "you just lost lots of credibility with me here."

    Thing is, the Harasser isn't 'slightly overpowered'. There is hardly any such thing. It's overpowered. End of story, full stop. No-one seem to mind or cry about Vulcan's on Prowlers. This is because compared to Harassers Prowlers are a slow, bulky, easy-to-hit target that can't be repaired on the move, and the driver(s) has to get out to fix it up. If you want to use the Vulcan on this thing, prepare to get up close and personal with your targets, because outside of 30 meters your weapon is useless. BTW, this happen to by why most TR tank operators that use Anchor-mode use a Halberd on their tanks, not the Vulcan. The Vulcan is not that great on it's own, unless your doing a re-enactment of the Soviet T-34 charge right into the faces of enemy armor to deliver shots at point-blank range.

    The Harasser can get in the thick of it and out and repair while moving, and has comparable HP with the above mentioned slow tank. The Only difference between the Harasser Vulcan and the Prowler version is 30 damage. 250 per bullet on Prowlers, 220 on Harassers. That is not a huge difference at all, but the mobility and absurd survivability of the Harasser itself suddenly turn this oft-neglected weapon in the TR's arsenal into an armor-eating machine.

    The source of the issue lies with Harassers themselves, and they are getting a balance pass in the near future. Vulcans as well as all other Empire-Specific Anti-Tank weapons get's a balance pass IIRC, *even* the Vulcan on Prowlers that, honestly, there is nothing wrong with, excepting how much it sucks outside of 30 meters. And soon it will likely suck even more. Thanks Forumside.

    The worst part of your fixation on Vulcans instead of Harassers is, you ignore how powerful NC/VS and even NS equipped Harassers can be. I lose tanks and my own Harasser to Halberd Harassers on a daily basis. I get killed by Fury Harassers pretty much daily too. Your bone to pick with Vulcans is solely derived from an exaggerated impression on exactly how effective Vulcans are as AI weapons, and your refusal to acknowledge that the Harasser itself is the primary issue here.

    Don't worry though. This cruel and evil implementation by the biased, TR-friendly devs, will be over with soon enough. The devs themselves will be changing this, but I guess that fact will escape your notice easily enough.
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  9. noMnoM

    halberd > vulcan

    choose a different gripe.
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