Heavy assault + resist shield + ( Ar/SMG like LMG ) are seriously OP and imbalanced ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    50% of people or more SHOULD be playing heavy in a big infantry fight. That's the whole point of the HA class - it is the grunt. The work-horse of the army. Not a support class but a fighting machine designed to deal and take damage.
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  2. Andrea SKye

    That is my first charactor. My other charactors are MLPTwilightSparkle (Ceres) and GreatanPowerfulTrixie (Matherson). I was pretty bad when I first started playing this game.
  3. Aegie

    Heavy assault is not heavy.

    Why does every assume that the HA should be the grunt and make up the significant majority of the player pool? Is it just because or is it just because they are the best?
  4. Stew360

    As much as i can agree i also disagree , Bad or mediocre players can share their ( feeling ) or how they enjoy or not playing the game ,but there is no way where their opinion on balance can be taken seriously since they are simply bad at using most game mechanics , so their opinion will always be misconception and kinda off .. its a matters of facts

    Something thats is OP in a Good players hand can be just a tad over the top but not game breaking in a mediocre players hand , and this is where it become problematics .

    You cannot balance thing base on mediocre players , since good players will find and abuse these mechanics/classes/weapons , and the game will become a true mess

    This is whats happen with the HA classes at the momment , Good players abuse it and mediocre players found a ( sweet spot for them

    Mediocre players who are use to 0.3 or 0.2 KDR find themself been able to make some 0.8 to 1 kdr and good players 2.5 kdr or 3.0 kdr find themself beating the cap of 5.0 kdr to 9.0 kdr while playing almost exclusively with HA .

    Yes all classes can achive high KDR but its alsways situational and its not even the goal of thats topic the goal is simply bring the balance and skills back , considering the RAW ttk and options avaiable to the players , I want more Options less nonsens on the Raw ttk and no more unworthy direct hp buff ...
  5. Lockerius


    THIS has been the most accurate post of the thread.

    Moving on to less whiny things.........

    PS: Yes, I have played heavy assault once or twice. SUE ME.
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  6. Patrician

    Ah, I see; you're a K/D *****: its all about showing off your awesome "skillz" and massaging your ego. Now we see what motivates your constant whines.
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  7. isilyan

    When it comes to Stats, I let my old coach speak...
    "Stats are like the miniskirt on a hot chick, nice to look at..But hides whats really important" :p
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  8. Stew360

    You dont want to understand the whole point and clearly biased toward your Own personal motivation , I care about the balance and the fairness between the class

    I dont even use NW armor even if iam a BR100 with tons of certs and have all NW armor maxs and not using it ;) , because i find it cheap and unsporty and i want those to be remoove , not fix with duck tape ...

    HA class is Overkill and need to be rebalance , the ability to synegie HA shield and NW is OP , the ability to stack NW and INF resist cloak is also OP since it allow the INF to have 35 % resistance with this clock while cloaked and also have NW 25 % more HP make this Infiltrator have a unworthy edge but still cant be compare to the HA with RS5 and NW5

    KDR ( if not boosted ) , i mean if you play for objective and play legit .. KDR is a way to see if your a efficient players and if you are good at aiming and at the game as a whole , yes many players can (( farm )) their way to boost their KDR those KDR mean nothing but when you play the game as anybody work toward objective and so on your KDR is a important stats thats show your efficiency as a players and as a killers wich is the only thing thats matters when it comes to weapons and classes efficiency

    HA are OP in good players hands , ZOE is even more OP in a good players hands , NW is Op in 1 vs 1 combat equally skilled player the NW one as the edge in raw ttk and its awefull it force into NW ...

    These issue are no big deal for joe casual who dont give a damned about the game mechanics etc.. but for me all those TTK issue mixed with LAG compensation create even biggers problems these 25 % to 100 % health buff create a Annoying mixture with LAG compensation where they die on your client but still have 20 % helth left on their client this extra HP give them the time to finish you up before you kill them ( on their client ) SO AT THE END , they were suposed to be dead whiout a kill but they end up with a Kill and a dead ...

