"Reload speed increased by 36% and projectile speed increased by 08% when deployed."

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Frostbitten, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Thrustin

    Sure. But why stop at the prowler? Let's do this for all tanks:

    Vanguards: Half the shield strength with (1/2), full with (2/2)

    Magriders: Half the afterburn time with (1/2), full with (2/2)

    Promotes team play and such, you know.

    You are extremely biased towards NC and have been copy-pasting your nonsensical post in every thread concerning the prowler nerf. The Vanguard Shield is one of the most powerful utilities a tank can have. The other two don't reach it.
  2. Nerp




    *Gnaws on a tree branch*
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  3. Alarox

    Why don't you actually explain why the Vanguard Shield makes the Vanguard overpowered relative to the Prowler (the Magrider needs buffed obviously) instead of just saying it? It seems that's all anyone can do.

    In addition, why don't you explain why my posts are "nonsensical"? I've explained my point of you, and all you've done is say "nope, you're wrong and biased because I say you are". The overwhelming majority of posts on this forum are just statements rather than actual reasoning while I take the liberty to explain my point of view, but because I disagree with you I'm suddenly biased? Okay.

    I'm completely open to being convinced that the Vanguard shield makes the Vanguard overpowered, and that the Prowler lockdown velocity bonus is actually fine. However, it seems all the people who disagree with me can't do a damn thing other than to say "lol no, you're wrong because you are and because you're biased because I say so, herr derr". I don't want to be a jerk, and I don't want there to be tension between us, but this is exactly what you're doing.

    If you want to reply to me, call me biased, and tell me that I'm wrong, then you had better explain it.
  4. Phos!

    The prowler locking in place means it needs a high probability for first shot on target or else it's given away its advantage. Keep in mind: At the range where anchored mode is actually good the Vulcan can't really be used, but at the same range the enforcer works just fine.

    I am kind of curious why the prowler is seen as so under powered compared to the Vanguard though. I mean, i'd really prefer for the Prowler to not be dependent upon lockdown to be useful because I just don't like it.

    Oh wait, forgot about Vanguard shield. Vanguard shield amounts to "Press F to win tank fight".
    • Up x 3
  5. Chipay

    You know I never have had any issues with fighting Vanguards, they're slow, bulky and easy to kite.
    Even in my lightining I have a pretty fair chance to duel a Vangaurd in close range around cover.
  6. UberBonisseur

    Because prowler is OP, duh.
  7. EliteEskimo


    Alright Alarox I'll bite, because I do disagree with you and think you're downplaying the Vanguard shield. All forumside tankers should be spreading the truth to give us a good reputation. Although I'm not going to be arguing that the Vanguard shield is OP, instead I'll be arguing that it's just hands down the best tank ability and the easiest to use by a long shot compared to the other 2 abilities. I'll also tell you why Lockdown needs the projectile velocity increase to make even by remotely useful.

    Why the Vanguard Shield is the Best Ability

    1. There is no downside to using it and you can't misuse you it a way that will count against you. During the duration of the ability there is no negative side effect, you just carry on your way whether that be winning a 1v1 tank fight or running over a tank mine for the lols. A cool down isn't a negative of using the ability, it's merely a recharge time which happens after the ability has been used. You don't move any slower during the cool down phase or shoot slower so really there is no disadvantage given to your tank during use or after the use of the ability. Compare this to the Prowler which becomes a sitting duck during use, a very huge negative in this game, and has an undeploy time ontop of that so when you want to stop using the ability there is still a downtime phase where you are completely immobile and don't have the velocity or reload bonus. The Magburner's has a recharge time also, however it also gains no offense or defense boost as a result of using the ability so I won't go into that.

