MLG: Not interested. Not even as a spectator.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Earthman, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Shadowyc

    Then they'll want to use those MLG guns in the open world. :eek: And so will we.

    The bigger picture (As in, the individual players mean close to nothing in any fight of appropriate scale) thing doesn't seem to mesh well with the MLG scene, which tends to rely on smaller scale engagements (Which are smaller, so individual talent accounts for a hell of a lot more). :l A lot of the balancing posts seem to be a little more biased towards smaller engagements, because you can notice things more. Or something like "You're either a professional badass or you should get the **** out of this game, you noob. Grow some talent already."
  2. Earthman

    I made a thread about that a bit ago: how weird it was and what a waste of energy it seemed to be to take a "big picture" MMO as you put it and force it into a tiny esports box.

    I'm fine with options. But these MLG guys tend to want a lot more than options: they want to command the future of the game for everyone. Hell, even in this thread, there's the "the highly skilled(tm) people know what's best for all of you" thing.
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  3. Earthman

    Side note here: I thank all responders so far for being reasonable and civil, even people I strongly disagree with.

    I made this post as a response to a toxic thread that was locked down due to the OP's attitude and the bad air in the responses, and so far so good this thread isn't going down the same path.

  4. DeusExForever

    Or someone who has paid $2000 for SC.

    Considering how much cheating goes on in FPS games (the latest cheatware even auto updates for any game changes) K/D should never be considered as more "decisive power".

    The point isn't keeping the level 100 players, it's attracting a steady stream of new players as the level 100 players get bored and leave. Which is why MMOs h-a-v-e to be user friendly to new players, or bleed to death like 101 MMOs before them.

    Planetside 2 is a MMOFPS and MMO rules apply.
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  5. Yuukikun

    I don't understand why you can't realize that balance doesn't mean the game will be harder for new players. If anything, new players won't get lolpodded, noobtubed, vulcan'd, zoe'd all day to the point of quitting the game because it's ''fu**ing unfair'' (i only name a few weapons that are popular in balance posts). As companies want to maximize profits, listening to a rich kid spending 2000$ on the first week of gameplay and sending a ticket saying that x,y,z are op after having only a single week of play time only, it would be pretty stupid to listen to this kid equally to the one who spent 1 year playing the game.

    Yes MLG has competitions where only weapons considered ''high skilled'' will be accepted, that never meant that they will remove all the other weapons in the game outside competitions. Also, competitions should never be ''user friendly''. So i don't see the point you're trying to make.

    Just saying, if you add $ spend in the factor deciding who has more decisive power, then you're bringing in the biggest temptation for corruption ever created (money).

    It's easy to see if someone is cheating in a FPS. THe people will end up with high K/D, but they'll never go in MLG and perform anywhere better than average without them. Your point is irelevent here.
  6. DeusExForever

    A. Knowing SOE they'll listen to the $2000 paying player more than a freebie F2Player (they're bankrolling the game after all).

    B. From playing BF3 the so-called "high skill" weapons weren't much of a difference especially when they just macroed the semi fire to auto.

    C. Cheaters have been caught in MLG, and sadly after the game event even (the StarCraft incident was a prime example).
  7. Shadowyc

    If the competitions aren't user-friendly, then you end up with an increasingly smaller pool of people to choose from as the complications within make it just not worth the effort. Call of Duty and Counter-Strike are pretty easy to get into, even if Counter-Strike is much more difficult than Call of Duty, it's still a lot more accessible than Planetside 2, with a decent enough chance for a total noob to pull a single win out his ***. There was a Youtube video of some guy talking about the subject and whatnot. Basically, it has to be accessible enough for people to grasp what's happening, become interested, and then play said game. :L

    Edit: Think of it like Basketball...but, the ball is covered in nails, they have to pass it a minimum of twenty times, but no more than thirty times, to make a score, and two members must be wearing a frilly pink dress catching dodgeballs filled with lead that are being thrown at the Home team by random people.
  8. John_Aitc

    MLG will be like free advertisement for Planetside 2. Any exposure could bring new players to the game or back to the game.

    I think many gamers are conditioned to think that a game is done after a year and they should wait for the next version. Planetside is a different game than that. There is not a sequel being worked on for the next holiday season like a CoD or Madden *** gamer has been taught to expect.
  9. NB88

    I for one am looking forward to the battle islands, it gives several outfits across the server a chance to have a friendly/sporty match on equal numbers without getting zerged, a nice change of pace imo.

    However i am not supporting people that have "MLG" written all over their face while shouting "z0mg meh 'r pr0z yuz 'r nuhb guh l2pleyz". Thats the attitude that does not fit in teamwork, it does not help newer players to find a place within the game, worse yet it can destroy the game.
  10. Earthman

    I wholeheartedly agree with this post.
  11. Earthman

    You're giving me more of the same "the elite will have benefits that will trickle down to the unwashed masses, you'll see" promises that I've seen again and again elsewhere (including real life), with the presumption that the self-declared elite play fair (ignoring I presume the warpgate camping crap that made the last MLG event unwatchably horrible), with nothing to back it up but passive-aggressive insults.
  12. Earthman

    There's a religion-like faith to these MLG proponents that MLG competitors surely, absolutely never cheat, ever. It's depressing.
  13. Earthman

    I could tolerate and perhaps even guardedly welcome the existence of the battle islands and their polite little invitation-only style of participating, as long as that stuff didn't bleed over into the rest of the game.

    So many weapons are already on the chopping block or have been nerfed already because of the endless shrieking of "SKILL SKILL SKILL SKILL" on these forums and elsewhere. They won't rest until there are only snipers and targets.
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  14. lilleAllan

    LO - off topic: I searched google for "MLG cheater" and found this thread:
    Dude brings his GF to SC2 MLG and she runs of with some pro gamer.
    Apparently Idra stole some schmucks GF as well. L. O. L. There's a video clip of her showing off the Idra-wallpaper on here phone with the BF standing right next to her.

    Is that why you noobs are so afraid of MLG? :)

    Earthman's threads are always guaranteed comedy gold, but this one surpassed expectations.
  15. Earthman

    1. Passive-aggressive smiley. This is all but a requirement for this kind of response.
    2. "hurr u wil nevr get laid" implied put-down. Chatrooms in games everywhere.
    3. "dis guy i emulate god laid lol" alpha-male power fantasy. A 4chan favorite.
    4. Tons and tons of excessive abbreviations. It makes you seem elite. In that little bubble you live in.

    Anecdotes make poor arguments, as MLG proponents love to say about people that report cheating or for that matter rotten behavior. If you believe acting angry and childish and treating a video game as a job will get you a "GF", I guess that's great for you but the odds aren't very good.

    Being civil and respectful and confident and having interests outside of a video game is much more likely to work, if that's what you want.
  16. lilleAllan

  17. Earthman

    If big words frighten you you don't need to post here.

    It's probably better than you don't: you're only making the MLG fandom look bad.
  18. Commissar Penitus

    So, what was the point of posting this?

    Are you trying to say that being a XXPROYOLO360NOSCOPEXX MLG player will get you a girlfriend? Good luck with that.

    Is this just some pointless put-down because not everyone shares your obsession with teenagers insulting each other after organized matches and expecting prize money?

    I don't get it. You just made your side of the argument seem dumber.
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  19. lilleAllan

    Hilarious. I haven't watched a single MLG match. nice try I guess? :)

    and yes, I am very frightened by your wit! I can tell you're very clever ;)
  20. lilleAllan

    are you saying that being a MLG pro won't get me a GF? Who told you this? :(