World Domination Series

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. HadesR

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  2. MasonSTL

    Bad A$$!
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  3. Eugenitor

    Finally, an event that emphasizes territory control! The-

    ...goddamn it SOE can you not do the simplest thing without ******* it up
  4. Notih8Darian

    " After the five week period, the players who participated in the competition on the winning faction will receive an: Empire Specific Decal and Title"
    Poor guys who are apart of the lowest populated faction :(
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  5. HadesR

    I'm glad they changed it from 1 point per territory held to 3 .. At least it gives a bigger incentive to defend rather than just blindly zerg
  6. Eugenitor

    But zergs (or ghosts!) chasing each other in circles generates points considerably faster than taking and holding territory.

    In fact, two late-night groups on Empires 1 and 2 could totally screw over Empire 3's chances by agreeing to swap bio labs as fast as possible. I recommend Onatha and Xelas.
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  7. Rennavar

    Winner will receive title: "Zergling"
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  8. Swoo

    Ok, I hate being the first guy to put this into the thread, but how in the hell can you have an objective based game when the populations are so out of control at the moment?

    Also, what's to stop people from playing all three factions during the time frame gaining a 100% possibility of reward, compared to the 33% someone with just one faction on a server would have? I mean, you can't penalize someone for having multiple characters on a server that they played before the competition starts, but on the other hand it seems like it's just another way to juke the system.
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  9. Eugenitor

    Oh, and the empires that win this thing will become the factions for fourth factioneers to swap to during alerts. They will become The Permanent Winners, as determined by SOE.

    A lot of people wanted ways for one empire to claim permanent victory over the other two. Well, you got it. You also gave the masses of fourth-faction lamers a place to go.
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  10. DJPenguin

    Where's the incentive for low pop empires? Alerts have proven the 4th faction problem exists and now Sony is giving us an alert that lasts an entire month. They may as well hand out the rewards to the largest pop faction on each server right now and spare the other two from a potential month long mess.
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  11. KenFGX

    I feel so bad for the NC :(
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  12. HadesR

    True :(

    Plus with things like splash dmg going through shields being worse than before the *cough* fix *cough* I can see every noob and their dog exploiting just to " win "
  13. xboxerdude

    Prediction, Vanu win Matherson
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  14. Eugenitor

    Anyone want to take bets against this?



    (Reminder: Mattherson is home of the extremely aggressive late-night crew that played a large part in throwing TE off the server. They're probably rubbing their hands in anticipation right now.)
  15. Negator

    Doesnt hurt being the best server faction in all of planetside.
  16. patricio_z

    What the h*ll is SOE thinking with this?? Who is willing to bet against the TR winning on Waterson?? or Vanu on Matherson?? or TR on Miller??...aren't alerts enough encouragement to 4th factioners?? now we need this?? No wonder this game is losing players like mad, SOE just fail to get it again and again...
  17. ItsJustDash

    Welp... NC... I hate to say it... I don't think we will be getting shinnies.

    Even though we like shiny things... we won't be getting it unless we get our **** together.
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  18. ArmedGoose

    What a crap idea with the current population imbalances. Absolutely no point.
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  19. Nepau

    Look at it this way, say there are 10 territory. over time your going to get more Points for holding more territory then just ghost capping, and the extra points for captures increases the incentive to defend since they attackers, if they win will get a larger score advantage.

    I do think the Pop imbalances are going to cause issues for this, especially globally, since it will mean that server with horrible balance will swing things far more then a balanced server.

    I do hope that they add some sort of balancing factor (overall score is adjusted based on populations, so if a lower population is holding say 3 bases, they will get MORE points then then a Super high pop holding 4 or 5. This can also help some of the 4th faction jumping thats just going to happen, since if they over pop the "winner" then they are in fact hurting their overall score compared to if the fights are more balanced.
  20. HadesR

    Meh we will still try though .. On Connery we are used to fighting VS and their TR lapdogs so a struggle is nothing new :p

    Personally I would have preferred if they made the results based on just one continent per week.
    Week 1 : Indar
    Week 2 : Amerish
    Week 3 : Esamir
    Week 4 and 5 : One picked at random.

    It would allow even under pop'd factions to meet their opponents on a more even playing field and not skew the results based on over population or 4th factioning.
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