    If you denied all thats just because you want to keep your own Advantage and playstyle you just proove to be egoistical and selfish .. These issue as to be fix and look into for everyones to have a FAIR and SKILLSBASED experience base on aiming situational awareness and reflexs , not on OP loadout and combinaison ;)
  9. MarkedBullet

    This is not a 1 vs 1 game.
  10. TheBloodEagle

    Ok, so you have 12 people in a squad. How would you divide them up?
    I'd say, in my ideal, it should be like 5 HA, 2 Medic, 2 Engie, 2 LA, 1 MAX.. HA would still be majority... the grunt.
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  11. Stew360

    This isnt a justification , in this game you have no class limitation whats so ever , the HA weaponry/caracter moovement and agilitys /survivability , do not make sens just because you say so ...

    Hey the HA are the grunt , its perfectly balanced lol

    This is the kind of BS i cant stand , HA as to be consider as they are and how they are used and whats are the repercussion of this classes in infantry versus infantry , EVERYTHING as to be taken in the balance , and everything as to be consider , From the TTK and RAW ttk to the weapons avaiable to the caracter moovement to the LAG compensation side effects etc..etc..

    LOW ttk weapons Mix up with High TTK survivability is compleatly UNworthy and UNfair , since the classes as no limitation whats so ever at anything , they are agile , they are allowed to use medical kit and restoration kit , they have acess to SMG and Shotguns wich are the lowest TTK weapons in this game in CQC but the HA can combine those whith a 2.0 to 2.5 X higher HP , with almost NO limitation

    The SMG strafing speed Negate the shield slow down effect and create some awefull repercussion in the game

    HA as to be revisited and rebalance as well as ZOE and Nanoweave armor those are the top 3 most game breaking thing in this game Beside performance and Lag compensation issue ...
  12. Thardus

    Unless you're playing HA, try to avoid going toe to toe with anyone. Medics have range, engies have vehicles or friends, and infils and LA can sneak up on the opponent.
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  13. Thardus

    Because right now HA and LA are both just as agile, right? :rolleyes:
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  14. Simferion

    It's funny. It's just like asking in a class based RPG that a Magician or a Thief could go meleeing with a Fighter and have a fair fight.

    I'd like to point out that a HA is a class which can only gain XPs by fighting just like LA and (mainly) the Infiltrators. If you cannot fight for long , what's the point of the class?
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  15. Stew360

    Whats is the point of a suport class with LMG in battlefield ? Whats the point of a ENG in battlefield ?

    Is any classes in BF grant them 2.0 X survivability ?

    NO it dosent all classes have the same RAW TTK and ALL classes are usefull in some way due to their arsenal and gadjet , maybe the HA could be more interesting with more usefull and team absed ability than a UNWORTHY NO BRAINERS TTK SCREW UP BS

    HA have LMG/smg/ar lmg /shotgun/ HAweapons and ROCKET & EXCLUSIVE CONCUSSION GRENADE
    MEdic have AR and SMG and Shotguns can heal and revive
    LA have Carbine Shotguns and SMG , can use jetpack to sneak up

    In battlefield the Suport have acess to LMG and is the Only classes who as acess to LMG exactly like the HA from planetside they also have acess to rockets wich No others classes have acess to and also have acess to a Special Heavy weapons such as MMG , Lasher and ( joke Hammers ) , while they also hyave acess to C4 , self healing tool , sotguns smg etc..

    This Unworthy shield isnt the reason thats make the HA a good classes ,

    Planetside 2 isnt a RPG with Tanks/Healer/caster etc..

    Planetside 2 is a competitive FPS on a larger scales , its much mroe a game like BF than a game Like EQ or WOW , sorry to break your bubble here ..

    On this wich class can camp on a top of a hills destroying any vehicules air and ground on sigth with Lock on rockets ? Wich classes ? no others classes than the HA so basically destroying a insane armor collum dont grant XP ?

    HA isnt suposed to be a tanks the maxs are , the HA is able to do exactly whats you gonna see in this video NO others can so yeah
  16. Simferion

    HA is made to be a resistant grunt. It's the main force you have to direct your effort to bring down. HA can only kill and only face to face to get XPs. The teamwork ability is to soak up damage in the push and to break through enemy defenses.

