World Domination Series

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. daniel696

    This event is so... you know, nothing of good on it. The servers is sh*t now, lag even in the warpgate and they want to do a alert that will take 1 month ? fix your servers first, SOE. And forget trying to cover your mess with alerts and events.
  2. CaligoIllioneus

    Spoiler warning! Plot-important details follow!

    TR wins on Waterson
    VS wins on Mattherson
  3. Flying Mug

    This is so backwards. Do something to at least mollify the underpopulated sides before you hand out goodies to the overpopulated ones again.
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  4. Drsexxytime

    Great, the rich get richer. The OP/Over Populated factions will gain more benefits yet again, kind of like via Alerts. They'll get more certs, faster, and build up their characters and vehicles. GGSOE.

    If things were ~33% pop on each server, then great idea. Too bad they're not, and those servers with the imbalances, who have enjoyed the free certs from imbalanced alerts shall have the advantage right out of the gates. This needs to be rethought and quickly.
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  5. ShinBreaker

    NC/VS can win the world domination in waterson if they cheat ):
  6. CDN_Wolvie

    We don't really need more information on if their is a correlation between population and winning the various kinds of events, we already have a full year of this game being up to draw upon for data sets with which to test our hypothesis.

    What, does no one remember how the event that was a lot like this in January went?
  7. BloodMonarch

    I don't think you quite understand....if TR is at 50% and NC and VS at 25% each, and they both fight TR, not each other, it is an even fight!

    TR are fighting 2 teams that together equal their numbers. NC and VS are fighting TR with half the numbers of TR, but they are only fighting half the TR force, because the other half is fighting the 2nd team.
  8. Sovereign533

    I do understand the idea behind it. I just think that it won't work like that in reality. Since you'd see 24-48vs24-48 on the VS front and 24-48vs48+ 24%-76% on the TR front.
    It is not possible to control all randoms in their assault, and quick deploy cant be trusted on either.
  9. Swoo

    You can't get 100% of a faction to cooperate like that, even though the basic theory of it is sound and what the under dogs should be doing.

    Another problem you run into are the wrecking-ball platoons. Servers with large population leads are able to throw decent amounts of people into stalling tactics while having multiple platoons just sweep over a defending platoon. I've seen it time and time again in that we have 50-60 people fighting, it's just that the TR is able to commit double those numbers on an objective while still harassing NC and VS in other areas.

    After a few times being hammered by enemy spam, the defending platoon gets fed up and starts to slowly log off or fourth faction.
  10. Jaronallus

    The concept is great and makes me excited to play planetside 2 with my outfit a lot more, but the fact of the matter is that (without any incentive) the faction with the most population (the TR, especially on Waterson) will inevitably win because nobody wants to go up against a vastly overwhelming force when there is very little upside for doing so. 23% more experience? Big deal...i can just switch over to the TR and cap 4 bases and that makes up for the 23% deficit in one play session. I'd rather take the path of least resistance, and i imagine many feel the same way i currently do.
    Since i am NC at heart i won't actually switch factions, but those who are less invested into their characters will undoubtedly switch over, which (i believe) will cause a domino effect, causing more and more people to (at the very least) log off their NC/VS characters (and either stop playing, or hop on their TR).
    I recognize that on some servers the VS hold the population advantage, and on Connery i think the NC hold the advantage, but in general the TR have the population advantage across all servers. My perception of everything may just be skewed because during every Waterson alert the TR world pop surges from 33% to 41%, but imagine if that population were 41% ALL THE TIME. Sure, there will be a lot of enemies to farm, but farm does not mean anything in terms of scoring for the domination event. High k/d's mean nothing, and the only thing that matters is sending as many people as possible to a control point and keeping it from flipping into enemy hands (which favors the overpopulated faction). Perhaps the underpopulated faction should get even more XP, or get a bonus for killing the overpopulated faction. Perhaps the underpopulated factions should get health/ damage buffs, or increased resource gain. I just hope that the problem doesn't get too out of hand- and if it does, then i will be interested in the dev team's response (which i hope is swiftly made).

    *Sorry if i came off as rant-y, i am writing this at 2AM, will edit after some sleep. Just had to get my thoughts out there because i know a lot of my outfit-mates feel the same way, and i sincerely hope someone on the team takes a look and at least acknowledges our collective concerns as the underpopulated faction.*
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  11. Stew360

    pretty much this , even if all this is made in good faith by the devs , it could end up badly with players frustration and rage quitting lol ... sadly its the truth

    Alert yet reward the most overpopulated faction or the factions ( overpopulated who as the most experienced players ) while the others get the ( fresh meat ) who wont stay for long ... So basically

    The rich will get richers once agains .. pretty much a glorified alerts also defense will reward more than the atack , but hey who can defend agains 48 + 48 + 20 % pops agains 80 % , yeah pretty much no ones lol Even if you do will you get destroy by attrition pretty quick lol
  12. Nenarch

    Just to say something to the Original posters text..

    We all love amerish.. Sadly I have to work, so can't participiate in the score grind for empire faction what it will be.. I can swear that if we take this challenge seriously.. we'll all be living in amerish because it's easiest and fastest to cap/score point due to no lattice system.
  13. Takoita

    Seems like Amerish is gonna get bigger numbers real soon.
  14. WaiZen

  15. Prudentia

    ehm... guys... all that matters are the last 2 hours of the week... and there the faction with the lowest territory control at the beginning of the week will win...
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  16. IamDH

    Good thing im a Terran
  17. Deschain

    dude hit the nail on the head here.
  18. Deschain

    Even giving the underdogs bonus's won't make players join in, nobody wants to pad stat someone else's stat sheet.
  19. Walking Bug

    Scoring system:
    - Each hour that a territory remains owned by an empire that empire is given 3 pointscredited to that server.
  20. Prudentia

    oh didn't saw that, my fault