    2. The Vanguard shield is the best tank ability because it has amazing utility and is not very situational. If you get flanked by any unit you can pop the shield and have a good chance at turning the tables on them. If you get ambushed you actually have a second chance of surviving to try and escape, if you have racer 3 which lets the Vanguard go 65KPH you can certainly do so, or at the very least try taking down some of your ambushers where most tanks would normally just be Instagibbed. You can utilize it to make a tank push with other tanks if you are working with an armored task force (Oh how BWC would love to use this...:D) . If you notice C4 landing on your tank you can pop the shield and survive, and might I also mention that this means that the Vanguard is literally the only tank with a hard counter to C4.:eek::cool::eek:

    3. The Vanguard shield meshes perfectly with the Vanguard. It has the strongest front and side armor in the game, and it's meant to soak up damage more than other tanks could hope too. The shield allows the Vanguard to do that on a whole new level while getting in close for increased accuracy. Meanwhile the Prowler's lockdown takes away our one passive advantage trait of moving and accelerating faster while compounding with the tanks weakness of having the weakest armor in the game alongside the Magrider. The Magrider is evasive and can effectively use strafe at medium and long ranges to avoid damage. The Prowler is a little faster to help it avoid damage, but Lockdown takes away that damage avoidance opportunity completely. The Magburner meshes well with the Magrider's evasive qualities, but making it omni-directional would be needed if it were to mesh with it on the same level the shield meshes with the Vanguard.

    4. The Vanguard shield does not punish you for using it , worst case scenario you waste it and then face a cool down. This makes it the easiest ability to use without punishing you during the learning process either. There is an ideal time to turn your shield on to win you a fight based on the situation, but there is not a wrong time to turn it on in a battle where it will activaley work against you. Unless you're being all sneaky sneaky in the dark having an ubershield on isn't going to lose you any fights.

    If a Prowler deploys from a short distance from the front line then it's probably going to die fast from everyone shooting at it, if it deploys from a medium distance away the enemy better not know it's there or it will have to unlock immediately or face dying, and if you lock down without air support around prepare to get rocketpodded to the rear and die. If you deploy with a heavy infantry presence around be prepared to get C4'd by a LA. If an AV turret sets up outside of render distance than you will have to pack up and leave. If a Magrider Magburns wrong it will likely face a quick death from Magburning in the wrong direction or will ram into an object and die. If you don't time it right, like if you're on fire while using it, then the Magburner also becomes less useful.

    Projectile Velocity and Anchormode
    Okay, now that we've covered why the Vanguard shield is an utterly awesome ability with no downsides (Remember I want the Vanguard to have its ability left alone:D) Lets talk about why Anchormode needs a significant velocity increase to make it worth pulling. As I've already mentioned using lockdown from a short or medium distance is normally a bad idea, and if the enemy knows that you're there and you're locked down you are likely going to die. Whether it's by a Cloaked C4 Flash, high altitude drop LA, getting flanked by an ESF/Liberator/ APtank or AV mana turret, or just dying from everyone shooting at your none moving tank which everyone realizes isn't hard to hit when it's not moving. This means that long range is the best range to use lockdown.

    Now normally long range engagements between tanks aren't very fruitful because each tank can avoids eachother's shots, or can easily run off and repair. From that range while the other tank tries to lob shots in that general direction in the hopes of hitting the other tank while it goes off to repair. With Lockdown and the Projectile velocity increase it allows the Prowler to be consistently accurate at long range and thus this is the range where it's best used without the threat of dying right away. If you remove the projectile velocity increase you now have an ability that is suicidal to use at short range in a battle, dangerous to use at a medium range in a battle (When enemies are aware of your presence), and now not dangerous but at the same time not very useful to use at long range.

    :cool: ALLLLRIGHTY THEN!:cool:

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  8. HolyMohli

    prowler getting more and more useless... good job ty..

    while other 2 factions have a "Tank" to tank dmg.. TR hasn't a "Tank"

    as i said.. its more like a Jeep with good dps... but also the dps gets nerfed till is broken... big hug, thx soe gj ... .........
  9. Thrustin

    Ok you are right. I apologize for slipping into typical forumside behavior.

