World Domination Series

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Deschain

    Indeed, and lets face facts here, folks are just going to switch to the biggest faction on that server, you know why? because its free certs free xp free KD's. Soe screwed this up big time.
  2. Nepau

    Have to agree that unless there is something in the scoreing system to account for Population swings, then a Pure territory control will just end up being decided by the Heavily Over populated servers.

    Its my understanding that the Global score is going to be whats generated on all servers, which means that if the pop balance is that that a few servers are completely dominated, then they will produce a TON of score for X faction, far more then the more balanced pop servers. In that case it would mean that just a couple servers will probibly end up deciding the winners.
  3. Locke

    The laughable thing is the reward will actually also encourage a snowball population effect. The winning faction gets a 3 day experience boost which will encourage their players to log in more often not to waste their 3 days experience boost resulting in a win and a new .... you get it.
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  4. Paqu

    And the winners are:
    Mattherson = VS
    Woodman = Maybe VS
    Ceres, Miller, Cobalt, Waterson = TR

    I just dont see a point of this event before the pop balance is solved. I feel sorry for NC tho as I just dont see them winning on any server. Oh well at least there is going to be lots of TR targets to shoot at on Ceres where I play as VS...

    I just hope they wont rotate the warp gates as I like the SW corner on Indar the best.
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  5. Giggily

    It'd be nice if, instead of having the rewards be doled out based on empire performance, they were given based on player participation and performance. So, like, as long as you actually try you at least get a nice looking hat or whatever. They could still keep the empire stuff for bragging rights, but oh man, Mattherson is going to be painful as VS during this. It's already hard enough to find good fights.
  6. ItsJustDash

    Yeah it really should be everyone gets the reward but the faction gets the bragging rights.
  7. Deschain

    This thing was decided many months ago when multiple characters per empire was allowed, look at the population trends on Matherson for example. When an event starts the population shifts between TR and VS, depending on who as better access to a win for that current event NC pop stays around the same 15-30% TR VS can top 60%. I think NC have won maybe 1 event in 100 on Matherson, what chance do they have in this.

    This is Genocide for the New Conglomerate faction as a whole.
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  8. Being@RT

    Won't the most beneficial move as NC to send 2-3 guys to attack Vanu territory? Assuming you could somehow magically convince everyone to otherwise ignore that front. The gains those solo region capturers would be far more valuable than their input in the balanced fight against TR.

    And of course likewise for VS. And then you escalate it a bit and turns out that the two underdogs do spend a bit of manpower fighting each other, leaving TR with the population advantage.

    If a faction really wanted to optimize their score, they'd just aim to start with full territory control, an alarm clock op before the event starts to maximise the score from holding territory. Giving away free points from conquest doesn't matter, and ghostcapping in circles is not conducive to winning, as you're generating just as much score as the faction you're trading with.. but may be useful to prevent a third faction from winning instead.

    Capturing territory is essentially a zero sum game as every region you conquer can then be conquered by a rival faction.. if you play as intended.

    The inclusion of points from conquest is stupid, and I say that even though it might be the only way to metagame (read: exploit scoring mechanics) the highest population faction into not winning.
  9. Bvenged

    I am INCREDIBLY concerned by this would domination event. On one hand, it looks great: It's pitting the 3 factions competitively against each other.

    On the other hand, it's no different to a permanent cross-continent, territory-control Alert.

    What systems have they got in place to stop players on the losing factions jumping ship to the winning faction after the first week or so? On Miller, we'll go from a TR overpopulation during Alerts only, to TR overpopulation 24/7.

    If that happens, I see A LOT of people quitting the game from tiring of this overpopulation nonsense. I'm not even joking. People in my outfit are on the verge of throwing in the towel as it is.
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  10. Thuggernauttt

    It'd be nice if, instead of hacking we were rewarded with outfits that didn't need hacks like DasAnFalll
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  11. UNSCSpartan051

    The way to win this is through strategy,aka Ghostcapping.
  12. Tytos

    If you already have a game with a large European population then you could at least also put in the time this starts in at least 1 European time-zone, I know there are time converters and stuff but this is just unprofessional.
  13. MrMurdok

    So... Did it already start?
  14. Patrician

    Good idea but won't work like that; first the OP faction will target one of the lower populated factions and, once they've crushed that one they'll target, and crush, the other. Remember, anybody with any brains on the over pop factions will make sure that they split the under pop factions down the middle of the map leaving each one isolated from the other. This happens now on occasions now, and most certainly will as a part of this "event".
  15. ZachPruckowski

    Yup, and not just ghostcapping, off-hours ghost capping.

    An epic fight for a facility culminating in victory is pointless if the losers can come back 3 hours later and ghost-cap it after midnight for the same points. And if they "hold" it when nobody's online from 2AM until work gets out, they get several times as many points as the original victors did.
  16. Larolyn

    The only way I can see this having any semblance of being fair is by giving every faction equal time in the Northern Warp Gate on Indar. The Northern Warp Gate always boosts faction population for some reason and to make it fair TR, VS and NC should all get equal time in that position.
  17. Lazaruz

    We should all get a +25% XP-Bonus for the duration of the pre-season. Make it happen Purple community girl! :D

    But to forgo time consuming negotiations, I will settle this matter for a personal 365-day 100% Hyper boost.
    I'm sure the PS2 community will be happy with that decision.
  18. Arphelior

    The only ways I see this working, is by either giving he outnumbered faction a massive xp bonus (one that grows exponentially) or by giving points dependent on the % of server population.

    I doubt warpgate rotation will work for Miller, as the 4th faction on there is long used to the TR winning; they'll go TR nevertheless.. This is probably also the case for other servers (be it a different faction).
  19. Kalendric

    Awesome! Looking forward to my free XP boosters!

    Oh wait, what's that? They'll be useless because there won't be anyone left on Miller who isn't TR to kill to make use of them because they all jumped ship to TR/Stopped playing because it was utterly pointless to face crushing odds red shirts day after day for a month?

    Mmm... maybe not so cool then.
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  20. ZachPruckowski

    In addition to faction-balance weighing, they need to weigh the thing by overall server pop. Capturing and hold territory in prime-time should be worth more than ghost-capping stuff and holding it overnight/while everyone's at work.