Discussion in 'MAX' started by Darkelfdruid_LOL, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. PastalavistaBB

    That's what I'm experiencing at every base capture. Did the enemy have 48+ on your base? Let's pull a few ZOE Maxes and bumrush the point! Every ***** time! The weird thing is that it actually works half of the time. Now try the same thing with NC or TR Maxes. People are complaining that Maxes have taken over the Infantry play which is true. But that is mostly because of the ZOE Max. You can try the same thing with a TR or NC Max, but you'll just waste your resources.
  2. Gav7x

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  3. acksbox

    I'm not certain I agree with this, but even if this is the case, it doesn't matter.

    Charge is far, far better, overall, than any faction MAX ability, and balancing the new abilities against each other become moot when good ol' Charge 6 is better than anything else that can be slotted.

    Primarily Vanu Player here too.

    I die less, and thus kill more, with Charge 6 than with ZOE 5, and it's not really even a close contest.

    ZOE may well be responsible for the increased attraction to the MAX class, but there is no actual use or tactic you mention that could not be done just as easily by MAXes without ZOE.
  4. DrBash00

    Hi ho, we (Some Guys from the GameZ Clan) done some tests on the current Max Balancing.
    I sacreficed 6000 Zerts on my Vanu char to give some "unbelievers" proof the Maxes need a Remake.

    On the Video you can see just 1 Test of 1 Standart weapon versus another standart Weapon, but we testet even more and i write about the other Tests.

    On the Video the Vanu max had Lv4 kinetic armor and the TR max had Lv5 Kinetic armor.
    We also done the test when both maxes have NO armor, but the outcome is just the same.

    We also testet NS Decimator in the Face, and it does 75% Dmg like on every other max.
    So the conclusion is: Vanu maxes take NO INCRASED dmg from Explosive weapons (Because 75% + 30% = 75%.... if you belive this better take a math class).
    So this leads to the next conclusion
    Vs maxes have the best ability for AV, because they are hardest to hit while dealing hard dmg with the AV Weapons.
    Nc Maxes.... well i dont think the shield give them any advantege on AV.

    Also Vanu maxes are situational nearly as good, or even better than TR maxes with deploy mode.
    Because they deal incrased dmg, and are EXTREM deathly if they let the plane come close enough before they open fire, they also can get in and out of cover pretty quickly while a Tr maxe has to Deploy.
    The Nc max is not compared here because the shield have no effect on AA.

    In Infantry fight, the deploy mode is just stubid because you kill 2 guys and after this they will come back with granad launcher and rocket launcher and just shoot to exact the Position, because they are no NPCs they remember where you stay, you have to find any position you can not turn 360° so you need pretty much a wall behind you, and there are not really a lot good positions. So there is no "Turret Feeling".

    The Nc have the shield, it is nice fore group combat in Biolabs and makes it pretty much impossible to cap a Biolab or closw quater fields versus good organized groups. I think the shield is fun, but compared to the VS max, a piece of crap.

    Vs max on the other side.... well it runs around, straves left right... changes position so fast... a heavy even cant follow the vs max, kills enemy infantry very fast, and if he moves smart (between enemys) he can knock out all engies all sanis and after even kill the enemy max. The VS max can just outrun the NC max to stay out of the shotgun range. And this all while shooting!!! On other factions enemy Heavy have time to pull a rocket launcher and give a last shot, but not on VS maxes because infight or long range, they are superior, infight they kill him just faster and long range your rocket will probably not hit, because of the straving and the "slow" rockets.

    Tr Max and NC max have both big disadvanteges, TR is locked and NC loose the Ability to charge.
    And VS.... well they have no real disatvantege you just need to know how to use you max... but when you think on the Video from Below, if the Vs and TR max start to move left and right... who needs more skill to kill the enemy??