    You have a shield which makes you practically invincible. The vanguard is already a hard tank to beat in a one on one scenario due to its high resistance. You would surely agree with me that the Vanguard would utterly destroy both other tanks in a Close Quarter scenario. So, without the abilities, the other two tanks have to flank it in order to win. The Magrider can possibly stay at range and try to avoid shots, while dishing out damage. I don't know I have no experience with them. But from what I heard from the more experience Magrider drivers, it is still not really as effective as it should be and the Vanguard can easily mitigate that with its high velocity bullet shells. It can still however successfully flank. Only from the rear however, because the Vanguards enjoy a rather large resistance value from the side.
    The Prowler cannot stay at range. It has slightly more DPS, which is hard to achieve due to the dual shot mechanics, but is mitigated by the slightly higher resistance value of the Vanguard from the front, and the rather larger difference on the side. So on average, we would achieve only a minor higher DPS than the Vanguard. So the Prowler is forced to flank, again only from the rear due to the higher resistance value, but it can still do so successfully.

    Now, add the shield to the mix, which is a flat out HP Buff for 8 seconds, practically so high that unless you are attacking from the rear or are in lock down mode, that its wiser to just wait it out. And this is where the problems arise. Let us look at the scenarios above, this time with abilities:

    The Magrider might still be able to pull of a long range engagement, by just hiding behind cover for 8 seconds, if cover is near however. However, during this time, the Vanguard can easily close in distance, rendering the Magriders ability to dodge useless, and then destroying it. Including the Magburn ability for the Magrider, it can either flee, which in my opinion should not be the use of an empire specific ability, or try to magburn over the vanguard and get it from behind. Which is a stunt both you and I know is practically impossible, not to mention useless due to the slow turning rate of the Magrider.

    The Prowler still has the same problem at long range engagement at distance. The Vanguard shield only makes it worse. So it needs its lock down mode to actually win at long range. The increase reload speed and velocity make sure that the Prowler can actually hit the Vanguard. At this stage, it has to hit every single shot, because it is immobile. If it locks down at the wrong distance, which medium range included as well, the Vanguard can activate its shield and simply flank it. Only at long range the Prowler really can win, and actually out damage the shield. But only if a very large majority of shots actually hit, and that is where the necessity of the increase projectile speed comes into play. Bear in mind that in order to use the lock down to successfully, you need to find a good spot The Shield of the Vanguard is used to full effect by just the press of a button. Sure, some timing is required, but it is nothing more than watching your health bar go below a certain level and then activating it.

    Now let us look at flanking engagement. Both the Magrider and Prowler have the same Problem here. We flank, you say "oh ****", activate the shield, turn around, and destroy us. Neither the Magrider nor the Prowler have enough DPS to destroy the Shield before it is down, before you turn your self around. The Prowler might be able to stay at range and lock down and try to dish out as much damage as possible before you activate the shield and turn around, but this again, requires good positioning and getting to your rear, unnoticed. Since we are at your rear, behind enemy lines, there is a very high chance of something coming behind while we are in lock down, and then its game over.
    Without this, both tanks are forced to hide, which is impossible once we started flanking you.

    This is what many people don't like. Tactics/Strategy (Never know the difference between the two) being mitigated by just the press of a button, forcing us to hide. This is a strategy I use in the Harasser, hide and wait out the shield, and should not be something Main Battle Tanks have to do. It's cheesy and lame, and no real thinking behind it.

    What I propose is the shield to be change to following:

    -Instead of a flat out HP buff, it should be an increase of damage resistance on all sides.
    -The duration of the shield should be reduced by a second or two.
  10. Alarox

    I appreciate you taking the time to explain your point of view, and doing it respectfully. I'll give you my thoughts on each of your points, and hopefully we can discuss anything we disagree on afterward,

    1.) This is true, just about everything you said I agree with.

    However, there is one point I'd like to make. The Vanguard shield is obviously the defining characteristic of the Vanguard. It has solid DPS (a bit above the Magrider), but the king of that goes to the Prowler. It has a reliably accurate cannon, but loses to range against the lockdown Prowler and Magrider. It has solid armor, but rarely does it make a difference (in many hours of tanking, I've rarely been in a scenario where that bonus has made the difference). The Vanguard is also the slowest in terms of speed and acceleration. Now, do not get me wrong, I'm not stating these things to say the Vanguard is underpowered or anything of the sort. The Vanguard is the king of close range AV and (minus the lockdown Prowler) the best at AA, while maintaining viability at all ranges. However, the Vanguard Shield is what defines it and gives it the edge.

