So.... the Orion.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigIronRanger, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Vixxing

  2. Pax Empyrean

    I like how he says that 143 damage per bullet is "decent."

    No LMG does less than 143 damage per bullet. I'm not saying the Orion isn't a good gun, but listing the damage per bullet like that's part of what makes it good? That's just stupid.
  3. Vixxing

    Jackhammer, slugs, NV, say no more, had a 85 killingspree in a biolab with one! LA sniperrifle :D
  4. Hoki

    No slugs on jackhammer and HA only, so not likely.
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  5. ViXeN

    All factions have their really good weapons so give it a rest people. We all, as a community, need to stop making excuses for dying and just accept it like I do. When my MAX dies to the extremely powerful TR double Fractures you don't see me complaining about how they are OP. I just accept it and move on.
  6. Lucidius134

    He said DPS not damage per bullet.

    The EM1 has 143@10m but 652 RPM, tied with the T16 Bull which is probably the 3rd slowest TR LMG (tried with T32 Bull) and slower than the pulsar LSW and SVA-88 and the same as the Polaris.

    Basically, NC don't get a high ROF or higher ROF/hip fire hybrid like everyone else and instead get one of the poop tier 143 LMG's.
  7. Liewec123

    Ahem. on behalf of the NC i'd like to say one word.
    the burst mode is OHK if all 3 rounds land, even through resist shield.

    this is the real dominator of CqC heavy assault weapons :)
    the god of all shotguns, the ripper, tearer, slasher, gouger!
    the teeth in the darkness! the talons in the night!

    how do i know?
    because last night i Auraxium'd the monster! :D
  8. ViXeN

    Yeah i'd say of all the shotguns I get killed by the jackhammer more than the rest of them combined. It can be lethal in CQC.
  9. pnkdth

    Stupid post, but I love the fact he's passionate about his faction. Even though he is just another corporate puppet fighting for "freedom."
  10. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Oh no... a gun that fits your playstyle.

    Or perhaps you ran in to a bunch of pubs

    Magazine... not clip. (Or battery if you prefer)

    You know what other gun has similar stats but a 100 round magazine? The T9 CARV.

    But this is VS, so it's obviously OP.

    I could say the same about the 167 damage, 600 RPM EM6 (My personal favorite LMG in the game)

    After GU14, let's look at the average kills per user. All stats are recorded during a 125 hour period after GU14.

    T9 CARV - 54.322 KPU
    Orion VS54 - 52.344 KPU

    Looks like the T9 CARV is doing a little better.

    Let's be real. Each gun for each faction is designed differently to fill a different role. The beginning guns are supposed to be jack of all trades weapons, and the 50 round magazine is absolutely punishing from my point of view. The reload speed is faster, but I think the Orion is in a good place, as is the T9 CARV.

    So you come on here to make some pretty big claims about how many kills you are bringing in, but you REFUSE to show evidence based on some stupid mentality about other people who play on other factions.


    This thread and your claims carry no weight.
  11. FocusLight

    Try out the TAR and Orion at 50m+ ranges as opposed to long-range guns, then get back to us with "best weapon in game" BS.

    CQB weapons good in CQB... I am so shocked.:rolleyes:

    OP crying a generic "OMG THIS GUN IN THIS FACTION SO GOOD, NO WONDER THEY ARE OP HA HAHA!" etc. etc. etc. This tread has no value except to enforce to everyone why morons are moronic and whiners whine. Nothing new on Forumside.
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  12. Kitakami

    All I know is that the Orion is my favourite weapon in PS2. I can't comment on whether it's OP or not, but I can say it feels like the most natural fit for PS2's gameplay, out of all the other weapons. You use it and you think, "Yeah, now this is made for PlanetSide 2". I love it. I think it'd be a shame if they changed it. I think it's a shame all factions don't have access to such enjoyable weapons.
  13. Sossen

    The Orion is more accurate in almost all positions, has .75x ADS movement speed and reloads twice as fast. Why would you need 100 rounds?
  14. PastalavistaBB

    Orion is by far the best starting LMG in the game. It's not just a CQC weapon, it's actually a quite good overall LMG. And yes, VS weapons in general are much better than the other 2 Faction's weapons. NC6 SAW is not the "God Saw" it's supposedly be, CARV is not a "high magazine, spray and pray, mow everything down" weapon (it's quite inaccurate actually and has a high, uncontrollable recoil). But the Orion, well I can't find a downside to it. When I'm playing on my VS character, it just feels too easy sometimes. That high accuracy with that high rate of fire, no bulletdrop, lightning fast reload times and manageable recoil is just gamebreaking. I didn't see a reason to get another LMG. In fact, I see many high BR VS players using this weapon too.
  15. Kitakami

    If there was a blackmarket Orion I could buy for all factions, I would. :) Instead I make do with the NS-15M.
  16. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Only partly true, first let me correct you.

    Long reload speed:

    T9 CARV reload speed - 6.2 seconds
    Orion VS54 reload speed - 4 seconds

    Short reload speed:

    T9 CARV reload speed - 5.4 seconds
    Orion VS54 reload speed - 3.045 seconds

    So first off, you failed basic math, or have a lax definition of "half".

    So myth busted. Half of the magazine size without half of the reload time.

    Next, people also refuse to acknowledge that the Orion also has the highest first shot multiplier and the smallest ammo pool.

    Come on... I love all starting LMG's and think they all perform phenomenally.
  17. then00b

    Orion runs out of ammo too quickly only good if all you do is run around empty bases fighting 1v1. I did go back to it to amuse myself for a 6th auraxium medal, lot of time running for cover to reload, and very quickly completely out of ammo from the entire pool, no surprise as its max capacity is 250 compared to others 400. As a quick note, 100 rounds will generally take out a MAX, though the chances of ever managing to survive long enough to dump 100 rounds in them 1v1 are fairly rare. I've managed to pull it off a few times with my Polaris, and I think once with an EM1, had an extended magazine and had I think 106 rounds left, so if there were maxes that were particularly stupid I could have taken down 2.
  18. Roll Fizzlebeef

    VS has best this, VS has best that, VS OP this, VS OP that.

    Listen, all factions have strengths and weaknesses.

    And can we stop with the whole, "OMG NO BULLET DROP SO OP!" argument? it's getting really old and unless you're engaging targets beyond 175 meters, bullet drop is not going to be a major issue.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're subconsciously not looking for one. There are downsides to this weapon, and you either don't investigate them or refuse to do so and just go on FEEEELS!

    Whoa slow down there, Tex. Game-breaking? Really? You're going that far?

    As I have said before, different LMG's fill different roles.

    Or maybe they're just trying to get the Auraxium on it?

    I love the Orion. I love the T9 CARV. I don't really love the NC6, but I sure as hell love the EM6 over all other LMG's I have used. It all comes down to playstyle and who believes what gun suits them best for the situation.
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  19. Sossen

    Orion is better. Higher first shot recoil multiplier yes, but I didn't take it up because it also has lower horizontal recoil, big ammo pool is nice but ultimately only a convenience when lonewolfing.
  20. BlackbookPS

    Orion is great... during small fights, but when you have opportunities to mow down lots of Infantries at range then you need the Polaris. Maxes **** their pants against it cos 100 rounds is a lot of damage at 143 per shot.

    Heavies are front line troopers, with an Orion the constant reloading does get painful. 3 enemy heavies around a corner happens quite often.

    I think an Orion would be great in co-ordinated squad work but not as a lone wolf in cluster ******* situations.