    Right the Tr max needs to land every single shot on a freaking fast moving Max while the VS max can even aim for the Head of the TR max, because he can only move slow....
    This is SO FAR AWAY FROM BALANCED!!!! I am lv 95 Now and had big Fun with Planetside 2, but right now with epic server laggs freaking overpowered Vanu maxes the fun starts to fade....
    I am only happy to have a nice outfit, but without them i would look for a new game... serious.
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  5. Azsune

    Why don't they just trade all the max abilities around since zoe isn't op. Just give it to the TR and let the Vanu have the lockdown mode. I'm sure the Vanu won't mind they always complain how weak the zoe is compared to other maxes.
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  6. Xasapis

    I think it is universally accepted that Lockdown needs some major rework. Perhaps 50% damage resistance when in lockdown would help.
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  7. Nintyuk

    A unique way to balance the ZOE: Have the ZOE MAX have a gravity well affect for bullets and projectiles.
    Thematically it would be that it attracts bullets and missiles that pass nearby it but programming wise it would just add a second bigger hit box for ZOE MAX'es that if hit by any incoming fire (enemy only, plasma aint affected) is dealt to the MAX for normal damage e.g. Not 30% weaker or whatever it is nowadays but direct hits on the normal hit box will do the bonus damage.
    It would make the ZOE MAX more supportive but also make it unable to avoid more damage.
  8. OldMaster80

    I HAD a cooldown on Test Server but Vanu kids cried so much it never went live.
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  9. Metal Insomniac

    It's clearly fine as is. They're still squeezing the Comets and Blueshifts out of the suckers who went VS just for ZOE.
  10. Xasapis

    It also had three times the speed, that didn't go live either.
  11. NicholaiPestot

    Nerfing the ZOE won't help.

    If you are so inaccurate you can't rocket something moving at infantry speed, nothing will help you.
  12. Dargadon

    And their MAXes will be something like this:
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  13. MasterDemoman

    I shouldn't need everything mentioned in my Sig to stand a chance against ZOE. Just the C4, but wait, you can just sort of sprint away from that at 200 mph.... Huh.
  14. Gary

    Pretty much past the caring point, The amount of time the VS max has been in such a broken state goes to show 1 of 2 things.

    1. The Dev team have no concept of balance and find the whole thing amusing, If this is the case the game is doomed.


    2. The only way they can adjust faction population balance is by making one faction so drastically broken players flock to it, they then leave the faction in the broken way for so long players have invested time, By the time they get round to changing it players simply do not wish to swap again and invest time. Hey presto population balance SOE Style. They ruined there ability to balance populations long ago and now they are stuck with this.

    No other explination for the state of the VS max and the time it has been at this level of stupid and it is still on going.
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  15. PastalavistaBB

    I think this is the answer to all our problems in PS2. Well written!
  16. Santondouah

    Wow, it is amazing for one given situation. Just like the NC MAX will instagib you if you're at CQB, one given situation.

    Now tell me about how ZoE is very good (not amazing) in every situations ? Tell me how many TR/NC MAXes you see lonewolfing and not at all fearing to engage a vehicle at any ranges ? Problem with ZoE is not its power (which is very high though), it's its versatility that makes it not requiring any teamplay to be efficient. Wow, how fun, please buff it and give it a OHK sniper that OS Vanguards.
  17. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Clearly you play NC or you would know how OP lockdown is in most situations.
    And ZOE is meh at best.

    I know what I'm talking about. I got a k/d of 2.3
  18. Ceskaz

    Just to be sure: you're being sarcastic, right ?
  19. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Sarcastic? Why would I be sarcastic at something so obvious? Honestly if you think ZOE is op you got outplayed. And like I said I got a high k/d of 2.3 so I know my way around.
  20. Santondouah

    (Lockdown is a TR feature)

    If you find ZoE "meh at best" than you do not play it properly, sorry. The same way people that find the NC AI MAX "useless" do not play it properly.

    And I don't get your point with your k/d of 2.3.
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