    Because of this, managing the shield and knowing when and how to use it is vitally important. Not as difficult compared to something like synchronizing everything with your gunner, but still important.

    2.) I agree, however it doesn't always protect against C4 if the enemy knows what he's doing. Simply wait until the shield runs out, then pull the trigger. Granted, most players never consider this, and only the Light Assault can make reliable use of this (as I would think most Vanguard users have the capacity to shoot one infantryman at point blank in 5-8s).

    3.) I agree. However, I disagree with one claim you make in the following text, and I have a comment about another.
    -Lockdown does mesh with the Prowler. The Prowler isn't about maneuvering around your opponents like the Magrider; the speed and acceleration support the Prowler by allowing it to quickly change position on the battlefield. The Prowler's defining traits is its high DPS and capacity to lay out lots of fire. Lockdown meshes with that. As for the balance of it, we'll get into that later.
    -About the Magburner. I've even made a thread about how it needs to be omni-directional, so I agree completely. Being able to go Harasser level speeds with accuracy while keeping your front armor forward... such a thing meshes with the Magrider perfectly and gives it viability in far more situations.

    4.) True.

    Now on to lockdown (anchor mode):

    I understand your point of view and respectfully disagree on two points. Hear me out.

    1.) I see Prowlers using lockdown at medium range, and I see it effectively used at that. The reason being, it is a repellent. If you attempt to head to head against a lockdown Prowler, you will lose (minus using the Vanguard shield). Don't downplay lockdown at medium range. Yes, it is situational, but it is still useful. A velocity increase to 400m/s and a large DPS buff at the cost of being stationary is still useful at medium range, and is still useful for AI. I'm not saying that lockdown is super-hardcore-amazing at medium range, but that it is useful at times and gets the job done from what I've seen.

    2.) Regarding long range. The reload speed increase serves two purposes. First, it allows you to fire fast, and therefore adjust your aim more reliably. Second, it increases your damage output. The velocity bonus serves two purposes as well. First, it makes ranged shots massively easier and reliable. Second, it means you can get your shots to an enemy much quicker, meaning enemy tanks can't hop in and out of cover as easily.

    So my concerns are these. At what point is there too much benefit relative to the drawback, and at what point does this ability become too strong relative to the other tanks (tanking into consideration EVERYTHING about tank balance, not just this one aspect of tank combat).

    My question for the first concern is this: why do you need 400m/s velocity? A reasonable amount to me is around 300m/s because you still have the highest velocity and the ability does what it is supposed to do. However... what is the right amount? To judge that, I base it on the Magrider.

    The Magrider's only real strength is long-range combat where it strafes. A velocity of 400m/s completely negates that. Do you see why I think 400m/s is too high? The Magrider will always be worse off relative to the Prowler unless the velocity is toned down on lockdown.


    I'll just lay out exactly why I believe the Prowler's velocity needs toned down in lockdown in two simple points:

    1.) It allows the Prowler to dominate the Magrider in the Magrider's only strength, while still being better than it at medium range and close range. The Magrider is worse than the Vanguard at close range, is usually worse at medium range, and is worse than the Prowler at long-range. Even if the Magrider gains the close range edge against the Prowler, it will still lose reliable in every other situation. Even at a decreased velocity, the lockdown Prowler maintains the edge against the Vanguard and puts it on equal ground against the Magrider.

    2.) 400m/s velocity isn't necessary for lockdown to be viable or balanced. The point of the velocity buff is to make shots easier, and to let them get to enemies that strafe/pop in and out of cover faster. This can be achieved with a much lower velocity, and anything over that theoretical amount simply makes shots easier than they need to be.


    One more thing though. I believe that lockdown should be almost instantaneous in deactivation, but still take time to activate. It seems like a necessary change to an unnecessary drawback. The drawback should only be that you're unable to move while gaining the benefit, not that you're completely vulnerable if you use it.
  11. Alarox

    I think I understand your point of view, and I see how frustrating it is to fight a Vanguard.