    This is not a simple FPS, this is a MMOFPS and you need specific roles which can work in sinergy each other.
    They have rockets because BR1s need to fight vehicles too. It's the fact they have a powerful arsenal they don't do anything else.
  17. Stew360

    Sorry but we have a Tanks like unit in PS2 and this tanks classes is call a maxs suposed to be slow and slugish to justified its roles , but the funniest thing is thats SOE have implemented a AWEFULL and insane ability thats have screw up this balance call ZOE ;)

    Maxs have a cooldown and isnt a true infantry class

    Also Ps2 isnt a RPG

    its a competitive FPS

    So your comparaison is blantantly awefull ...

    PS2 classes as to be in part with others and all classes as to share a pretty even ttk , and have to be diferenciate by their weaponry and options available

    Having more survivability is Simply overkills since they have no true downside or weakness thats come with it

    they can heal themself like any others classes they have acess to SMG and shotguns + exclusive Rockets , concussion nade , and heavy weapons etc..

    HA have a lots for themself beside the HP boost iam sorry but the HA class as to be revisited for the good and healthyness of this game

    You do not make a games bases on baddies who want to have more survivability or on exploiters who use the baddies tools to be twice as good
  18. anaxim

    ^This is the correct opinion for the HA. It is the basic class of the game.All the other classes are specialized in other things than heavy assaulting. If HA was balanced in 1vs 1 what kind of heavy assault would he be?
    (more than 50% actually should be playing as HA in infantry fights ....but it is a little boring)

    It is not that I try to defend my favorite class......on the opposite I have stopped playing as heavy assault months ago ,I now play all the other classes except HA.
  19. Tipper

    Each class has their advantages, and the heavy's happens to be infantry combat (if you ignore rocket launchers, they should replace something). This is like saying LA is OP because they flew up onto the building I was on and killed me, the medic is OP because they revived the guy I killed and then he killed me, the infiltrator is OP because he sniped me and I didn't see him or the engineer is OP because he repaired the vehicle I was killing and got away.

    Everyone has access to HA, so if you're going to be in a one on one fight, bring a HA. If you're going to be at range, take an infiltrator. If the heavy is so OP, why isn't everyone running around with one? Because they need support. They can kill things, and pretty much nothing else.

    I'd place my bet on 8 HAs, 3 Medics and an Engie over 12 HAs any day.
  20. Stew360

    Your comparaison is compleatly out and compleatly wrong , LA no matter if they can fly on top of a building their Raw TTK isnt overkill and their Raw ability to kill is also Not overkill , If a LA was actually Using a weapons thats grant a 2X faster ttk like a Super carbine with 2X ROF and damage MAYBE you could call it OP but this isnt the case here

    WICH the HA class IS actually OP considering the damage they can deal and their 2X + TTK armor + shield , they kill 2 time faster than whats they can be kill and can ad on top of it to be even more OP while using injector ...etc ...

    Your comparaison remind me of thats clip ...

    LA are not a problem by any mean since their RAW ttk and weapons are actually pretty much the same as other infantry , their mobility dont make them OP like a ZOE maxs because mobility on fragile target dont really hurt the game since the jetpack are not Uber fast and FIt in the game and are manageable to deal with Unlike the HA with their shield and LMG weapons with massive magazine compare to AR and carbine thats sometime need to be reaload to deal with a single heavy with maxs out shield and NW

    YOUR COMPARAISON ( sarcastic ones ) Make me think of thats , Asking to fix thing is for you ruining a feature thats you cannot exploits no more so you overexagerate the issue trying to make it look ridiculous like you did with your LA exemple

    Fixing exploits and bad game design is FIXING and MAKING the game better , not ruining it and not BS everyones about Non sens and misleading theorie ...

    Here is a exemple of your way to derails thing and make everything look ridiculous ...

    ( helicopter should not fly because if it fly its OP ) 1:20 in the video ;) this is the exact same thing as you mentioned as a exemple , you are misleading peoples and insulting my inteligence ;)