NC Infantry have no AV weapon that can engage fast moving targets at long range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    No they shouldn't, falcons are the close range AV weapon, fractures are long range AV. Ravens are guided to aid in long range use.
  2. Epic High Five

    The best part of playing TR lately is watching as my now friendly Prower/Vulcan/Marauder Harassers/Mossies just **** all over the NC with impunity because they're limited to common pool lock on and the worst bursters in the game to combat them. It's just really sad killing HAs who are trying their best with their expensive ESRL, just standing there behind a rock doing 1/4 decimator damage per reload all helpless like.

    TR has so much rockin ****, everybody who mains NC needs to try it out because you wont believe it otherwise.
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  3. Goretzu

    The problem is Fractures are just better than either at any range.
  4. Goretzu

    The have a lot less range, plus carrying them isn't a likely as they can't light up both AA and AV.
  5. Van Dax

    the g2gs have like 400/500 (psu wiki says 500 but when I tested it a while back it was 400) meters of range lancer damage degredation starts at 400m, as far as I can tell the g2gs are quite good in this regard.
  6. Kociboss

    Damn right.

  7. theholeyone

    Unless they use different resist types or something, the falcons do similar DPS, and more if adjusting for reloads on the fractures. Anyway, the point is, its the fractures that need the change, not the falcons. Balance falcons and pounders to the comets standard, and balance the long range ES AV weapons to be less DPS than these up close, but useful out to much further ranges.
  8. Fang7.62

    Vanguards, AV harrasers, and AV MANA spam is what NC has for long-ish ranges. Presence of a few NC HAs doesnt result in invisible bane of vehicles in that hex and beyond. Phoenix is a joke weapon. Sure its fun to use but thanks to the time you spend guiding the rocket while standing still + subsequent long reload time it results in absolutely ****** damage output that single engie can outrepair and the 300m range makes it even less effective. Wanna start an AV party camping on a hill sniping both tanks and aircraft? Tough luck, cant grab anything else than tickle-hilators and AV mana turrets (which are so broken and ignored by SOE its ridiculous but hey, lets use them as long as we can).

    I just stick with shooting decimator at everything and switching to AV Mana engie/annihilator HA when going to camp a hill. Hell even suicide LA runs with drifters and 2 C4 are better than phoenix lol.
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  9. Shoza Nakh

    Last Saturday Miller NC had 25% of World Pop in prime time hours. Maybe it must become 20% or 15% to make things more clear.
  10. Scorponok

    well wanna know something funny about NC having low pop...there is NO difference in how much terf they's about some what the same populations on woodman..but even when the population drops the terf % doesnt really drop at what happend to NC?something good they got ridd of dead weight...thats all..
  11. Vixxing

    Common... VS got Lancer? Really? Hit fast moving targets long range? Common! The red vehicle thingy obscures the 3 pixels you see at long range and then its moving too? And if you manage top hit a full charge WHOPEEE! 700 Damage AWESOME! You are better of with MANA-AV atleast if you hit you do damage...
  12. llPendragon

    I agree.
    NC was given a good AI ESRL, but that was immediately changed into a horrible AV one.
    NC was given a nerfed common pool weapon as it's "new" MAX AV gun.
    NC's best AV vehicle weapon, the Enforcer, was changed to be less AV.
    The MAX abilities buffed TR and VS's AV capability for all weapons.
    The Harasser was introduced, which is inherently more powerful against slower firing weapons.

    NC has fallen waaaaaaay behind in infantry AV ability.
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  13. WTSherman

    The point of the thread of course, is that the NC has more difficulty specifically dealing with Harassers than the other factions do.

    Strikers take out Harassers just fine, I do it all the time as TR.
    Lancers aren't quite as good, but their speed and lack of drop makes them pretty good against Harassers.
    The best anti-Harasser weapon NC infantry have is the Gauss SAW, because the Crow can't hit the damn things. Needless to say, this is less effective than a good rocket launcher.

    If the Crow's rocket was a little more nimble this wouldn't be a problem.
  14. Vastly

    Doesn't seem like you've tested it. The distance the missile can travel depends on the position of the character, not the position it was fired from. This means that if you fire it after stepping onto a jump pad, then travel 150m in one direction, the missile will only fly 150m in the opposite direction. This effect is obvious when you look at the distance indicator in the corner. It counts up to 300m a lot faster if you're moving quickly in the opposite direction.
  15. Epic High Five

    What are you talking about, don't you also shed a tear at the beauty of that nimble rocket nimbly dunking face first into the ground 10 feet in front of the target? It's beautiful man.

    Who said the Fractures need a buff and the Falcons are fine? You're a goddamned idiot what the ****. Anything that literally goes literally as fast as a grenade despite its tooltip is literally useless unless it's a grenade. The convergence on the Falcons is so ****** that you can't hit **** close up, and even a Vanguard could casually get out of the way of the damn things. Falcons are the worst 1st Gen MAX AV because at least Pounders can bother infantry.

    Ravens are pretty nice but they're basically an AV turret for double the cost that you can't just resurrect on a whim 6 seconds later.

    Are you NC guys listening to me? Play TR dudes this is fun as ****. Get a TAR and just marvel at what the other side has had this whole time.
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  16. Shatters

    In their current state the falcons are trash.
    Just trash.

    Also, problem is not NC lacking options.
    Its that TR and vanu actually HAVE the options of engaging vehicles at long range with accuracy and high-chance of succes.
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  17. Fredfred

    Anchored prowler with ap rounds is superior. Go ahead and try it in the vr room.
  18. Luighseach

    Actually the Stryker and Lancer have really good range that can hit vehicles. Trying to get away from a Stryker is terrifying. Luckily on the Lancer part I play on Waterson so I have yet to have a problem with Lancer squad since majority of VS players are in ZOE maxes farming.
  19. KlyptoK

    The only issue is that the range is too far on the other faction AV weapons.

    It's crazy to have infantry firing from beyond both the render range and the possible engagement range of a tank for a target that small. Totally nuts to believe that infantry hand-held weapons should outrange, outpace, and outperform large gun platforms on armored hulls.

    Unless there's some mystical update I don't know about that's coming to double the velocity of tank rounds, give tanks 6x zoom optics, and increase the render distance of infantry from 250-300 meters to 500 meters I'm not sure what the thought process is.
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  20. MilitiaMan


    Annihilator I know I just bought you, and this is crazy.

    But here's my target, so lock-on maybe?
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