    From my point of view, it is very hard to get behind a nerf to the Vanguard Shield for these reasons:

    1.) I don't know what should be changed or if it even should be changed until the Magrider is relatively on par with the Prowler and Vanguard.

    2.) Imagine the Vanguard without the Vanguard shield. It would probably lose to the Prowler in every engagement possible. The only time it would have the advantage against any other tank would be close range against the Magrider, assuming the Magrider wasn't able to flank.

    At medium range, it would probably be entirely skill based Magrider vs Vanguard, or who got the jump on who first. The reason the Vanguard would win close range is because it has slightly higher armor and slightly higher DPS. At medium range, because both are so close together in those stats, it all comes down to who has the upper hand in the situation or who is more skilled. The Magrider has the better mobility and flanking capability, and it would be able to flee with the Magburner.

    In addition, the Vanguard would instantly become the most vulnerable tank due to its slow speed.

    My point being, the Vanguard shield is what makes the Vanguard viable. Otherwise, it is basically a slower Magrider with a fast velocity cannon, <10% more DPS and armor, while obviously lacking the Magrider's strafing or capacity to ignore terrain issues.

    Hypothetically speaking, this is the way it looks without any abilities for each tank (in order of who beats who, first is best):




    Without the shield, the Vanguard is the most vulnerable tank because it is the slowest. With the shield, the most durable. Without the shield, it is the worst at medium range and barely beats the Magrider at close range. With the shield, it gets becomes the king of close range AV and becomes competitive at medium range.


    Your suggestions:

    -Instead of a flat out HP buff, it should be an increase of damage resistance on all sides.
    -The duration of the shield should be reduced by a second or two.

    This wouldn't break the Vanguard, so these suggestions are automatically far more reasonable than most suggestions (like the inability to shoot). I could deal with the duration being decreased, and I could deal with it being damage resistance as long as it is very, very high.

    I have a very hard time getting behind a change to it though. First, against the Prowler it seems pretty balanced so far. I win CQC, you win range, at medium we tie if we're both not stupid. I'm slow but have the shield, you're fast but have lockdown for an enormous DPS output. So it really depends on how the Magrider is buffed when it finally is. In addition... I can't trust that SoE wouldn't over nerf it and never come back to fix their mistake.

    I can understand the frustration to where you can't really engage the Vanguard at CQC unless they waste their shield or you jump them from behind. However, I'm not entirely convinced that it truly is unfair to be able to click the shield and save yourself from being obliterated from the rear. I'll need to think on that. Although, the question does arise on how you would change the shield to allow that while keeping it viable in other situations. Both your ideas are good for this IMO. But overall, I wouldn't want to risk breaking the Vanguard shield just to alleviate that one frustration.
  12. gigastar

    And now i shall post, without a hint of irony;

  13. whitupiggu

    Wow. With prowler being brought in line with the other tanks and the harasser getting nerfed I don't see how waterson TR is ever going to get out of the warpgate.

    Also a stock prowler HEAT turret with maxed anchor mode will have a reload of 1.6 seconds and a velocity of 243m/s. Compare this to the vanguards 4s/250m/s and the magriders 3.75s/200m/s and you'll see the prowler has been brought in line while still being the best against infantry.
  14. Sandpants

    What? Why should it be? Why do you mount a Vulcan on a prowler which is going to be anchored? I could understand it as CQC defense, but then the whole "our very forgiving minigun can't melt people at range therefore its UP" argument can't be used here. You chose a vulcan and it's bad at range. Yeah. Wasn't that... kinda obvious? Get a halberd on an anchored prowler then compare it to a vanguard.
  15. Schwak

    Ya except the prowler is completely immobile while the other can strafe shots. It looks fine on paper but it will never pan out in practice. They added the velocity to make it worth using, and now they are going to basically get rid of it for no reason?
  16. whitupiggu

    When not deployed it has a reload speed of 2.5 seconds and a velocity of 225m/s. It's still the best against infantry.
  17. Ash87

    I am really suspecting this is a typo, as they have it as 08%...
  18. EliteEskimo

    Addressing you points

    1. Of course the shield is the defining characteristic of the Vanguard, it would be foolish not to use it. That being said I do not think the Vanguard would be UP without the shield, it would still be a devastating AP tank, however it wouldn't have a get of jail free card for surviving situations a Prowler or Magrider would have no chance of surviving. (It doesn't always save the Vanguard but if you utilize it right you certainly can). I would also not say that Prowler is the king of DPS automatically because having to land 2 shots with recoil and a small period between shots will often cause that second shot to miss and thus half the Prowlers DPS is gone. I would also say that at close and medium range the Vanguard is very deadly, and even without the shield is a major threat to a Prowler. I love getting into tank fights and I'm trying to remember the last time where I clearly won a battle against a 2/2 AP Enforcer Vanguard head to head in a fair 1v1 fight, and I can't. Trying to take a Vanguard out at short to medium range from the front or side is normally suicide in a 1v1 scenario.

    2. Regarding C4, that's 8 seconds the LA has to wait to deploy his C4 or 8 seconds you have for you or your gunner to get out of your tank and shoot the C4 on your tank, or the LA which you mentioned. The Prowler in deploy mode is easy certs for a LA, so consider that while it becomes better against infantry is also become extremely more vulnerable as well.

    3. As I have already said if you are going into a battle of notable size and hope to make a real difference the only safe range to do so with lockdown is at long range. Long range fights between any two tanks, without lockdown coming into play, is normally not fruitful. It takes the very high projectile velocity and the ability to consistently land most of your shots at long range. That's what gives Anchormode it's one strength, sniping at range. Also I'd like to correct your misconception that the Magrider is a long range tank, because it's not. Due to the low projectile velocity of the shells you can actively see them coming and dodge them, and while the Magrider can make itself extremely hard to hit a long range it cannot dish out damage either at that range. The Magrider is now a medium range tank, and extremely competitive because it can dodge shells while landing shells on you, and at short range is loses out to both the Vanguard and the Prowler.

    4.You're also wrong about the Prowler's ability to change position being its intended trait, because that trait is not unique for the Prowler. Any tank can move from position to position at a meaningful pace with Racer 3, the Magrider has Magburner to do this better than the Prowler and the Vanguard with Racer 3 is only 5 KPH slower than the Racer 3 Prowler. Acceleration is the only notable difference with the Prowler at this point, and since there is a lack of turret stabiliazation that means we can use only use the acceleration to run away better than the Vanguard but not as well as the Magrider, and flank tanks better with our speed. If moving from position to position to position was the intention of the Prowler it should've been given a mobile ability that can be used while constantly moving from position to position, because when you're firing you still have to be basically still which makes you easy to hit.

    I'm actually going to take a part from "Ultimate TR Refurbishment Thread" to show you what the Prowler was supposed to be like, before the developers had another one of their derp moments and only half followed through on what the Prowler is supposed to be. The Prowler is an identity crises tank with an Empire specific ability that doesn't mesh with the tank, more dakkah doesn't matter if the incoming dakkah hits and shreads your lightly armored immobile tank. The Vulcan which was intended for the Prowler's original role of being a short to medium range tank also doesn't mesh with Anchormode at all..
    The Prowler

    Description- "The Prowler's top speed and maneuverability allows it to run circles around all other tanks in its class" https://www.planetside2.com/empires?empire=tr

    Prowler Special Abilities and the Problems with Anchor Mode- I love the fact that with Racer 3 I get my Prowler up to 70 KPH to flank other tanks, and escape bad situations in ways which no other MBT can do. This is quite literally how the Prowler is supposed to be like according to PS1 and its current PS2 description. However Instead of getting to use our faction specific speed advantage with a special ability, and use my Racer 3 to its fullest, the TR gets something that takes all of that away to sit in one spot. It's the only faction MBT with an ability , Anchor Mode, that completely negates its faction specific advantage trait while at the same the time multiplying with its faction specific disadvantage of having light armor. Anchor Mode is special ability that highly situational, is not a straight up buff, and I'm going to invest 1700 certs into this ability to even make it worthwhile.A Prowler has the same armor and health as a Magrider which is why both the Magrider and Prowler are meant to stay mobile at all times.

    Now Then...

    The Magriders strength is not long range any more due to it's slow projectile velocity so that can't be used as an excuse to not give the Prowler significant Projectile velocity as compensation for the crippling disadvantages of using the ability. Engaging a Magrider at medium range with Lockdown will also negatethe Magrider's movements, however the Prowler then becomes a sitting duck which is a huge disadvantage if it's not a strictly 1v1 battle. The Magirder should not miss any shots so any additional damage coming at the Prowler at all should net the Magrider the victory.

    With decreased Projectile velocity you are now much less accurate at range so you must now move much closer to make your shots easier. If you have a gun that is not effective for long range and give it a higher ROF it's still NOT going to be a good gun for long range. Anchormode only puts the user not in considerable danger at long range, but if you make it not consistently accurate at long range means that it must move close and put the user in danger to now make it as useful as it once was. Your shield never puts you in danger, and this nerf to nerfing the one situational range that Anchormode is meant for, which is long range is stupid. They are nerfing the accuracy/effectiveness of a sniper ability to make it move closer where it's not meant to be in the first place.
    As for the points on lockdown you disagree, I disagree with your disagreement for the follow reasons.

    1. The fact you see Prowler's using lockdown at medium range does not mean the user is not at considerable risk to do so, and unless there are several other Prowlers around the one locking down to distribute enemy fire the lockdown Prowler will go down fast or at least not be able to lock down very long. If you're one of the only tanks in a battle filled with infantry lockdown will get you killed if the infantry decide to fight back. The key to using lockdown is to use it either when your presence is not known or when the enemy is too preoccupied to deal with you. The moment you start taking fire the disadvantage of being still becoming incredibly apparent. I'm not downplaying it by saying it can't be used at medium range, I'm saying that in a medium to large battle it comes with considerable risk that no other tank has to deal with to use its special ability, and if you're trying to Anchormode on the front lines *Does a New Yorker Impression* Forget about iit.:p

    2. If you're reloading fast that's cool and all but if the other tank is moving that means constantly having to readjust your aim and thus you can't fully make use of the reload speed. The Prowler has recoil in between shots ontop of that further taking away from one's ability to use the full reload speed. Furthermore at the end of the day the other tank can still run away and repair and it will still be hard to hit at long range as the shells you're shooting are now moving at a normal velocity.

    So in the end my opinion is that it does not need a nerf because the nerf essentially brings it back to how it was at release with no significant projectile velocity. It sucked hard core back then, most people didn't use it because it was even more situational then it is now, and that's why the developers gave it the projectile velocity buff in the first place. In my opinion the reason they are nerfing it is not due to tank balance, it's due to the Infantry whining about be sniped by tanks.

    What tank is still good at killing infantry after all the nerfs? The Prowler, and what ability helps it to farm infantry even more? Anchormode. I did not see forumside complaining about Anchormode, so for this nerf to come out of nowhere means it is coming for balance reasons. The Vanguard is very low skill ability in comparison to the Magburner or Anchormode, it also comes with no real downside while giving the Vanguard a significant defense buff. So if any ability was going to get balanced it would've had to have been the Vanguard shield. If they really wanted to improve tank balance they would be improving the Magrider, not nerfing the very situational ability of the Prowler.

    In the end I play on the front lines where Anchormode is basically useless anyways, I run Max Proximity Radar and Max Vehicle Stealth, so this nerf really doesn't affect me all that much. Although it still makes me unhappy that they are nerfing such a extremely situational ability, that they are removing the buff they gave it awhile back to make it moderately useful, and they are doing it most likely to appeal to infantry players which are already overpowered against vehicles and are ruining the combined arms balance of the game.
  19. Schwak

    Ya, but the nerf has nothing to do with infantry so I don't know why you even bring that up.
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  20. Anubis1055

    Hold on... let me guess... this one is a hard one... but...

    COD Player?

    Its a tank. It is SUPPOSED to kill infantry with ease. You know what the infantry are supposed to do? Kill the tank. If the infantry keep running around hoping to not get shot... well... you know what is gonna happen.

    If you don't like the idea of a tank being able to kill infantry perhaps you should go back to COD...